Will Gordon and Alyx become more intimate? ;)

Element88 said:
Sorry for reviving such an old thread, but I think it's good.
As for my opinion, as far as I know Valve, they will let YOU choose whether you like Alyx or not. Personally, I like Alyx.
And by the way, Alyx's voice actress isn't needed in HL2: Aftermath bacuse you play Alyx and again, you don't talk.
Every of the characters, including Freeman, is very talkative as long as you don't play his role... ;)
Err... We will play as Gordon.
I've heard we're going to play as Alyx...
I need an update... ;)
how could gordon and alex hook up really?
i can just imagine alyx making out with your computer screen (as you slowly see gordon's hands reach up...)
gabriel said:
i can just imagine alyx making out with your computer screen
Which is pretty much with what most of us nerds do already.

...what? Y-you guys don't do that?
Hold down the E button and watch Alyx's breasts massage themselves. Or even better, use the gravity gun. But make sure Eli doesn't see the bruises.
The Citadel is collapsing and Gordon and Alyx have time for a quick shag.

Don't think so.
AJ Rimmer said:
Which is pretty much with what most of us nerds do already.

...what? Y-you guys don't do that?
Nice... real nice
well...I've never ventured into this part of the forum before. I'm now scared :D
xLostx said:
well...I've never ventured into this part of the forum before. I'm now scared :D

Word of advice, go back where you came from.
xLostx said:
well...I've never ventured into this part of the forum before. I'm now scared :D

Oh you will be, you will be.

Right that was truly an awful Yoda impression
a) for everyone who has said that it's likely you'll play as alyx in aftermath, your noob. you will be playing as gord. its a fact.

b) alyx, imo, was in absolutely NO way a memorable part of HL2. It would have been exactly the same experience, or better, without her. and i doubt we will get intimate with her, kinda hard to pull it off (pardon the pun) in a game without cutscenes. debatable tho...

c) mossman IS hawt. :naughty:
im sorry to say that i kind of wish alyx died on the citadel. i dont know how she could possibly survive... but oh well, i know she'll be in aftermath and ill just deal with it. itll still be great
"The Alyx Vance and Judith Mossman Tag-Team Adventures"

coming this Christmas

Only on XXXboX Entertainment Systems...
Sars said:
a) for everyone who has said that it's likely you'll play as alyx in aftermath, your noob. you will be playing as gord. its a fact.

b) alyx, imo, was in absolutely NO way a memorable part of HL2. It would have been exactly the same experience, or better, without her. and i doubt we will get intimate with her, kinda hard to pull it off (pardon the pun) in a game without cutscenes. debatable tho...

c) mossman IS hawt. :naughty:
I agree with b. Dog and Barney were the best characters. Barney, because we've always known him, and Dog, because quite simply he is absoutely kickass.
Good lord!

alyx: come on Gordon, i think i see a dark closet and a empty bed over there!

/me runs and never comes back to this forums
ktimekiller said:
Good lord!

alyx: come on Gordon, i think i see a dark closet and a empty bed over there!

* ktimekiller runs and never comes back to this forums

gman: mr freeman.....your deviating from your task....this is unacceptable. :devil:
Sufferin-rebel said:
I am suprized this is the most popular thread in the HL2 AM: Forum :O

I'm pretty sure mine is, having over 5k views and all.
i get it....alyx is the gman, who as a shocking turn of events, turns out to be homosexual. After you find out, gordon dies. And that is the entire story of half-life
ok, heres my theory, Gordon has a child with Alyx, and is put into stasis. When he is taken from stasis, the child is around his age. He then has another kid with her, and is put back into stasis, and so on and so forth. Of course, it would have to be a girl every time but what the heck.

Oh, and another theory, when the repression fields are turned off, no one can resist and there are huge orgies in the street.
Oh yeah. Great Theories.

/me gets out the pepper spray and sharp pointy stick to fend off MEN.
Why do you guys hate Alyx so much?
Averyone around praises and loathes Alyx...
Are you gays or something?
(Sorry for saying that...)
Element88 said:
Why do you guys hate Alyx so much?
Averyone around praises and loathes Alyx...
Are you gays or something?
(Sorry for saying that...)

I like Alyx, good character. If other people don't, they don't....doesn't make em gay...
I think I can sum this up...

Who cares.

Either way, people here will like it. Trust me.

(and its kindof hard to show love when one person is a mute, and you cant see his face)
Spartacus said:
(and its kindof hard to show love when one person is a mute, and you cant see his face)

You never know how things go in games...

Anyway, I like Alyx in the game. She isn't as overdone like some other female characters in games like Lara Croft, the females from UT...and does anyone remember what Aida from Unreal2 looked like...
But the whole romance thing, no thanks. I especially don't want Aftermath to end something lke the fact that Alyx says she loves Gordon or whatever.
ok, at the end of aftermath Gordon and alyx have just finished fighting off zombies in a toatlly dark tunnel. the flashlight goes out , creating pitch black, and there is the moan of zombies in the distance, and you hear Alyx whisper...."Gordon" ......silence........"I love you"....silence.....Suddenly, you hear the hammer go back on the Magnum.................BOOM! Credits Roll.

^^^Best ending ever
Will Gordon and Alyx become more intimate? ;)

Nah, Alyx really irritates me. Such a phony actor...

*ducks to avoid tomatos and rocks thrown from Alyx's fanclub members*
OvA said:
ok, at the end of aftermath Gordon and alyx have just finished fighting off zombies in a toatlly dark tunnel. the flashlight goes out , creating pitch black, and there is the moan of zombies in the distance, and you hear Alyx whisper...."Gordon" ......silence........"I love you"....silence.....Suddenly, you hear the hammer go back on the Magnum.................BOOM! Credits Roll.

^^^Best ending ever

HOLY SHIT.It must have taken you about 5 secs. for you to think of that.

But seriously, Alyx was pretty fricking annoyng sometimes no offense all you Alyx fanboys out there.
I think Gordon and Alex should fall in love and marry....think of the possibilities...a Half Life 2 divorce! Who gets the gravity gun? :)
FPS's arn't generally the correct genre to profess your undying love towards someone.
There is room for some 'romance', I think... that's not the right term for it, though. Maybe a declaration of affections surpassing those at the level of friendship. This would probably be followed by a tortured form of union, which would probably never be complete. It could work if Valve crafted the scenario carefully, I guess. But I doubt it would all turn out all fine. There'd be separation, re-union, tension, the possibility that either might get killed (or worse) at some point in the future... at any rate, it would never work out as a full-blown love fling. That would be super-corny.

Alyx was a good character, I think. I don't see how she could have "ruined" HL2 when the player didn't spend much time with her anyway. Some of her sequences could have been done better (less cheese layered on top, but without losing the emotion), but it was generally all good.

Finally, net-pr0n lewsers ought to get over the idea of seeing any skin, or XXX action. Just... no. This ain't for you.
kirovman said:
Nah, Alyx really irritates me. Such a phony actor...

*ducks to avoid tomatos and rocks thrown from Alyx's fanclub members*

I thought she was ok, nothing special though.

*Rubs tomato off suit.
Anticitizen said:
There is room for some 'romance', I think... that's not the right term for it, though. Maybe a declaration of affections surpassing those at the level of friendship. This would probably be followed by a tortured form of union, which would probably never be complete. It could work if Valve crafted the scenario carefully, I guess. But I doubt it would all turn out all fine. There'd be separation, re-union, tension, the possibility that either might get killed (or worse) at some point in the future... at any rate, it would never work out as a full-blown love fling. That would be super-corny.

Those ideas are quite...you know...cliche. But then again, most love things are cliche. In HL2 things were a little bit overdone at sometimes, I agree with that. I mean a 21-year old tells a man of 27 (37 whatever you fancy) the kind of things that were said. Mostly it happens the other way around...ok so it's not that cliche :p ...But still, a little more subtle things in a game won't kill anyone (only some whining)
Personally, I’d prefer Alyx to remain a compliment to all the action around you. She is simply your sidekick, just a player in much bigger conflicts. On the other hand, her feelings towards you should remain ambiguous, its up to you whether or not you'll see her as Gordo's sweet.

Although, if you're a Metal Gear fan, then maybe.. maybe I guess love can bloom on the battlefield. But, if you indeed are a metal gear fan.. well.. then you better not get used to the girl surviving... or sticking around for that matter.
CREMATOR666 said:
I bet everyone's is pretty horny since the combines "suppress" the reproduction cycle :eek:

I imagined it more as mass birth control...