Will you play halflife 2 as soon as you get home from the store with it?

RoguePsi said:
Anyone getting that tingly feeling? (and then realising its ONLY A GAME!!) Hmmph.

What do you mean ONLY? What a newb...
Frosty207 said:
But I am still amazed at the fact that you seem to take such an interest in HL2, but say that you would wait weeks to play it, while most of us are using ridiculous methods to try to guess the release date :p

well ive been waiting for it so long now.... it like bleh whatever, ill still buy it the day it comes out, but i doubt im gonna rush straight home and play it, ill prolly just put it on my shelf till i get time to play it. i dont know if you guys are all high school kids or what but the rest of us have jobs and lives. i ran out and tried to buy ut2k4 the day it came out, i was like 30 minutes late for work cuz i rushed to best buy the second it opened so i could get the collectors edition on dvd, but they hadnt gotten em in yet and i did all that for nothing. when i finally got the 5cd version later that week i just left it in my bookbad for like another week and a half cuz i didnt have time to get around to installing and playing it. hell i even installed it on my friends computer before i installed it on mine cuz he played the demo to death and wanted the full game to play.

doesnt mean i wasnt anticipating it as much as hl2, i just have other shit that needs doing before games.
at least you are a mature adult....

I agree with PatPwnt, ONLY a game.... i spit on ONLY.
PatPwnt said:
What do you mean ONLY? What a newb...

You sir, are a buffoon with large red buttocks. That or you're sarcasm detector has mulfunctioned.

[SARCASM]It is ONLY a game...[/SARCASM]
Adult life sucks apparently :) No time to play... What has the world come to?
Kouler said:
I will as soon as the HL2 box gets placed in a plastic bag and a reciept printed and handed to me, i will:

1. RUN RUN RUN out of the store to my car
2. Break traffic rules and speed to come home
3. While driving, i ring up my mum to ask her to turn my computer on
4. When I arrive, I jump out of the car and RUN all the way to the computer room
5. As soon as i get there, i take the HL2 cd case out at teh speed of light and slow down to carefully insert the cd and let it install while veins stat popping out of random places on my body...


cannot.. stay.. on.. chair.. loosing.. balance... must.. press.. submit..
I'd probably kill myself if I had a life... Because theres no meaning to life besides half-life 2 so I have no life.
Sad words there, PatPwnt ... Life is beautifull, even without HL²

C'mon, go for it!
Kylebn said:

:burp: :dozey: :burp: :burp: :burp: :burp: :burp: :burp: :burp:
EVIL said:
Sad words there, PatPwnt ... Life is beautifull, even without HL²

C'mon, go for it!

What do you all think is beautiful in life besides HL2?
I don't think I'll ever get out of this first room/box/car whatever it is you start in. Too busy trying to find out stuff that can be done.

Obviously I'm going to start harassing a bunch of shops right NOW, so I can be sure they'll take me along when they drive to the friggin post office to pick up their copies. Last time I did that was for Tiberian Sun.
Why wouldn't I play it when I get it home? I payed for it.

I will prolly just play it like I did Mafia and try to forget any videos I have seen so that the experience is more immersive and I don't know whats around the next corner.
No actually, I don't plain to play it first at all!
If the collectors Edition comes with HL1:Source then I will install both games, but play through HL1 first. Its been a while and I want to immerse myself into the story before I play through HL2.
So it may not be until 1 or 2 days after I get it before I play it.
I will have read the manual about 5 times before though...
do they even have the little preorder boxes on store shelves yet? i think when they have those on the shelves then the game will be very close to release. unless thyre already there in which case fuggedaboutit.

while i dont condone warez i just remembered my ati voucher contains a cd key, i could just download it when its warezed which will be early im sure cuz this is such a hot game and then play the shit before any of you do.


dont steal games.
the major retail stores wouldn't put out preorder boxes until there's a set release date.