World Exclusive Interview With Chuck Osborn (Info about Multiplayer)

CS:S is leet, DoD source will come out in due time, and things like Sven Coop and the like for mods will feed our craving. I'm glad it's the main MP, because DM gets boring much more quickly than CS.
(IMO, fyi)
Myrkskog said:
For those of you who have stated that HLDM is no good... Make another crack at it you are dead wrong. I think it is the best multiplayer game to date, well was. Till valve limited it a little. Try AGHL.. But it isn't for the faint of heart you WILL get your ass kicked.

Oh, no HL2 multiplayer. I am horribly disappointed. Kill me
Oh I love you.. :)
Spam, Too many teambased counter terrorism/war clones if you ask me. DM is so free form any rules can apply. I would like to see some more creative energy expended on new ideas. Not just revisions.
Multi is no big deal really. Any MP thats good and popular is gonna end up full of morons just like CounterStrike.
Better off waiting for a decent mod.

And you never know - the Source engine might end up producing something even bigger and better than CS (when CS first started I mean, its crap now)

Now whats REALLY depressing is that I just tried to use the word 'ass' over on fallout and it came up as ****** in my post.
enough with multiplayer...
Gordon and others are in the Singleplayer :) :)

soon... rewiev will be here, and we know if Valve f***ed up...
I didn't feel too keen on reading every post to see if this has been said or not, so here it is:

Most likely all of the work done on any HL2 multiplayer has been cannibalized for use in TF2. Despite the lack of info, I think it's a reasonable assumption that TF2 will be VALVe's multiplayer flagship. My guess is that they're splitting some of what wouldhave been in HL2 off to make TF2 a more complete game. Eh, it might not be HL2-themed, but I can live with that. I just want something new.
hmm weird. i checked pc gamer web site last night and it was the october ed. but today it was the november and i just bought that isue to day... so i might get it the same time as the subscribers !!! :)
Kiva128 said:
No one seems to care about the "cs:s but with a few surprises" part. That sounds mighty intriguing.

Maybe they made a new mode for counter-strike. "counter-strike deathmatch" instead of waiting to respawn after the round is over, you respawn immediately. Although this is just a guess...

I'm not sure if you were actually referring to it, but there is a mod called CSDM already. It's basically just your regular HL/Quake deathmatch with instant spawning after death. Instead of buying weapons at the beginning of each round, you _choose_ the weapons you want to use and then you spawn with the same gear every time (until you change it). It's really really fast and really really fun! Maybe Valve realized this and added DM as a mode for CS in CS:S.

CSDM the only type of CS I bother to play on public servers (along with the WC3 CS-mod, which is also great fun!) these days. The regular CS is OK, too, but only if you got a server with nice, reasonable people instead of the normal whining kiddies that usually pester public servers. With CSDM, though, even the kiddies don't bother me, it's great!
Also: I'm holding out, hoping with every fiber of my being that everyone's under various NDAs and VALVe still has a unique multiplayer shipping with the game, which they're hiding simply because it's the video game equivalent of the second coming of Buddha.

Hey, a guy can hope, right?
Heres a little something to cheer people up in the meantime;
Wow, now im excited. Im gonna watch this for hours.
I'll be very upset if CS:S is the MP aspect of HL2. I'm still looking forward to the SP game just as much as ever, but I was really looking forward to HL2DM, the thoughts of running around City17 and the Docks in DM, man it would be great.

Counterstrike was good 4 years ago, they already updated the game once CS:CZ and it was starting to feel tired then. So if CS:S IS the MP game then we are getting a game that is years old and on it's third lick of paint. It also doesn't capture the Half-Life feel. CS is a good MP game but I really hoped they would release a dedicated HL2 MP.

I'll wait to see what happens at release, but I really hope that CS:S is NOT the only MP. ;(
played...... too..... much...... cs..... over..... the...... years......

just about everyone in the world has played CS by now. 50% or more would be sick of it. this is a cheap ploy to get those "cool guys in clans" to buy hl2.

(who would actually join a clan anyway)
This thread lacks something....Oh wait I know: everybody is just accepting this, nobody has gone off on a crazy rant refusing to accept clearly stated facts and arguments. This is the type of thing that has characterized discussion about MP from the begining. I will, for the good of the community, fill this void. Here goes:

[RANT]WHAT!!!! You idiots actually beleive what some newb from PC gamer says? They are just telling you that to cloud your vision! Everybody know HL2 has a spectacular MP Gabe has said so every time anyone has asked him! You'll see when HL2 comes out! this is just to make it that much more of a surprise! They must've just wanted to keep it such a secret that even revieweres weren't allowed to see it! What will you do when you get home with it and see that there's a great MP in addition to a great SP....????!!!!!! You'll mess you pants in so many ways, you'll wish you were wearing diapers! I'd go stock up on depends if I were you, cause there's no way HL2 will ship without AT LEAST 5 MP modes! CS:S is a smokescreen I tell you, and you're all falling for it, every last one of you! FOOLS! FOOLS, I say!!!!...... [/RANT]

Ahem..... I don't know if I quite got it. My grammer and spelling may be too good, and I failed to do half of it in 1337, but you get the picture.
Shuzer said:
Icarus = law student. Somehow, I think he knows his stuff :)

Yeah, Icarus knows his stuff. He told me I can't legally promote myself by riding my bike (covered in macaroni) into a pool full of children.
by the way, does this week mean by friday? or by monday?
Wesisapie said:
(who would actually join a clan anyway)

A guy like me maybe? A guy who enjoys the tactical aspect of CS. You know, the teamwork and stuff. Exciting rushes, fakes, flanks, tense 1vs3 situations, those nail-biting 1on1s with the bomb timer ticking faster and faster... Any of this ringing a bell?

In my opinion a 5on5 CS match is the best possible form of multiplayer, ever.
hey reviewers ... !!! how bout a little enthusiasm ... not " was the game good ... " 'yes ...' ... i mean comon how bout a hell yes ... or something a little more in depth thx ... meh ... no hl2 multiplayer that sucks ..

thx for the reviews though cant wait for pc gamer
perrkele said:
A guy like me maybe? A guy who enjoys the tactical aspect of CS. You know, the teamwork and stuff. Exciting rushes, fakes, flanks, tense 1vs3 situations, those nail-biting 1on1s with the bomb timer ticking faster and faster... Any of this ringing a bell?

In my opinion a 5on5 CS match is the best possible form of multiplayer, ever.

THERE IS NO TEAMWORK IN CS ... no one likes teamwork in that game ... tahts why i play americas army
Platinum said:
THERE IS NO TEAMWORK IN CS ... no one likes teamwork in that game ... tahts why i play americas army

Whoa, I must have been dreaming for the last four years! :sleep:

But really though, you must have misunderstood me. I was talking about matches, not public CS. On public there's pretty much never any teamwork, you're correct. :thumbs:
cadaveca said:
i said a long time ago that i thought CS:S was the multi, based on the fact that ATI coupon holders got access to the beta. But now, if CS:S is the multi, and there is no HL:S, you bet i won't be buying a retail version.

Only question is, how do we get HL:S?

Vampire:the Masquerade : Bloodlines is looking way more attractive now....
I can't believe the stupidity of that statement...i'm sorry, but just because there's no HLDM means you won't buy the game? ok...i guess you're entitled to your opinion...
Platinum said:
hey reviewers ... !!! how bout a little enthusiasm ... not " was the game good ... " 'yes ...' ... i mean comon how bout a hell yes ... or something a little more in depth thx ... meh ... no hl2 multiplayer that sucks ..

thx for the reviews though cant wait for pc gamer

i think its more professional if teh reviewer doesnt speak like a giddy school girl about the game (even if thats how it makes them feel).

i respect reviewers a lot more if they give cold hard opinions rather then "LOL OMG TEH R0x0Rz"

that reminds me of that ****** who was playing halo 2 for microsoft at e3 this year. i wanted to slap him in the face.
I'm not at all dissapointed, the interview got me more pumped.

Was it what you expected?


Honestly, in a few months they will have a mod for classic HL2 deathmatch, no problom.
guise said:
i think its more professional if teh reviewer doesnt speak like a giddy school girl about the game (even if thats how it makes them feel).

i respect reviewers a lot more if they give cold hard opinions rather then "LOL OMG TEH R0x0Rz"

that reminds me of that ****** who was playing halo 2 for microsoft at e3 this year. i wanted to slap him in the face.

I didnt say anything about talking like some 13 year old comp gamerz0r haha ... just a little bit of enthusiasm ... not ... " was the game a good play? " ... " yes ..."

Just a little more satisfying to hear but i guess what the guy says is up to him eh?
To be honest, I am horribly disapointed (but not angry) that Valve has chosen to have Counter Strike: Source as the only multiplayer, if that indeed shows to be true in the coming months. I say that, because, like all bits of news concerning Half Life 2 i.e. release dates, content, and and all other speculation, I won't believe it until the game is in my hands and installed on my system. I am more inclined to believe what my eyes say, then what a magazine editor has said. Despite all their efforts, and despite my belief that PC Gamer is one of the better publications, they have proven to be wrong on the past. One could even say that Valve has a surprise up its sleeve, and in the shipping version of the game, includes a Vanilla version of Half Life 2 Multiplayer. The editor may be a pawn in all this, or is simply playing along. Come the release date, we may be spining our discs (or executing the preload, depending on who you are) only to find out that Valve has decided to blow our minds all over again with the goodness that is HL2DM. However once again, thats more speculation.

My reasons for being disapointed is a many sided thought. For one, I havent liked Counter Strike for a long time. I played the game from its inception, up until recently, and the game has slowly devolved into its current form, which is a god awful piece that certain people worship. Which doesn't neccessarily mean they are bad people for liking a game that I consider to be total crap. Thats my opinion and I am entitled to it. I could go into a long winded explaination of why I don't like Counter Strike, but that would just be trollish. My other reason is that, despite the opinion of many people in this thread, HLDM was pure gold wrapped in platinum when it came to being a multiplayer game. Many reasons, including the buttload of creative weapons that HLDM possesed, put this game in my top ten. In addition to the countless reasons, the learning curve on the game was extremely high, producing two effects:

1. It kept the less savory (trolls and campers) players away. A good majority of these people play Counter Strike, which doesn't neccessarily mean that only trolls play Counter Strike, but for all my years of gaming, I have found that it has by far the highest concentration of them.
2. If you became good at the game, you could be a god, doing things in game that other games can only dream of achieving. (Flight of the Guass anyone?)

I started playing Counter Strike (actively) first. I played, liked it, then found a local community who was very involved with HLDM. I was opened up to a world of deathmatch opportunity. Then watched as the mod known as Counter Strike derailed into what it is today. HLDM has taken up a considerable chunk of my life. It has instilled fond memories of my earliest days of LAN parties, from when my and my friend were using a crossover-cable to get our frag on, to the 2+ years I ran HLDM server on my much envied (at the time) cable connection, to when we threw our first (relatively) big 50 person LAN Party, to the moment I first stepped foot into QuakeCon. HLDM is in part directly responsible to introducing me to a large community of gamers who just want good deathmatch action. I have played Counter Strike, and in the spirit of giving each game a chance, I have in turn played the Counter Strike: Source Beta. Its the same stuff, just with a tire; and the bullets actually go where you shoot them. Its still a beta however, and so I will give Counter Strike: Source a proper chance when it debuts.

My other reason for being disapointed is this: the general convention for a game when it is released in Single Player form is that usually, accompaning the game, is a multiplayer 'version' of the single player, almost always in deathmatch form. Anything else that is desired can be done through configuration, or in the more extreme cases: modding. I have long since stopped playing HLDM, as I have had the interest of other games catch my eye, and I always return to my old faithful friend: Quake 3 Arena. However earlier today, for poops and giggles, I fired up a round of HLDM. Its still the same great game I left behind. I may even consider convincing others to play it again at our next LAN party. Shouldn't be too hard. After much reminiscing while playing the game, I needed a break after 3 hours. Ever since I first heard the news well over a year ago that Half Life 2 was indeed in production, I have dreamed of what could be accomplished with HL2DM given the base of 6+ years of technological progession. What would the new gauss be like? Would there be vehicles? What would the new gibs look like? Would Vavle create an updated version of Crossfire? I was awash in mental possibilities. I wanted the latest news on HL2. So I open up Firefox, jump on and read the latest headlines. I scroll through the interview, and see the news.

I was heartbroken.

Despite what I have heard and what many say, I still don't believe that Valve would not cater to this part of their community. For a company that has made a reputation of direct communication and participation with its community, I would find it hard to believe that they would not provide a basic vanilla deathmatch for this game. Like I said, I am not angry about this, simply disapointed. I realize that this is Valve's game (although I feel Vivendi would have you believe otherwise) and they are free to do with it whatever they choose. Doesn't detract from the fact that I am going to buy it. Heck, before my reminiscent gaming, I had just come from the mall, where I had upgraded my pre-order of HL2 to the Collectors Edition. Also, like I said, I still have hope. If this all pans out to be true, maybe Valve will do what Epic did with Unreal 2 XMP and release the multiplayer at a latter time for free. Maybe modders will create for us what I so desire.

I still have hope.
dissapointing there won't be an HL2DM, I did enjoy lan games of HLDM, the only thing better was UT. CS has become so lame and old I never want to bother playing it, same with the realism and team play mods. Yes some are nice to have, but there is just something about a free for all or team deathmatch thats nicer to play.

No frustrating limitations, not being able to respawn and having to buy guns, just running around shooting at other players.
TwEEkEr said:
Despite what I have heard and what many say, I still don't believe that Valve would not cater to this part of their community. For a company that has made a reputation of direct communication and participation with its community, I would find it hard to believe that they would not provide a basic vanilla deathmatch for this game.

Ahem, have you noticed how many people actually play HLDM?

Right now there are 427 players and 373 servers, I'm sorry but that's not exactly the biggest chunk of the community.
I am not the slightest bit concerned about no HLDM. Why? Because I never played it and CS:S is there, but also TF2 is coming out. CS:S alone would provide me with enough fun, who knows there may be other Source conversions (plase tfc) that I can play with.
if valve has any shred of intelligence, they would have made at least a framework for a possible mp mod off of hl2. like having the weapons, models ready, and a generic scoreboard. guess we can hope for that at least.
poseyjmac said:
if valve has any shred of intelligence, they would have made at least a framework for a possible mp mod off of hl2. like having the weapons, models ready, and a generic scoreboard. guess we can hope for that at least.
I am 99% certain the SDK will have all of that.
I think Valve took a look at this too much :
Game Current Players
Counter-Strike 58,536
Half-Life DeathMatch 427

under 500 people... although many fans of hldm dont play all the time, if they did then the figures would be much more, but in comparison.. i think valve ran out of time and went to please the masses.
oldagerocker said:
I think Valve took a look at this too much :
Game Current Players
Counter-Strike 58,536
Half-Life DeathMatch 427

under 500 people... although many fans of hldm dont play all the time, if they did then the figures would be much more, but in comparison.. i think valve ran out of time and went to please the masses.
heheh. Remember everyone saying stuff like "OMG I DON'T CARE JUST RELEASE THE DAMN GAME!!"

I wonder what would have happened (if anything) if Valve hadn't gotten so much hate and pressure from the community to release the game "as soon as possible". Maybe then we could have had HLDM. :O

Probably nothing would have happened, but it would be really funny if that was the case.
CB | Para said:
Ahem, have you noticed how many people actually play HLDM?

Right now there are 427 players and 373 servers, I'm sorry but that's not exactly the biggest chunk of the community.
HLDM has followed the logical progession of multiplayer games: they eventually begin to die off in popularity in giving way to games with better graphics and more sophisticated gameplay. There was a time when HLDM made up a HUGE part of the online gaming community, and they have since moved on to other games. In my experience, I have been very hard pressed to find a gamer who has played Counter Strike since the begining and still actively plays it today. Yes, HLDM has in fact wanned in popularity, however Counter Strike has gotten any better. And Counter Strike: Source is set to be the same game with prettier effects. Much like George Lucas' famed Special Editions of Star Wars, Valve is going to sell us the same game we played years ago in different packaging. Indeed, there are more active Counter Strike servers than HLDM, or even many newer games. Still doesn't change the fact of my immense distaste for a half-done mod turned fledged retail product that was never really finished. ( I didn't really want to do this) Counter Strike has one of the lowest learning curves of any multiplayer game, ever. This directly contributes to its immense success and popularity.

As for HLDM's popularity, fire up your scanner for Quake 2, or even Doom and see how many servers there are. Games eventually give way to newer games in terms of popularity, and for a game that is over 6+ years old, I am surprised that there is even that many.