DrunkPanda said:bah, i'm disappointed that cs:s is the multiplayer. i was hoping valve would be smart enough to realize that not every half life player in the world loves CS. not to mention that they said that cs:s WOULDN'T be the multiplayer a few months ago......
Not smart enough???!!! Jesus Christ, what more do you want?! With the source theft, them BUILDING the actual game, trying to make it great, and at the same time talk with us!!! Name me a single other pc game or otherwise company that actually talked with its fans and answered its emails, and let it come to its offices to talk and playtest as much as VALVe has, all the while trying to build a game that will live up to all of our expectations and try to exceed them. And name me one that had a game such as the caliber of HL2 to make plus an awesome multiplayer game to build, an engine to build from scratch etc. etc. etc. etc. How can you even put them down for making CS:S the multiplayer when they have done so much for both the MOD community and the gaming community in general???!!!
I swear sometimes people have absolutely no appreciation for what they are given :flame:
Not to mention that they are also making TF2, and that I heard that that was nearing its stretch in development...
Please think about what you are going to say before you open your gabber and start spewing ungratefulness and ignorance.
Geeez, I think I've gone on now a little too much...