World Exclusive Interview With Chuck Osborn (Info about Multiplayer)

DrunkPanda said:
bah, i'm disappointed that cs:s is the multiplayer. i was hoping valve would be smart enough to realize that not every half life player in the world loves CS. not to mention that they said that cs:s WOULDN'T be the multiplayer a few months ago......

Not smart enough???!!! Jesus Christ, what more do you want?! With the source theft, them BUILDING the actual game, trying to make it great, and at the same time talk with us!!! Name me a single other pc game or otherwise company that actually talked with its fans and answered its emails, and let it come to its offices to talk and playtest as much as VALVe has, all the while trying to build a game that will live up to all of our expectations and try to exceed them. And name me one that had a game such as the caliber of HL2 to make plus an awesome multiplayer game to build, an engine to build from scratch etc. etc. etc. etc. How can you even put them down for making CS:S the multiplayer when they have done so much for both the MOD community and the gaming community in general???!!!
I swear sometimes people have absolutely no appreciation for what they are given :flame:
Not to mention that they are also making TF2, and that I heard that that was nearing its stretch in development...

Please think about what you are going to say before you open your gabber and start spewing ungratefulness and ignorance.

Geeez, I think I've gone on now a little too much...

Minerel said:
Either Way, Sven Co-op 2 Will Come Out And Your Hl2 Multiplayer Needs Will Be Met. No Worries.
Fight The Combine With A Friend!
Excellent point.
I, quite frankly, don't give a damn about CS or CS:S, but Sven Co-op 2 should be a lot of fun! :thumbs:
Come on, half-life multiplayer is bad anyways. CS:S is more than enough, its like you get 2 games when you buy hl2.
ytinupmi said:
"they"? who is "they", valve never said that, and i fail to see how anyone else could be thought of as a worthy source...

anyways, everyone (that isn't ignorant) has known for ages that cs:s is the multiplayer. althought that surprise does sound interesting...
ya, valve said they had a separate multiplayer besides CS:S, i read it a few months ago! and i'm not going to go searching for a link so i don't care if you believe me or not
ytinupmi said:
"they"? who is "they", valve never said that, and i fail to see how anyone else could be thought of as a worthy source...

anyways, everyone (that isn't ignorant) has known for ages that cs:s is the multiplayer. althought that surprise does sound interesting...

I was in the "CS:S is the multiplayer for HL2. I'll believe otherwise when we see or hear otherwise" boat. And, it looks like what myself and others, such as yourself, speculated is indeed true.

Besides, we did have that interview from CSNation where cliffe said that CS:S is HL2's multiplayer option. People said "he said OPTION! As in there's more! SEE!!!!!1111" :|

Oh well, many knew it was coming. I'm not disappointed, but I wouldn't of minded having HL2DM. 3, almost 4 years of CS playing has worn my want for CS down quite alot.
i am very glad that its FINALLY been confirmed as hl2's only multiplayer. it was so obvious, yet people still blindly refused to accept it. i simply cant WAIT for all the "IM NOT BUYING IT NOW!!!! >_<" threads, theyre awesome.
Thats one thing that pisses me off, the multiplayer. I HATE counterstrike. Why couldn't they have just added a DM or something. I mean come on, it's been what 5 years since they started? Bullshit.
DrunkPanda said:
ya, valve said they had a separate multiplayer besides CS:S, i read it a few months ago! and i'm not going to go searching for a link so i don't care if you believe me or not

they will have other multiplayer games, like DOD:source, etc..etc but hl's included multiplayer is cs:s.
Well, looks like I was wrong about the Multiplayer.

But, considering that I basically never play multiplayer, this is good news to me, since it means the game may very well be cheaper.

Also, you can bet that someone will mod a HL2DM within a week of the release. It's not like they need to make any new models, textures and so on.
ComradeBadger said:
Time for me to get to work on HL2DM methinks.

Heheh, can imagine you learning C++, modelling, texturing, annimation and all the other necessery stuff to make that.... :p

Heh, I just thought.... surely... if HL1 is remastered in the source... would that not include HL1 multiplayer?!?!?

I mean.... its just recompiled surely....
Mechagodzilla said:
Well, looks like I was wrong about the Multiplayer.

But, considering that I basically never play multiplayer, this is good news to me, since it means the game may very well be cheaper.

Also, you can bet that someone will mod a HL2DM within a week of the release. It's not like they need to make any new models, textures and so on.

You get CS:S as MP. How would it not having HL2DM, but rather CS:S, make the game cheaper?

marksmanHL2 :) said:
Heheh, can imagine you learning C++, modelling, texturing, annimation and all the other necessery stuff to make that.... :p

Heh, I just thought.... surely... if HL1 is remastered in the source... would that not include HL1 multiplayer?!?!?

I mean.... its just recompiled surely....

VALVe already said that, initially at launch, HL:S won't have DM. But they will update it and add HLDM to HL:S. Esentially, this will be the same thing as HL2DM..
In behalf of all those who got crucified for telling everyone that CS:S was the only multiplayer, including me, I say...oh forget it. I'm too sad to say "I told you so." Why oh why did I have to be right?
Akilles said:
Nice job in interview...but i am so disappointed if hl2s multiplayer really is going to be css and not hl2 dm.

I can understand if you're disappointed with not having a hl2 themed MP, but seriously, were you anticipating a HLDM? CS:S is a much higher quality MP. I'd liked a HL2 themed MP, objective based or something, but I'd pick CS:S over HLDM any day.
CS:S as exclusive shipping multiplayer is a disappointment for me, but an expected disappointment. Ah well, here's to the mods. :-(
Shuzer said:
You get CS:S as MP. How would it not having HL2DM, but rather CS:S, make the game cheaper?

Hmm, you're right. Hopefully there will be a no-CSS purchase option somehow.
Shuzer said:
You get CS:S as MP. How would it not having HL2DM, but rather CS:S, make the game cheaper?

VALVe already said that, initially at launch, HL:S won't have DM. But they will update it and add HLDM to HL:S. Esentially, this will be the same thing as HL2DM..

Heh, thanks Shuzer.. I used to be 100% up to date with all this... I just can't keep up any more lol...:)

EDIT: I knew you mapped badge, :P and if I learnt C++ (Planning too soon) I would join you lol.
People, people clam down. No HL2 multiplayer exept in the form of CS:S? Oh noez they spent time making the single player good and making CS:S instead of making simplistic deathmatch for the game. They also spent the time making the game amasingly good for mods. Now, judging by the devotion of the Mod teams for HL2 there'll probably be a simple playable version of HL2 deathmatch before you've even finished the singleplayer game, and if there isn't, I'm sure you could bear to play CS:S for a while or try your hand at modding. Just because there's no deathmatch doesn't mean there's no future for HL2, did you spend more time playing HL deathmatch or the mods like NS, TS ,TFC and CS? Stay calm people.
CS has been the biggest online action game for 3 years by a very wide margain, why is upgrading it, somhow a bad move? its impossible to please all of the people all of the time, but at least there in the process of porting DOD etc, i can quite easily see CSS taking over from standard CS and thus having an extremely large MP community on its own, the people who are unhappy with it will simply need to wait a little longer for mods to catch up.
Eternity said:
Oh, with a few vehicles thrown in, since Gabe said you could drive vehicles in multiplayer.

He probably just meant that it's possible (in a multiplayer mod). I doubt we get to see any vehicles in CS:S.

But I must say, I've never played HLDM, I just went straight to CS. So I don't really care :p
Once again, CS sucks. After I beat the game five times on all difficulty levels, then once more just for the hell of it. I'm gonna need something to do. That something isn't gonna be cs, cuz it sucks. I hope sven coop is better then it was for hl1, alot better.
DeltaBlast said:
He probably just meant that it's possible (in a multiplayer mod). I doubt we get to see any vehicles in CS:S.

But I must say, I've never played HLDM, I just went straight to CS. So I don't really care :p

We'll see vehicles in CS:S, official maps or not, they'll be added in maps in no time at all.
I just went to a HL Deathmatch forum. They are uniting to never again play HL because HL2 does not have HL2 Deathmatch.

Their quiting all Steam games caused Steam servers to lose 30 players.

They will be missed.
No one seems to care about the "cs:s but with a few surprises" part. That sounds mighty intriguing.

Maybe they made a new mode for counter-strike. "counter-strike deathmatch" instead of waiting to respawn after the round is over, you respawn immediately. Although this is just a guess...
Since the other thread was closed, I thought I'd just repost what I'd like to say here.

Stop complaining. Half-Life 2 will own. And to add that it's going to be packed with so much more and all the mods that follow, I am extremely excited and there is nothing to wine about. Just be happy that you are getting multiplay. The fact that there will be a Half-Life 2 Deathmatch modded afterwards, what more could you want? Valve knows best.
Death.Trap said:
Once again, CS sucks. After I beat the game five times on all difficulty levels, then once more just for the hell of it. I'm gonna need something to do. That something isn't gonna be cs, cuz it sucks. I hope sven coop is better then it was for hl1, alot better.

So what exactly WERE you hoping for? You think CS sucks, you think Sven sucks. You are all going 'oh noes no MP' but what kind of MP did you want then?
Anyone ever play Rainbow Six 3? Thats the kind of DM i would like. But I guess ut2k4 style DM would make things interesting.
alehm said:
I just went to a HL Deathmatch forum. They are uniting to never again play HL because HL2 does not have HL2 Deathmatch.

Their quiting all Steam games caused Steam servers to lose 30 players.

They will be missed.
Ha! They will be back, HL2 could never have had anything like HL1 death match unless you basically reverted back to HL1 physics which would be rather pointless. Everyone is so upset over nothing, any kind of basic HL2 death match that Valve could have made would basically have been the exact same as any modders version. In fact the only difference would be no official maps and you won't get to play it as soon as you get the game.

Big deal.
PvtRyan said:
So what exactly WERE you hoping for? You think CS sucks, you think Sven sucks. You are all going 'oh noes no MP' but what kind of MP did you want then?

Nah, I don't think Sven sucks. It's a pretty decent coop mod. It just didn't have any replay value for me. I played it for like a week and then it just got old.
Kiva128 said:
No one seems to care about the "cs:s but with a few surprises" part. That sounds mighty intriguing.

you mean the suprise is "Cs-without-teh-suckeh-terrorist-mumbo-jumbo-plus-fast-paced-hl2-themed-hilarity-with-vehicles"?
The Last i got US PC Gamer was like a week or 2 ago i think.. Quake 4 issue, (Novemeber 2004). So am i like only thinking i got this a week or 2 ago and i really got it in august or is this coming early....
Wow im going insane.. *Hits himself on the head* Huh? What happpened?
To some degree, I'd say this leaves me sad, hurt, angry and confused, like a cute little (rabid) puppy that's been patted and kicked within the same minute :(

Seriously, bad, bad move Valve. I have no doubt that the SP game will be incredible, but I've been fantasing over some sort of HL2-themed MP to round off the experience... so, again, why didn't they say anything direct, instead of splitting the community (I happened to take a neutral stance, i.e., changing my opinion every five minutes, but I'm still surprised) with mixed messages and all this weirdy mystery?

My view; they're either idiots with very little concept of PR* or they had something planned but were forced to drop it. Or there will be "proper" MP added later, or something equally daft. Hopefully the SDK will actually appear at some point; it's just that Half-Life 2 with CS:S feels so... commercialised, for some reason.

Going to have to wait for the "amateurs" again I reckon...

*And yes, my alignment has shifted 70 points away from Lawful Half-Life Fanboy towards Chaotic Doubting Depressant.
duxor said:
People, people clam down. No HL2 multiplayer exept in the form of CS:S? Oh noez they spent time making the single player good and making CS:S instead of making simplistic deathmatch for the game.

I don't think I'm alone when I say I wish Valve would have spent its time doing HL2 themed Multiplayer rather than revamp 2 OLD games (HL, CS). The more I think about it, revamping HL with Source is almost pointless. It will just be a curiosity and probably extrememly underwhleming in comparison to HL2. I'll probably play it for a little bit just to see what it's like then never touch it again.

We're just a bit disappointed because HL2 has amazing potential for fun MP. Manipulator, physics, vehicles, etc. Instead we get a retextured CS that's been around for years.

All ye modders! Work quickly!
Death.Trap said:
Anyone ever play Rainbow Six 3? Thats the kind of DM i would like. But I guess ut2k4 style DM would make things interesting.

So you were expecting a R6 type of MP with a game like HL2? Sorry m8, wrong genre :D

And a UT style gameplay is basically what HLDM was (bar the futuristic setting), and that's long forgotten now, so Valve satisfied by far the largest part of the community.