worst game uve ever bought?

Hopefully Star Wars Battlefront will rule, it could end up easily on this list as well =)
CB | Para said:
Hopefully Star Wars Battlefront will rule, it could end up easily on this list as well =)
Dont jinx it, SW:B is gunna be so sweet. Im a lil dissapointed that its only going to be 32 ppl per server (or am i mistaken?)....

I just saw the commercial for it too lol....sniping should be interesting.
because so many other people have made a mistake of buying games they didnt like that they stoped playing after an ohur or so, i feel much better, thx guys

heh, I got everquest for my birthday, and I was so excited because so many people had raved about it. Before I received it I spent hours and hours researching the classes and gameplay and such. Then I got the game, installed it, and my jaw dropped at how crappy the graphics were. They looked like they were from 1995. Hell, I'd take UO's 2d graphics over EQ's shitty 3d engine. I was so surprised, the screenshots looked so much better than reality. I played it for a few more minutes to try the combat. Boooooring. I uninstalled it within 30 minutes, cancelled subscription. So long everqueer
Dungeon Siege.

I did finish it, but it bored me to death. Editors and modding community weren't as good as I expected either.
PC - Doom 3. I know...I don't buy that many games anymore. I always found myself bored out of my mind going through it after about an hour. Lame scares...same battles with every monster...ug. Every other game I own I've had more fun playing.

Console - Enter the Matrix - I had lots of fun with it actually...but it just wasn't replayable...
Call of Duty. It's just one big CHORE of a game. Sprint around spraying random spawners. Soooooooooo last decade.

At least D3 kept me entertained while doing it.
Worst game i have ever bought is Prisoner of War.
Thats the most ****ed up game in history.
Gungriffon Blaze was probably the worst game I've ever bought.
It has all the fun of Armored Core, except no good controls, no robot customisation, no story, no multiplayer, no good design, no more than five levels, no interesting levels, no comprehensible objectives, no good Japan-US translation and no fun.

But that's just worst because it was my little brother who bought the hyper-terrible Dark Summit for $4, and still got ripped off. And I had Mortyr given to me for free. :p
I thought of another game that i bought that really blew.. Perfect Dark... I know some of you liked it cause it was bond with boobs but The game play was horrible and the Graphics gave me a headach i would rather just play Goldeneye more than perfect dark
Empires: Dawn of the Modern World. Never played a worse game. It sucks arse, big time.
Rainbox Six 3...
To many controls... You need to know about 5 for opening doors alone.
B.Calhoun said:
Dont jinx it, SW:B is gunna be so sweet. Im a lil dissapointed that its only going to be 32 ppl per server (or am i mistaken?)....

I just saw the commercial for it too lol....sniping should be interesting.

It will be 64, just you watch :thumbs:
Battlefield Vietnam.

It runs like shit and feels like a decent mod.
NeLi said:


Haha, no offense, but you probably just couldn't get very far. That game is brilliant.
Tribes 2, I'm sure it's a good game and all, but it's certainly isn't my type of game.
Gotta I agree with PvtRyan. I bought Tribes 2 years ago. Everyone was talking about it, hyped as hell, guess my friends got me convinced to buy it. Great engine, cool graphics and all, I can certainly understand why people like it but I just couldn't get into it. Wasted 50 bucks for something that I only played a few days.

Oh and also, BF1942. I actually loved the demos (SP & MP) to death but the full game was a major dissapointment.
Worst game I've bought was Mortal Kombat 4.
Soldner: Secret Wars. The game was so bad that the manual even sucked. Something went wrong in production and I didn't get a front cover! The front cover that has the CD key! Anyway, after calling the people and getting a CD key, I understood why I didn't get one in the first place.
$pazmatazz said:
Haha, no offense, but you probably just couldn't get very far. That game is brilliant.
I agree it took me about a YEAR to finaly beat RIVEN... and after all that math and homework.... I was really let down, YOU JUST FELL INTO A HOLE!!! that was it sorry to spoil Ney ones fun but it was not fun to figure out different mathimatical equations and color DOTS! ( that was for anyone who got that far ) just to be that let down.
Sin said:
I agree it took me about a YEAR to finaly beat RIVEN... and after all that math and homework.... I was really let down, YOU JUST FELL INTO A HOLE!!! that was it sorry to spoil Ney ones fun but it was not fun to figure out different mathimatical equations and color DOTS! ( that was for anyone who got that far ) just to be that let down.

It's not really fair to say you just fall into a hole, there's more to it than that when you look at the whole story. I guess you just have to be into those sorts of games though. I found it incredibly immersive. The art was incredible, the puzzles were intricate but not obviously layed out like puzzles. If not my favorite game, at least one of them.
Halo. I can think of much worse games, but I never bought them. It's funny how people can complain about Doom 3 being repetitive and still not mind Halo. It's like Bungie made a fun demo but decided to repeat it over and over with some minor changes and try to pass it off as a game.
I guess it would have to be Streets of Sim City for me. I purchased it off a book order form from school. It looked interestng: the concept of making your own city and then being able to drive around in it. The problem was that driving around in the city left much to be desired. There was a fog effect where you could only see about 10 meters in front of you, and buildings, roads and other junk would just draw onto the screen. The controls were stiff, and in the end it wasn't that much fun, since you would crash or drive off the world most of the time.

Great concept, poor execution, and one of the worst games that I have purchased because of it.
Chris_D said:
I thought State of Emergency was quite good.

But it didn't stop me from swapping it with a guy at school for Metal Gear Solid 2 and a porn video. I think I won... twice.


it was fun, till the seven day return policy at eb games ran out and then all of a sudden i hated it. weird.

if you wann get it back i'll take what you got :naughty:
The worst game I bought was a SNES game, called Storm or something like that. I know in this game a boat is sinking and you must find your way out of it in a limited time...Second worst is Megaman Zero 2...too darn hard!
AntiAnto said:
I have bought something like 5 games in my whole life (my dad is buying the others) and the worst (in my opinion) is Battlefield Vietnam
I love Battlefield Vietnam.
I don't think I've ever bought a game that I didn't like or enjoyed...
I was kinda dissapointed in "Shogo: Mobile Armor Division"... It had it's fun moments, but overall, it was kinda boring.
ElFuhrer said:
Halo. I can think of much worse games, but I never bought them. It's funny how people can complain about Doom 3 being repetitive and still not mind Halo. It's like Bungie made a fun demo but decided to repeat it over and over with some minor changes and try to pass it off as a game.

Singleplayer's only saving grace in Halo was AI...the game actually had smart AI and that made it fun to me because each battle wasn't exactly like the last one.

In Doom 3 each creature has a routine it runs through. After your first battle with a monster you know exactly how to exploit how it runs around and kill it. Charge Imps with a shotgun after sidestepping a plasma ball. Zombies are just plain retarded... Those guys that warp around that have gimpy sorta wings...just shotgun those as they get to you...most of the monsters are beaten in almost the exact same way. The only somewhat annoying ones were the guys with chainguns. I just took cover and peeked out of the corner to lob a couple of my 50 grenades at them.

Same shit, different dark/bloody metallic compound hallway.
Halo wasn't half as repetitive as D3. Sure the indoor areas in the middle of the game was crap, but there were other levels, other environments, and enemies that could actually think.
And it had competent coop.

Jesus Lincon said:
Its battlefield 1942, with trees and it cost 50$

Quoted for truth.

Don't think I've ever bought a game I didn't like, I do my research. I mean I'm an impulse spender, but not with this amouth of money :x

single player was totally stupid. MP was meh in the beginning and really boring and ugly. What a f**ked up game that is. Yeah the intro movie was cool and the destructability of buildings/trees is okay but what a rip off...
My worst bought game:
Backpacker 2
What the hell was I thinking back then...
That's a kind of spending of money that I'm not proud of!