X3 Reunion - Big and beautiful

Shakermaker said:
Like what? I am thinking about buying this game too .....

there are just -alot- of people complaining about performance over there, similar to what happened to x2.

i'd recommend you buy it, just optimise some settings and wait for future patches.
destrukt said:
there are just -alot- of people complaining about performance over there, similar to what happened to x2.

i'd recommend you buy it, just optimise some settings and wait for future patches.

I think my rig can handle it ....
in a poll in the forum you linked to, 61% felt that X3 shouldnt have been released so soon because of the multiple bugs ...a little discouraging

oh and I dont trust reviewers that dole out 100% in their reviews ..every game has some flaw
CptStern said:
in a poll in the forum you linked to, 61% felt that X3 shouldnt have been released so soon because of the multiple bugs ...a little discouraging

oh and I dont trust reviewers that dole out 100% in their reviews ..every game has some flaw

Well... many also seem to say that the patch addressed just about all of the known bugs, as Axyon here also said. So I dunno. And yeah, about the 100%...

but its the only review out there so far <shrugs>
Raziaar said:
Well... many also seem to say that the patch addressed just about all of the known bugs, as Axyon here also said. So I dunno. And yeah, about the 100%...

but its the only review out there so far <shrugs>

ya it's better than nothing but I'd still prefer a review that looks at it with a critical eye
CptStern said:
ya it's better than nothing but I'd still prefer a review that looks at it with a critical eye

Well, hopefully once gamespot or IGN gets through with it. I generally go with gamespot reviews, even if I often disagree with them on some things.

But I already have the game preordered... so....
since there's no Oblivion coming anytime soon I may just pick this up once the reviews are in

btw this quote in that review kinda turned me off (the review not the game)

"X3: Reunion is by far the most engrossing game released so far this millennium"

come on, that's 5 years worth of games
LOL. yeah. The review seems like its a press statement or something actually. FAR too positive, though i've read that that website gives out high reviews like sweet sweet candy? Maybe *FOR* sweet sweet candy.
sweet candy will give you a tummy ache and rot out your teeth
But DAMN does it taste good initially!
ya but then you're rolling around the floor screaming bloody murder about brain worms
CptStern said:
oh and I dont trust reviewers that dole out 100% in their reviews ..every game has some flaw

10/10 doesn't mean 100%. I'd say 10/10 means like 93 - 94% and above, IMO.

And by your very own logic, there shouldn't be 5 star films either.

But seriously, if reviewers couldn't give a 10 score if it's out of 10, the highest would be 9/10. That would just look stupid, and it would mean you'd only actually be able to review out of 9... so they might as well make it 9/9.
Suicide42 said:
10/10 doesn't mean 100%. I'd say 10/10 means like 93 - 94% and above, IMO.

? 10/10 = 100% ...I've done the math a dozen times and it's still 10/10 = 100%

Suicide42 said:
And by your very own logic, there shouldn't be 5 star films either.

movies arent released with bugs, not that it truely matters because only a very select few films should ever achieve a 5 star rating

Suicide42 said:
But seriously, if reviewers couldn't give a 10 score if it's out of 10, the highest would be 9/10. That would just look stupid, and it would mean you'd only actually be able to review out of 9... so they might as well make it 9/9.

they could give a 9.5/10 :E
CptStern said:
? 10/10 = 100% ...I've done the math a dozen times and it's still 10/10 = 100%

oh, and a 5 star film means 100% too does it? Because there are plenty of films I'd give a 5 star rating, but that doesn't mean they're perfect.
And when I'm doing the maths, I prefer to think of 1/10 as <10%, otherwise you wouldn't be able to rate a game unter 10%. The same goes for 9/10 (In reality I'd say a 9/10 game would be in the 80 percentages) and 10/10 would be in the nineties.

But in all honesty, stars, /10s, and %s cannot be compared. They're just too different... which is the point I'm trying to make.

CptStern said:
movies arent released with bugs, not that it truely matters because only a very select few films should ever achieve a 5 star rating

yeah, but they're not perfect :P 5 Stars doesn't mean 100%, and even if films *could* have glitches, I doubt they'd affect the rating.

CptStern said:
they could give a 9.5/10 :E

No they can't, because the site reviews out of 10, not out of 100 :P
Uh, I'm sorry, but no film is ever released perfect. There's always a continuity error or a goof, which are basically the film equivalent of bugs.
Axyon said:
Uh, I'm sorry, but no film is ever released perfect. There's always a continuity error or a goof, which are basically the film equivalent of bugs.

not to anywhere near the same degree ...compare Citizen Kane to ...oh I dont know ..HL2; upon release HL2 had some show stopping bugs ...not so with CK ..it showed the same in every movie screen ...but this is besides the point because you cant really compare film with software.
CptStern said:
not to anywhere near the same degree ...compare Citizen Kane to ...oh I dont know ..HL2; upon release HL2 had some show stopping bugs ...not so with CK ..it showed the same in every movie screen ...but this is besides the point because you cant really compare film with software.
I know, but I was just putting things into perspective. Nothing is created as perfect.
well ...

/me looks at photo of son

.......dont even think of it :E
CptStern said:
not to anywhere near the same degree ...compare Citizen Kane to ...oh I dont know ..HL2; upon release HL2 had some show stopping bugs ...not so with CK ..it showed the same in every movie screen ...but this is besides the point because you cant really compare film with software.

I have never encountered a bug in singleplayer Halflife2 to this day, so I think "showstopping" is an exaggeration.

I would give HL2 a 10 in terms of /10, and I would gove it 97% in terms of percentage.

I also find it amusing how you're commenting on bugs instead of gameplay. Unless a game is bogged down in bugs (which HL2 certainly wasn't), they should be dismissed as irrelevant. You assess gameplay in a review, not it's bugs. Plus, if you're bieng nitpicky, you could say that Citizen cane had bugs... like the fact that the picture quality wasn't very good back then. while technically not a bug, it has the same effect on you as glitches in games.
Suicide42 said:
I have never encountered a bug in singleplayer Halflife2 to this day, so I think "showstopping" is an exaggeration.

no it's not ..it was showstopping for some people as they couldnt play it ..and there was a bug that pretty much affected everyone: the stuttering bug ..which just recently made a brief reappearance

Suicide42 said:
I would give HL2 a 10 in terms of /10, and I would gove it 97% in terms of percentage.

I'd give it a 9.7/10 or a 97% ;)

Suicide42 said:
I also find it amusing how you're commenting on bugs instead of gameplay. Unless a game is bogged down in bugs (which HL2 certainly wasn't), they should be dismissed as irrelevant. You assess gameplay in a review, not it's bugs. Plus, if you're bieng nitpicky, you could say that Citizen cane had bugs... like the fact that the picture quality wasn't very good back then. while technically not a bug, it has the same effect on you as glitches in games.

while you are correct in a sense you arent in another ..the type of film used doesnt affect the film as a whole. Watch Metropolis, The Thin Man, the Maltese Falcon etc ...the type of film used doesnt affect the quality of the narrative in the least (unless it's so degraded that it makes viewing difficult)

the grainy look actually helps the Maltese falcon, as does the use of non-colour in citizen kane
CptStern said:
I'd give it a 9.7/10 or a 97% ;)

What if you were working for a magazine that didn't do percentages? And 9.7 is a percentage by the way, it just has a dot inbetween the numbers.

CptStern said:
the type of film used doesnt affect the film as a whole. Watch Metropolis, The Thin Man, the Maltese Falcon etc ...the type of film used doesnt affect the quality of the narrative in the least (unless it's so degraded that it makes viewing difficult)

the grainy look actually helps the Maltese falcon, as does the use of non-colour in citizen kane

the various bugs doesnt affect the game as a whole. Play the origonal Half-Life, any early Counter-Strike builds etc ...the bugs don't affect the quality of the gameplay in the least (unless it's got so many bugs that it makes playing difficult, like Vampire: The masquerade, although I enjoyed it)

some bugs actually make games a lot more fun, like the super jump tecnique in HL2DM, or when ragdolls go wrong, or when NPCs get stuck in funny places in older games.
Suicide42 said:
What if you were working for a magazine that didn't do percentages? And 9.7 is a percentage by the way, it just has a dot inbetween the numbers.


notice the half shaded in star? 4.5 out of 5
CptStern said:

notice the half shaded in star? 4.5 out of 5

That's tecnically an out of 10 rating, in the same way that 9.7/10 is a percentage.

Plus, magazines can do what they like. You could have an /245 rating of you really wanted to, but everyone would hate you, just like everyone hates Gamespy (because they suck).
Um. Ten out of ten does not necessarily mean a game is utterly perfect. Because while no game can get 100%, 'out of ten' scores are kinda less accurate aren't they? It's kind of like rounding the score up.
Suicide42 said:
That's tecnically an out of 10 rating, in the same way that 9.7/10 is a percentage.

Plus, magazines can do what they like. You could have an /245 rating of you really wanted to, but everyone would hate you, just like everyone hates Gamespy (because they suck).

magazine? ....it's gamespy

10/10 is indeed a perfect score because how could you possibly go higher?


".....but this one goes to 11"
CptStern said:
magazine? ....it's gamespy

10/10 is indeed a perfect score because how could you possibly go higher?


".....but this one goes to 11"
I still have yet to see the game in stores, or on torrents :(
hmm, randomly quoting people.. \=
CptStern said:
magazine? ....it's gamespy
Magazine, publication... website... whatever

CptStern said:
10/10 is indeed a prefect score because how could you possibly go higher?

You don't need to- a game with a 5 star / 10/10 rating is simply a game that doesn't need to be improved on, not a game that's perfect.

Plus, /10 scores are not truly representitive. 9/10 doesn't equate to 90%... in the same way that 10/10 doesn't equal 100%. At the end of the day, scores are just guidlines, and shouldn't be taken as a direct incartation, in numbers, of a game's quality.

I've read tons of magazines that use /10 scores... including every single official console magazine, and Edge, which is the most respectable UK magazine. Personally I really like /10 scores, because they encourage people to read the damn review rather than just skimming to the end. Plus, if /10 scores only went up to 9, basically one in every fourth game would get the "best" rating, which would be 9. And that's just silly. There would be nothing to diferenciate the "amazing" games between the "great" games.
Anyqway guys about the game:

Is the HUD/controls with keyboard and mouse easy to learn and master? I'm interested in getting this game, allot...but if its far too complex.. i'll never really get into it due to lack of time for games now...
"Why don't you just make ten louder and make ten be the top number and make that a little louder?"
CptStern said:
".....but this one goes to 11"
Iced_Eagle said:
:upstare: :upstare:

X3 is now out on the torrent networks now...
Took em long enough :( If its good enough, I'll invest my money in it when I can. So far, it looks like I will be.
Sparta said:
"Why don't you just make ten louder and make ten be the top number and make that a little louder?"

heh, I'm glad someone got that reference ..it should be on everyone's must watch list ..love that movie
Damnit, X3 won't be in the store over here in the Netherlands until the end of next week


I might get Civ IV tonight. I need a new game!
Shakermaker said:
Damnit, X3 won't be in the store over here in the Netherlands until the end of next week


I might get Civ IV tonight. I need a new game!

couldnt you order it from a neighbouring country? when the hell is it released in north america?
I suppose so, my older bro loves that movie. I don't really "get it".
CptStern said:
couldnt you order it from a neighbouring country? when the hell is it released in north america?

Yes, I could but it would prolly take as long as waiting for X3 to appear on the shelves over here. Besides, I need an excuse to buy Civ ;)
I really want to get X3, but if I get it I can't get any other games within like the next couple months :(

I was gonna check it out for a day by getting it kinda...illegitimately but it's Starforce protected so I can't check it out yet.

Is there a demo planned because I'm on the fence with this one kinda...

Also Axyon, with the patch is it running a nice now? I have a 3200 AMD64, 1gb of ram and a 6800GT clocked to ultra speeds so I wouldn't assume I'd have problems but I've heard of lots of performance issues.