X3 Reunion - Big and beautiful

<growls> Stupid ass game didn't ship out today! EBgames says its on backorder... so it likely won't come out for a week or even more now.

Good thing i've been slowly downloading the game. I hate this shit... was anticipating it for this weekend, and I *WILL* play it this weekend... Still gonna buy the game, but am not gonna wait like that.
AmishSlayer said:
I really want to get X3, but if I get it I can't get any other games within like the next couple months :(

I was gonna check it out for a day by getting it kinda...illegitimately but it's Starforce protected so I can't check it out yet.

Is there a demo planned because I'm on the fence with this one kinda...

Also Axyon, with the patch is it running a nice now? I have a 3200 AMD64, 1gb of ram and a 6800GT clocked to ultra speeds so I wouldn't assume I'd have problems but I've heard of lots of performance issues.
Performance is still a little too choppy. I'm waiting for the 1.3 patch before I do any serious progression.
Gunner said:
I suppose so, my older bro loves that movie. I don't really "get it".

The stonehenge bit still makes me spray tea through my nose. Like the captain says, you had to be there at the time.

X3 is yet another recent release that suffers from quoting inadequate recommended specs. Is this a new era of gaming where the devs are just ignoring optimising for the masses and focusing on the priviledged few? systems are struggling to run these next gen games but nobody gives a toss anymore.
CR0M said:
The stonehenge bit still makes me spray tea through my nose. Like the captain says, you had to be there at the time.

heheh derek smalls rules!


oh btw X3 just went gold in north america ..called best buy wondering when they'd get it in ...the guy on the other end never heard of X3 ;(
Ren.182 said:
Why did we get it so early over here?

Because america naturally gets games generally when they're in better condition. Hehehe. When 1.3 patch comes out.
You usually get them first, and we get the later versions. Though X3 was made by a European company wasn't it?
Ren.182 said:
You usually get them first, and we get the later versions. Though X3 was made by a European company wasn't it?

Most european game companies, we get them first too. Its just the way it seems to work.

And, I said the above, because X3 was obviously not in a playable state at the release date, and patch only came later... and by the time we get the game now, seems it might be closer and closer to patch 1.3
Finally a proper review: <Eurogamer

X3 is a game that takes its time and demands a lot from you. If you're looking for a pacey polished space adventure where you never have to refer to the manual or post a query on the official forum then you're almost certainly better off with something like Freelancer. Bolder souls, as interested in commerce as they are in combat, can buy with much greater confidence.

Have you guys posted System Specs yet?

This game runs like absolute shit on my system...

radeon 9800 pro 128mb... 2.8ghz intel pentium 4 processor, 1024mb corsair pc3200 ddr ram.

And it keeps crashing. I havent had more than 2 minutes of game time before each time it crashed. Pissing me the **** off.
This game looks really sweet....I'm going to wait for a Gamespot or IGN review first though.
Raziaar said:

This game runs like absolute shit on my system...

radeon 9800 pro 128mb... 2.8ghz intel pentium 4 processor, 1024mb corsair pc3200 ddr ram.

And it keeps crashing. I havent had more than 2 minutes of game time before each time it crashed. Pissing me the **** off.

did you patch it to 1.2?

btw we have the same computer, and now I'm worried
CptStern said:
did you patch it to 1.2?

btw we have the same computer, and now I'm worried

Yeah... First thing I did was patch it to 1.2

Runs like shit.

And... heh, same computer... nearly everybody who was into half-life 2 has the same computer, which was relatively top of the line back in the proposed release date, that fated, failed september day.
yup ;(

that really sucks about performance, have you tried different settings? I remember on the official forums there was a tweaking guide
I just formatted my computer... seperated my drive into several smaller partitions, of about 20 gigs each, hopefully to increase the access speed capabilities for performance.

After a fresh install, once all security updates for windows and stuff and my normal programs for safety are installed, i'm gonna test the game, and see if it improves.

EDIT: Whoa... its running MUCH better now. I'm impressed. With my current settings, it still chops up when near a station and stuff... but i'm using... lets see.

Balanced settings in the ATI device controller, application prefrence for both those things... high quality texture preference, high quality mipmap detail level.

And the game settings I was using... were graphics resolution 1280x960x32, automatic quality off, aniscopic filtering on, antialiasing off(forgot to turn that on), high texture quality, high shader quality. I figure if I tune these settings down some, I might have a good chance at playing this game...

Not sure about crashes yet, i'd have to actually spend some time with it. Once I do, I will report whether I notice my game crashing alot or not.

EDIT 2: No crashes so far...

However... I'm so lost in this game. I don't know what to do!
Raziaar said:
I just formatted my computer... seperated my drive into several smaller partitions, of about 20 gigs each, hopefully to increase the access speed capabilities for performance.

After a fresh install, once all security updates for windows and stuff and my normal programs for safety are installed, i'm gonna test the game, and see if it improves.

EDIT: Whoa... its running MUCH better now. I'm impressed. With my current settings, it still chops up when near a station and stuff... but i'm using... lets see.

Balanced settings in the ATI device controller, application prefrence for both those things... high quality texture preference, high quality mipmap detail level.

And the game settings I was using... were graphics resolution 1280x960x32, automatic quality off, aniscopic filtering on, antialiasing off(forgot to turn that on), high texture quality, high shader quality. I figure if I tune these settings down some, I might have a good chance at playing this game...

Not sure about crashes yet, i'd have to actually spend some time with it. Once I do, I will report whether I notice my game crashing alot or not.

EDIT 2: No crashes so far...

However... I'm so lost in this game. I don't know what to do!

doesnt the manual help? have you tried it with a joystick btw?
CptStern said:
doesnt the manual help?

You have no idea how much of a joke that really is......much like the so called "manual".

Great game though (bugs aside), but i'd recommend visiting x3 forums to get some tips on what to do - but beware, there's spoilers a-plenty not all of which are spoiler tagged.

Oh, and i've found myself using the mouse / keyboard instead of the shiny new Saitek Cyborg Evo joystick i bought specifically for this game - using a mouse just seems far easier to aim accurately in combat.
I can't wait to play this game. I really hope they implemented joystick support, I <3 My Saitek.
Yes, they have joystick support.
Force feedback too :) Though that doesn't work for me... not sure if i really did install the joystick drivers :P
Gorgeous game. Runs very well for me. Just had a tiny bit of stuttering during cut scenes. The mouse controls are vastly improved compared to X2. Everything is beautiful to look at. Looks like I have got a new time sink on my hands.

EDIT Damnit, Imageshack is acting up. I'll load some shot ups.


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Got this last night, and after an hour or so of faffing with controls and settings and downloading the essential patch, played for a bit.

First impressions:
On my Athlon 3200+ / 6800 ultra GS / 2GB 3200 / all settings to high, the fps were pretty good, noticably slowing down when things got busy, but still playable.


What pissed me off from the very beginning were the all too often little freezes and jumps*. wtf is that all about? Christ on a bus, haven't devs sorted out texture / sound loading by now? it's like playing online, on dialup.

Graphically it's quite nice but up close some of the textures are crap. Camera positions STILL don't include fly-by's or chase views or even remember the last camera angle you viewed at. And no cockpit instrumentation..? maybe there's a key for that. Sound effects are limited and don't even seem to be in surround, just duplicated 2 channel to the rear speakers. Music is like hitchhikers guide to the galaxy - the old early 80's tv series, not the film - and good GOD, the worst intro animation my eyes have EVER had the misfortune of seeing. I would have laughed if I hadn't just paid £35 for the privilege. And I object to being called Julian.

Gonna play a bit more at the weekend, maybe something will happen that I like :E

*Disclaimer - No, it's not my machine. Whomsoever feels the urge to smugly slag off my rig and blame me for the unfinished state and poor performance of modern games, you are the one encouraging software devs who cut corners to pass the buck to the consumer and make it acceptable.
Chuck Norris says STOP IT. Exactly like that, in caps.
it's probably just your machine .. :O ;)

more impressions would be appreciated
CptStern said:
more impressions would be appreciated

I am gonna devote a good part of my weekend to X3, so i'll describe my impressions a bit more elaborate on sunday. Do you like my screenies?
yes they made me go "oooooo, ahhhhhh" :)

I'll look for your impressions on sunday
Well....that's it for me, for now. I seem to have joined the ever-increasing "unplayable club".

Doing reasonably OK (got 2 busters, 2 falcon, 1 mamba, 1 iguana, 1 toucan, 5 caimen, 1 mako, 1 delexian wheat factory, and 1 BoFu plant and around £9.5m Cr) until this morning when the game managed to lock up my whole system (luckily just after i'd saved). Now everytime i reload one of my save games, after about 2mins it just locks up forcing me hard reset. ;(

I just wish they'd hurry up and release patch 1.2.1 (supposedly "before the weekend").

But, even with the game in it's current state (not just bugs but missing features e.g. mining, patrol command, tugs, etc), it is a great game - once you find your feet.
I just wish they'd hurry up and release patch 1.2.1 (supposedly "before the weekend").

Your wish is my command!


X³: Reunion 1.2.1 Readme updates

For your reference, a further 1.3 update will follow in mid-November. Along with various minor issues, this is planned to make a large further optimisation for memory usage that will again significantly improve performance over 1.2. There are several fixes and enhancements that are included in this update (some of which you will not even have tried yet), the main ones of which are:

- fixed tooltips stuck on screen

- several causes for crashes fixed

- performance has been drastically improved

- manual docking at trading stations is now possible

- storyline gameplay significantly improved in key game parts

- several minor fixes

Savegame compatibility is maintained from previous versions to 1.2.1
WOOT! So... is the performance actually drastically improved?
Raziaar said:
WOOT! So... is the performance actually drastically improved?
Gah, I've got to wait until tomorrow to find out.
Raziaar said:
WOOT! So... is the performance actually drastically improved?

Well from what I've been reading performance is almost doubled in areas. HUD no longer causes a big-ass performance hit like it used to. Ships exploding doesn't make you stutter for a second or two, busy stations don't make your framerate crawl etc etc

But I'm more curious as to what you guys find out :) I'll probably be getting this game in a few months (once it's all patched up and all and probably at/after x-mas)
Well... I don't know if I can really say I notice a performance increase... hmm.

what I do know... is that sometimes, in sectors that are not even that populated, I notice a HUGE choppiness that renders the game unplayable for me... it depends on what i'm looking at... if I turn enough to look at something else, it goes instantly smooth again... and the two aren't really different in the amount of polygons visible. I don't know whats up.

EDIT: ARgh! My performance is WORSE than it was! What the hell! I can't even pilot in sectors that were once pretty smooth... What the ****.

Can somebody please get in contact with me who has the patch 1.2 installer? I need to revert back to patch 1.2

Cause the latest patch made the game virtually unplayable for me <sighs>