Yes, GTA:SA is THAT good.

Oooo, Maybe a secret harrier if you get for 100 packages, like the apache in Vice City.
The Last One said:
I've seen two planes so far, a learjet and a cessna, which brings up a funny spoiler...

I stealed a learjet and started heading for Mount Chiliad(you are not supposed to leave los santos until you complete an unknown amount of missions) I almost made it there, but all of sudden the music station I was listening to goes out and fighter jet(possibly two of em') wasted me with sidewinders!

This game is insane.

You're telling me. :p An airplane crashed landed near the hospital in Los Santos as I was exiting..I was like....O_O
God this game sounds great, i phoned my local EB, and the man said (with a voice that told me 1300 people had asked this before) "no sir, the only people who can get the game today are those who pre-ordered it. ME WANTEY!

Right now, G4TechTv is having the GTA all day special, they dont have that much new stuff, mostly random footage of the game (still good), butif youre in america, check it out
I guess I'll ask some questions....

How does the house robbing work? do you just send some guys in to steal stuff and drive away?

Can you dual wield handguns?

Is it easy to lose weight?

Girlfriends in the game?

Any past GTA game refferences?

Can Axyl Rose still talk after all that coke?

Any big pursuits involving other people? or just the basic cop chase like in Vice City where if you punch them you get $50
Xplay was taking about how so many black guys in games are always not positive rolls, and so to dispell that, they did a highlight reel of the best positive influances of black guys in video games

*Cue the fancy intro slide

"Well there was that guy from half-life(alyx's dad)

*Cue fancy outro slide*
woo if u got killed by those fighter jets when u flew into the city that probly means that u can fly those mtha fckas

ultimate havok

o yeah this also means u cant like get away from the cops just by jumping in the heli like VC

ps i heard somewhere that VC for computer has an internet mode

is this true?????
Has anyone else had
an AI controlled plane crash randomly near you?

It's happened near me twice so far, I thought that was awesome.
Adrien C said:
Isen't the game a little to black culture oriented ?

you dont see to many white people in south central and Compton in the 1990's my friend.
Yeah hiln..scroll up to my post. Was crazy. Anyways, indeed there is a black culture vibe. Nothing wrong with that.
What does spray painting over the other gangs symbols do? Does it spread your territory? Because I've sprayed some in some other areas yet Ballas are still walkin around there.
Pressure said:
What does spray painting over the other gangs symbols do? Does it spread your territory? Because I've sprayed some in some other areas yet Ballas are still walkin around there.

just shoot them niggas then.
Dalamari said:
I guess I'll ask some questions....

How does the house robbing work? do you just send some guys in to steal stuff and drive away?

Can you dual wield handguns?
Apparently if your skill is high enough in that category or weapons
Is it easy to lose weight?
Yes - via a treamill or other stamina exercise equipment
Girlfriends in the game?
Yes - The relationship itself is a stat like many other things
Any past GTA game refferences?
Not yet...but I hear there are some
Can Axyl Rose still talk after all that coke?
Any big pursuits involving other people? or just the basic cop chase like in Vice City where if you punch them you get $50
I've seen cops chase down other cars and kill the driver and such. Fun to watch

Answers below questions in bold.

I scammed my way into the airport earlier than I should be in there. It says it's off limits until I get pilot training (assuming it's part of the story) - but I found an area you can hop over a wall using CJ's climbing skills. Anyways...the learjet is fun to fly and when I crossed in to San Fierro a fighter jet came at me, I tried to bank out of the way...but I hit him and I crashed :p. Another attempt of breaking the borders...I crashed into a tree...started spinning towards the ground...had a somewhat smooth crash landing and bailed out as I was sliding. I got out in time to watch my plane spin along the ground blowing up several cars along a road before exploding itself :) Fun stuff.

In that pic...where'd you get the parachute Loke?
holy shit, i just picked this game up, and i was riding in the northern country farm hilly land on the bmx for like an hour

you cant really understand how big the map is until you experience it, simply huge

awesome awesome game. The jet is like a dream
Suicide42 said:
QUESTION: do you get a fold out map with the game? if so, can someone scan it in? i wanna see aview of the city(s) :D

*edit* found one:

Wow, pretty massive :D Can't wait to plaaaayyyy!

So is Los Santos + Red County about the size of the 3 islands in VC? :eek:

Edit/ I think i'll just sit here and stare at the map till friday. I reckon i'll be pretty good at getaways! :afro:
Too many pages to look through them all, but could you list EVERY SONG in the ENTIRE GAME for me, thanks.
Now we have a chance for rescue if our boat bursts in flames at the sea. I found it quite lame that when you ran to pier to get a boat and accidentally slipped off the ledge and fell too far to be magically teleported back on the pier. It annoyed me to hell.
AmishSlayer said:
In that pic...where'd you get the parachute Loke?

Check this picture.


The marker points out which building is it (the building which is round). You need to walk around the building until you see that yellow cone (the one that means you can enter a building).
Once you get up walk up the stairs and you'll see the parachute.
Loke said:
Check this picture.


The marker points out which building is it (the building which is round). You need to walk around the building until you see that yellow cone (the one that means you can enter a building).
Once you get up walk up the stairs and you'll see the parachute.

Sweet. Gonna do that now. I hope the parachute has multiple uses...even though that wouldn't make sense. I want to be able to bail out of planes at the airport :p
Pressure said:
What does spray painting over the other gangs symbols do? Does it spread your territory? Because I've sprayed some in some other areas yet Ballas are still walkin around there.

It's all about respect. The more sprays you cover, the more respect you gain, which in turn allows you access to more gang members who can follow you around. I believe the most you can get is 7 or 8.
Koffern said:
Q: are the cops smarter than GTA 3 and VC cops?

Very much so. Even with just a two star wanted level, they would anticipate where I was going and spin around in front of me trying to block my path. As more cars get involved it gets tougher to avoid them all. They seem to work together extremely well, trying to box you in, spin you out, or slam you into a wall. Once SWAT and the helicopters get involved, it's insane.
So how come some of you guys have the game? I thought Rockstar North were based in the UK.
StardogChampion said:
So how come some of you guys have the game? I thought Rockstar North were based in the UK.

I don't understand your question? It went on sale Tuesday Oct 26th, at least in the US. I was able to get it a day early at EBGames by pre-ordering it. So I picked my copy up then. Being based in the UK doesn't have anything to do with release dates, that I'm aware of.
StardogChampion said:
So how come some of you guys have the game? I thought Rockstar North were based in the UK.
Heh, Rock* don't distribute it, the publisher does.
Steelwind said:
It's all about respect. The more sprays you cover, the more respect you gain, which in turn allows you access to more gang members who can follow you around. I believe the most you can get is 7 or 8.

I'm having problems looking for the sprays because I keep getting shot up lol.
QUESTION: if you die or get busted do you still lose all your weapons, or are they put in a secure place or something?

QUESTION: can you get in a taxi and get them to drive you somewhere? that would be so cool if you pay a driver to get you away from the cops :) i would love to let someone else do the driving for once lol :D

QUESTION: is the countryside actually that big? from the maps it looks like there are only really small areas of countryside, and there was still loads of water seperating the cities. but does this seem like a lot? i want big open spaces :D

QUESTION: what happens when you go outside the games limits? is there an invisible wall or something?

QUESTION: is the game as fun as it looks? will i have a huge smile across my face for the first 10 hours i play it?

QUESTION: is the mountain REALLY that big? on the map it looks kinda small, and out of the way... i thought it would be in the middle. but its just on the edge of the map...

QUESTION: are there loads of interiors, and are they all lavishly designed? or is it just similar to vice city?

QUESTION: just how many public houses can you get into / rob? are there only like 1 in every 20 that you can enter?

QUESTION: has anyone completed the game yet? i bet someone has played it NON -STOP for 48 hours scince it came out rofl :D

QUESTION: can you fire more than just uzis from a car? i wanna doi a drive by shoot out with a rocket launcher :D

QUESTION: is the music really cool? i think i prefer 80's pop music to 90's rap...

QUESTION: do the cities look completely doffernt? ill get bored if they look similar :/

QUESTION: do the pedestrians park their cars and walk about? if they do, thats so cool :D !
QUESTION: if you die or get busted do you still lose all your weapons, or are they put in a secure place or something?

You lose your weapons just like before.

QUESTION: can you get in a taxi and get them to drive you somewhere? that would be so cool if you pay a driver to get you away from the cops :) i would love to let someone else do the driving for once lol :D

Haven't tried it...but I kinda doubt it

QUESTION: is the countryside actually that big? from the maps it looks like there are only really small areas of countryside, and there was still loads of water seperating the cities. but does this seem like a lot? i want big open spaces :D

The countryside is pretty damn big. Fun terrain. There are some paths that go alongside the roads and pretty much everywhere is fair game to check out

QUESTION: what happens when you go outside the games limits? is there an invisible wall or something?

I don't know. The only feasable way to leave state-limits would be to fly or boat because everything's surrounded by water. I'll try flying out of bounds when I get a plane again

QUESTION: is the game as fun as it looks? will i have a huge smile across my face for the first 10 hours i play it?

Let's take a look at my stats - 7 hours aprrox - 35 missions completed and I haven't even gotten to San Fierro or Las Venturas yet :) The smile has yet to fade.

QUESTION: is the mountain REALLY that big? on the map it looks kinda small, and out of the way... i thought it would be in the middle. but its just on the edge of the map...

Haven't seen it yet - can't answer.

QUESTION: are there loads of interiors, and are they all lavishly designed? or is it just similar to vice city?

[/i]I wasn't that crazy about the idea of interiors to begin with but I personally think they are done a little better...don't expect anything amazing. I had fun though. At one point swat guys broke and roped in through a skylight and I had to cap them :) Cool if you ask me.[/i]

QUESTION: just how many public houses can you get into / rob? are there only like 1 in every 20 that you can enter?

Can't really answer - I've only robbed one place

QUESTION: has anyone completed the game yet? i bet someone has played it NON -STOP for 48 hours scince it came out rofl :D

Doubtful - I don't know about someone going for like 40 hours straight just doing the storyline missions... I couldn't help but get distracted in that long of a session

QUESTION: can you fire more than just uzis from a car? i wanna doi a drive by shoot out with a rocket launcher :D

Haven't gotten anything bigger than an AK yet..but I highly doubt it :p

QUESTION: is the music really cool? i think i prefer 80's pop music to 90's rap...

I like it...but this part is based on taste obviously - They have some Creed, RATM, Snoop Dogg and others just to name a few

QUESTION: do the cities look completely doffernt? ill get bored if they look similar :/

I am almost positive. Even the little countryside towns look and feel completely different from Los Santos

QUESTION: do the pedestrians park their cars and walk about? if they do, thats so cool :D !

Dunno...too busy doing other stuff to follow a car for minutes at a time :p I doubt it though

NOTE: I have encountered the first connection in GTA:SA to GTA3 or GTA:VC. It's not a big plot spoiler or anything (yet anyways) but it surprised me and I had to laugh when I saw it -
There's a crazy woman you do some missions with in the countryside - After you finish them...she shows you her new boyfriend - It's our old pal that doesn't speak - the main char from GTA3! (no he hasn't talked yet and I doubt he will). I am doing the mission right now. I just paused to post real quick and to grab something to eat.
I can confirm San Fierro looks completely different and due to the differing terrain...more fun :)

Minor spoiler on one of the things you do in a mission (I put it in spoiler tags for those of you that want a completely spoiler-free experience...but then again..why are you looking at this thread?) - funny thing that happened when my roomate walked in - I think you can pick out who I am in this little exchange.

What the hell are you doing?
Burning fields of weed so we can escape the police.
What the hell? ...Oh...this must be GTA:SA
Damn straight
How long have you been sitting here playing it?
Uhhh...3 hours...oh shit..I missed class...
You retard...that game is rotting your brain.