Yes, GTA:SA is THAT good.

Do the pedestrians react more realistically, can you tell theyve got a brain this time round?
Are the police harder?
Yay! I got my copy today too! I've been playing it since about one lol. It's just class, also I think the graphics are suprisingly decent - much more detailed and polished, plus the whole blurriness of the GTA3 and VC is gone :p

I also got mine from gameplay hehe, :) - got it at about 1-ish this afternoon ;)
Yeh, I know you can turn it off, but with it off the game looked so dull and bland, and it really looked even shittier, as there would be no actual sunshine in VC with it off, everything just goes to a gritty shitty grey. But meh, That's just my opinion. In this one you still get a feeling of warmth, especially with the heat haze they put it now, and it doesn't blur everything.
Pressure said:
I have the game and I have a few questions. I've done all of the Sweet, Big Smoke, and Ryder missions. I'm working on the Loc mission and I just stole Madd Dogg's ryhme book. I got a call from that cop saying he wants me to meet him at a donut shop. Here are my questions:

1. How do you gain territory? I look in the stats and I always have 11 territories and the Ballas have like 26 or something like that. I want to get more territories :).

I think most of them come from the storyline. The idea is that you're back in town, and ready to take over the city/state with Grove. I haven't seen any direct way to effect territories beyond that.

2. How do you raise your sex appeal?

The clothes you wear, the tattoos you don, the car you drive, the figure you have, etc, etc all effect sex appeal. Buff yourself up all the way and you'll really get a nice sex appeal level.

3. I currently own two properties. I own a 24/7 that I got from doing a bike dilvery mission and a safe house near Burger Shot I bought for 10k. The safe house took all my money lol. The 24/7 is supose to be giving me 2000 income every day or so in game. The problem is I forgot where it is so I can't pick up the money lol. Is there a way I can see it on the map so I can pick up my money?

Most of the properties and safe houses show up on the map as a small grey house icon. Hit X at the map in the menu, and pull up the legend. It should tell you which icon represents safe houses and/or properties.

4. What is the advantage of spray painting over other gang's sprays. I currently have gotten 19 sprays but I'm having trouble finding where the other 81 are lol. Since I don't get anything for doing it, what's the advantage in it?

Respect. Plus you need all 100 to eventually get to 100% completion.

5. Is there an ammunation in Los Santos? I only know where that old guy's place is but you can only pick up a pistol there.

Yes, you'll pick find one in one of the CRASH missions I believe.

6. If I dress up in another gang's color will they shoot at me?

Haven't tried it. I wonder if your gang would shoot you?

7. How much respect do I need before I can get gang members to follow me? Is there any advantage to them following you besides the extra muscle?

The extra muscle is a pretty big advantage. It makes large shoot-out missions much easier. When you have the same amount of lead pooring out that the rivals are, terms are much more even. Other than that, I don't think there's a real advantage.

8. My BMX skill is almost maxed out and I can bunny hop like 15 feet high lol. What is upgraded with your car and motorcycle skills increase?

My skills aren't high enough in those areas to see what you can do. Perhaps cars become easier to control? Maybe using the handbrake to turn quickly doesn't spin you out as easily? Not sure.

9. Are some skills static so they never go down? I want to know about some skills like guns skills, bikes skills, car skills, motorcycle skills, and all the other skills there are.

I think only your Fat, Stamina, Muscle, Sex Appeal, and Respect change. Your other skills seem to stay once you aqquire them.

10. Is there a different way to gain respect besides doing missions? What if I kill a bunch of enemy gang members or spray some walls? If I gotta do missions then it's going to take a long ass time lol.

Kill drug dealers. They are the guys standing still, usually wearing black, and they're selling smack in your hood. Take em out, earn some cash and respect. (I think it's $2000 per dealer too, nice way to earn some money).

That's all I got for right now. I'll think of more later if I'm palying the game and something comes up that I'm wondering about.

If any of you guys want some quick armor and weapons after you die, or start to run low, climb a wall or two behind your house until you get to the big drainage ditch. Head down the slope into the ditch and head left. Up under one of the bridges is a piece of armor. Turn around and head right, and back up under another bridge is a Tec-9. They are easy to find and a short walk from you house. There's also a pistol in the left corner behind Sweet's house. Now you should never have to go without.
azz0r said:
Do the pedestrians react more realistically, can you tell theyve got a brain this time round?
Are the police harder?

I Hate All You People Who Got It From Gameplay ;(
lol, why thankyou suicide ;)

And azz0r, The police - they aren't necessarily harder but they sure are alot smarter, i think a few times poiliceman on the street have shot out my tires, they don't mindlessly ram it you all the time, and generally set up alot more traps etc.

As for pedestrians, what do you mean exactly? Erm, If you punch 'em in the face most of 'em will fight back (It is in the hood, after all ;)) and others will just leg it. You can insult 'em until they fight you, but other than that, it's not much different.
azz0r said:

Pedestrians are much more believable. They walk around in groups, sell drugs, work the street corners, and cause general trouble in the "hood". Cop chases and rival gang shootouts are not uncommon. Hell once I was nailed on my bike when a car being chased by cops spun around a corner and clipped me good. The cop was right on his tail and they eventually stopped him, then had a nice little shootout. Soon after the ambulance came and cleaned up the mess.

Cops are pretty tought. They're pretty smart too. Using other cars to cut you off at small intersections, taking backroads to get out in front of you, boxing you in with several cars, etc. They know what they're doing, and they know how to spin you out. It's tough to get away when they know how to hit your rear quarter panel just right, so you spin around and lose all your speed.
I HATE EBgames. This is the third day i have asked if they have it, the first two days its preorders only, and today it was sold out, must call Best Buy
I so want this game, I'll hate to admit this, but I want this game more than Hl2 , don't bann me !
Yeah, i want it more than HL2 as well, probably because i havnt seen too much cool new HL2 media recently
Got the game tonight. And YES, GTA:SA is that good :E I've only played for 2:22 hours but omfg it's awesome. Some bugs here and there but nothing you can't live with (well you're gonna have to anyway).
One important question that I haven't seen asked yet is:

What about the issue of cars disappearing like crazy? You know, the annoying problem where you see a car, turn around, then turn back around and it's gone?
TaiFong said:
One important question that I haven't seen asked yet is:

What about the issue of cars disappearing like crazy? You know, the annoying problem where you see a car, turn around, then turn back around and it's gone?

Still there, along with street cops and gang member appearing behind you out of nowhere.
Grand Architect said:
Still there, along with street cops and gang member appearing behind you out of nowhere.

Unbelievable. That is one huge negative point for an otherwise great series. :rolleyes:
Finally I'm back online. Shortly after I came back from work yesterday my network adapter decided to die...had to buy a new one today. I think I'm further in the game than some of you guys. I'm not in Los Santos anymore or anything. I've been moving on in the plot. I want my pilot training so I can fly planes in San Fierro too :p

My roomate is playing right now. He took a tractor and picked up cars and trucks and such with the movable hitch on the back. It looked fun. He was also tipping over cars with a forkilft and flying a biplane that's in the middle of the countryside. He's having a good time with it :)
A few quick notes -

-You can scroll around in the map and make a marker which will show up on your radar. Very helpful for getting around town.

-WCTR (West Coast Talk Radio) is funny as hell :)

-Right now my roomate and I are trying to bust into Las Venturas and dodging as many harrier missiles as we can before we have to bail out and explore (trying to parachute into the military base :) )

-I dunno if it has been answered...but you can fly forever away from the map. The map zooms out and out and out...then it'll come back in making it look like you're close to the coast turn around and it zooms back out. If you like flying over endless're in luck. I'm just glad there's not a giant wall or harriers to shoot you down.

-Speaking of limits - you can fly pretty damn high above the city. Into and above some clouds. Plenty high if you like skydiving :)

-If you have a ps2 and are waiting for the pc version....don't :p Get it now. I'm having tons of fun - especially switching off because you never know what another person has in mind for sandboxing around San Andreas (I would have never thought of grabbing a tractor and towing cars around or using the forklift to flip cars).
Well I finally succumb, I was like "Must...resist...temptation...must spend student loan on ... book's!" but it was an exercise in futility I couldn't stop my hand from placing the order after reading this thread and listening to some guy's talk about it on the bus.

I'm weak.
Yeah, got it finally! So how do you burn some rubber? Like really MUCH. If you can't, thats ok.
For those who want to rob houses, the van you need is accross the street south of the gym :).
I still don't have it. Last time I get it from Amazon. Hopefully tomorrow will be the big day.
I must say this game is GREAT!

Only thing bothering me a bit is that the frame rate gets terribly low sometimes(pretty rarely). For example, if I'm driving in the night and cause a traffic jam on the highway and get lots of cars then the fps goes dropping. Maybe it's just my ps2 that's so old you could ask it what the dinosaurs did back in 65000000 bc
i just got back from riding my bike all around town, cashing my check etc etc... i got grand theft auto sa. its sitting in my room right now waiting to be played.....
hehe, it does that too me to Atomi :(

Nothing like slamming the brakes on in the middle of the highway, and watching the cars crash into you and pile up :p
i dont know whether this has been posted or not yet, but sa uses Manhunt engine, which means a lot more gruesome killings xD
TheGGMan said:
i dont know whether this has been posted or not yet, but sa uses Manhunt engine, which means a lot more gruesome killings xD

No it doesn't, it uses the highly modified GTA 3 engine (Same as VC). It just borrows Manhunts targetting system and combat system.
Im loving it so far, I hijacked a train just as it was leaving the station, slammed it in reverse, hit a corner too fast and dereailed the thing killing a few people and blowing up a few cars. Great fun, reminds me of train hijacking in GTA1...good days.
yay! this game is pr0 :D

i love the way that if you shoot the part of the car you put gas into, the whole car blows up in one hit :D

i stood in the centre of a motorway, and about 5 cars crahsed into me and i caused a massive pile up with loads of cars :D then i shot the gas of one of them, and all of them (there was about ten by this point) blew up one after another, goving me an instant 4 star record. all with one bullet! lol
How big can traffic jams get this time around? I remember VC had a maximum pileup of like 3-5 cars if you blocked the road.
Nice :E. So other cars can crash into you properly now and you can cause a big smash up? Cool. I didn't like how the other ones other cars had insta-brakes pretty much.

What about if you go run out right infront of a car, will it just crush you or will it just go 'Slam brakes, *screeches*, honk honk!' and leave you standing even though normally you should be pancaked into the tarmac. (i know you can get run over in GTA3 and VC by running out infront of cars but it needed good timing to get run over that way - a last split second thing)
Oh my god, I HATE using the Analogue sticks to move around..other than that the game is great. But no doubt I will get used to far as I can see theres no way to change the controls..
Tinneth said:
Oh my god, I HATE using the Analogue sticks to move around..other than that the game is great. But no doubt I will get used to far as I can see theres no way to change the controls..

I don't think you can change them, because in some of the missions you have to sneak and make as little noise as possible. You can't do that without an analog stick that allows you to move slowly, or very quickly, depending on how far you move the stick.
wow i just played it over my friends house and its fuking awsome. But i cant play until im off punishment...nov22 (IM GOING EFFING CRAZY)!!

But i wish the graphics were a little better.
Isn't it possible the change the controls? Some setting should use the digital cross (that's not really digital in the first place) as movement keys. Haven't checked it out as it's not much of a problem. The graphical errors are far more annoying.
i dont understand how its possible to NOT like anolouge controls... i find them fine :)

and pile ups only occur on moterways btw, if it happened on the streets youd get so pissed off... imagine stopping in the road for a second on a motorbike, youd be sent flying! lucky they do haev breaks ;)

ive maxed out stamina and muscle. im wearing a bandanna round my neck and some combat trousers, with a bare chest, showing off my uber cool musles. i cant wait to get out of this place and get into the country :)
Wow...tons of fun. I own an airport
(at which I have a jetpack :) )
. I love this game.