You can use your hands!

You can pick up boxes with your hands? Then what's the point in the manipulator :p
Yeah, I just noticed that... that's sweet! :D I wonder if you have an option to toss whatever you have or just set it down... I would think so...
I think I made a post about this...6 months ago....
I'd imagine its a step below the manipulator

w/ that you can grab things that are somewhat distant from you and throw them at people to hurt them

I bet anything you can pickup with your hands won't be thrown
This has been known for almost a year

Small things like garbage cans, peices of wood and stuff can be picked up and thrown with your hands while larger objects require the physcannon
While waiting in the room to
play it (took forever to load),

that troubled me when i read that..

who knows how fast a comp they have running it and supposedly it took awhile to load..
watch you kill a combine soldier with a wadded up piece of paper by accident lol
im looking forward to him writing up his answers to the questions he asked
I want to throw snowballs at the combine
can you use your hands as a weapon i wonder, like punching, may be they'll implement riddick style stealth punching
this is going to be awesome :)

it's like deus ex 2! that game was awesome
you do realise with that statement you could possibly through the entire thread off topic.
Basically, you can walk up to small objects (like bottles, boxes, etc.), hit 'e', and pick it up. You don't see Gordons hands or anything, the object simply lifts off of the ground and sits in front of you, centered in your view (it's cool). You can stack boxes by pressing 'e' again and dropping it, or throw it by clicking the left mouse button. The throw isn't strong enough to hurt anyone, but it's fun nonetheless. I picked up a TV playing a bunch of combine propaganda and threw it through the plate glass of a window. Satisfying ;)

I visited Valve HQ last Friday and played for about 30 minutes, so I didn't just make this up. I can't talk about what I played or anything, as it would spoil some moments you guys are going to really enjoy. The game did however, rock. There is nothing to fear. It's core Half-Life goodness taken to the next level :)
you'd think a multi millionere game designer (i assume he is, after all the money valve made) could keep the food in his mouth ^_~
Six Three said:
omg! me 2!!1 b3st budz 4 lyfe gurlfrend!!111
omgz 3sum plz!11

You know what's sad? This thread isn't old news for me. I never knew you could pick stuff up without the manipulator. I am a sad person.
qckbeam said:
Basically, you can walk up to small objects (like bottles, boxes, etc.), hit 'e', and pick it up. You don't see Gordons hands or anything, the object simply lifts off of the ground and sits in front of you, centered in your view (it's cool). You can stack boxes by pressing 'e' again and dropping it, or throw it by clicking the left mouse button. The throw isn't strong enough to hurt anyone, but it's fun nonetheless. I picked up a TV playing a bunch of combine propaganda and threw it through the plate glass of a window. Satisfying ;)

I visited Valve HQ last Friday and played for about 30 minutes, so I didn't just make this up. I can't talk about what I played or anything, as it would spoil some moments you guys are going to really enjoy. The game did however, rock. There is nothing to fear. It's core Half-Life goodness taken to the next level :)

I wan't to see my hands :(

edit: wait, do you mean that the boxes and stuff are like half-on your screen and half-off? I guess that would be cool, but for bottles I'm not sure.
White shirts + pizza + pepsi is a recipe for disaster.

I learnt that lesson the hard way at a lan with a few friends.

The red tomatoe stain was a constant reminder of my stupidity. "Hey , dude you've got some stain on your shirt"

"Yes i know. It was the ****ing pizza"

White shirts...never again i say. Never again.
"When you come up to the guard and try to talk to him he
will hit you and you fly back a bit, but it won't affect your health at
all. "

Looking at the interviews and stuff, the part when you do that is in the trainstation... you don't have a HUD there yet. Your health probably does go down, you just don't see it ;_;
That's extremely trivial and pointless thing to say Delta. I mean...seriously...why bother?
Well, he bothered to say that, so I bothered to give my opinion on it :p

I must say, the silhouetted (sp?) shot is quite cool. This is the first time I've actually seen the view outside the offices (or first time I noticed it atleast). And I like the room they're in :p

And I would really like one of those Tshirts... I'd pay for it (as opposed to those visiting beggars :p), but I doubt they will be available over here when the time comes :(
qckbeam said:
Basically, you can walk up to small objects (like bottles, boxes, etc.), hit 'e', and pick it up. You don't see Gordons hands or anything, the object simply lifts off of the ground and sits in front of you, centered in your view (it's cool). You can stack boxes by pressing 'e' again and dropping it, or throw it by clicking the left mouse button. The throw isn't strong enough to hurt anyone, but it's fun nonetheless. I picked up a TV playing a bunch of combine propaganda and threw it through the plate glass of a window. Satisfying ;)

I visited Valve HQ last Friday and played for about 30 minutes, so I didn't just make this up. I can't talk about what I played or anything, as it would spoil some moments you guys are going to really enjoy. The game did however, rock. There is nothing to fear. It's core Half-Life goodness taken to the next level :)

I'd better not pick up stuff - I don't know but it'll look kinda stupid that the object is levitating in the air and there are no hands.

This sucks. It won't look realistic at all. :(
picking up stuff with your hands is even more realistic, nice. I wonder if you can throw with your hands also

Some people say then whats the point in the manipulator weapon? With that weapon you have much more power to throw stuff and bigger stuff. And very far also. :p
I think it will take you out of the game more by the objects just hovering in front of you instead of actually seeing your hands.
monkeydust said:
I think it will take you out of the game more by the objects just hovering in front of you instead of actually seeing your hands.


It's a good idea to pick up stuff - but not seeing your hands and seeing hovering stuff will look "ghey"

Unless - they show only half the object at waist level to give you the feeling as though your hands are holding it from underneath.
qckbeam said:
I visited Valve HQ last Friday and played for about 30 minutes, so I didn't just make this up. I can't talk about what I played or anything, as it would spoil some moments you guys are going to really enjoy. The game did however, rock. There is nothing to fear. It's core Half-Life goodness taken to the next level :)

So basically HL2 is teh s3x0rs?
lans said:

It's a good idea to pick up stuff - but not seeing your hands and seeing hovering stuff will look "ghey"

Unless - they show only half the object at waist level to give you the feeling as though your hands are holding it from underneath.

Don't be such a monkey. You have an imagination don't you?
PatPwnt said:
Don't be such a monkey. You have an imagination don't you?

Much better than yours, why thank you. :p
monkeydust said:
I think it will take you out of the game more by the objects just hovering in front of you instead of actually seeing your hands.

This IS a technical limitation. Preset animations for picking up boxes and bottles wouldn't suffice since you can make a box different sizes and shapes and the hands would have to grab them accordingly. To do this, you would need cpu heavy IK, inverse kinematics, what the Strider uses to walk around, and why waste all those valuable cpu cycles on seeing your hands?