Your Opinion Of This Forum.

Should the politics section close?

  • It should close. It's just flamebait.

    Votes: 19 19.0%
  • It should stay open. I enjoy debating here.

    Votes: 43 43.0%
  • It should stay open. It sucks political threads out of off-topic.

    Votes: 35 35.0%
  • Other. (List)

    Votes: 3 3.0%

  • Total voters
The Monkey said:
Fool! Not you, someone else. (S)he made a post saying it was the user's mom, and that the user was close to death. It was found out that it was indeed him(her)self pretending to be his(her) mom. (S)he was banned. :bonce:

He done it on several occasions, with several different alts, too.

-Angry Lawyer
Closing politics is probably one of the stupidest and pointless things i can imagine (and my brain is chock full of em).

This and ot are the only forums i visit and i've leaned A LOT from politics and it'd be a real shame to see it go. Not to mention i'd have half as many reasons for returning and reading the forums everyday. (Oh god, i'll probably end up leaving for good and going to a soley political forum if politics is closed) And any reason i've heard for it being removed sounds like some five year old kid whining on the play ground.

Anyways, <3 solaris, <3 Politics
Jandor said:
Yup, this is the politics forum. Home of reasonable sensible discussion.
It's usually not very reasonable because we're talking about issues that people really care about.. ie the deaths of hundreds of thousands of pople >< Wth do you expect. And if anything, negative posts like you just made are what hurt this forum.
It's closing anyway, its been said at least half a dozen times.

Why not go out on a reasonably sarcastic note :p .
Ennui said:
I don't understand why people make threads about this, it's closing either way

jondy said:
With regards to this forum's closing, what's your call?

This isn't a petition, I'm just interested.

Jandor said:
It's closing anyway, its been said at least half a dozen times.

Why not go out on a reasonably sarcastic note :p .
Because I grab onto any glimmer of hope i can find :)
Maybe, maybe it'll stay open
Well I'm an asshat and didn't actually read the thread, so there.
Ennui said:
Well I'm an asshat and didn't actually read the thread, so there.
If you let politics close, then less sweaty man sechs for you because ill have to start posting at another forum which actually has politics in it T_T
Ikerous said:
If you let politics close, then no more sweaty man sechs for you because ill have to start posting at another forum which actually has politics in it T_T

I once found such a holy grail, but back then I was much like Solaris (of similar age as well.)

I predictabley got banned.
It is awesome. People who say otherwise are just jealous.
Jondy said:
..if Only We Had Listened To Solaris

QFT. It's too late now. WE WERE ALL SO BLIND D:

Me answer = 2 + 3. Well it would if that had been a multiple choice poll. :p
Sulkdodds said:
Me answer = 2 + 3. Well it would if that had been a multiple choice poll. :p


Ikerous said:
Because I grab onto any glimmer of hope i can find :)

The only real problem I have with the forums is that they're related to american politics. Almost... all... the time.
Jintor said:
The only real problem I have with the forums is that they're related to american politics. Almost... all... the time.

It came as a bit of a shock to discover how polar everything was over there.
Anyone care to link me to the original announcement? All this hubbub of this forum closing down is rather surprising, so I want to see the justifications for it.
I love this forum. It really brings down my experience losing it, the site certainly goes down quite a few places on my list of favorites. I'll still post in games and offtopic every once in a while... but I really doubt I'll come around as often.
RakuraiTenjin said:
I love this forum. It really brings down my experience losing it, the site certainly goes down quite a few places on my list of favorites. I'll still post in games and offtopic every once in a while... but I really doubt I'll come around as often.

I agree with this.........anybody know when this forum will shut down ?
That's a shame. It really is. I'm not all too sure about some of the reasons posted, and too be honest I haven't seen a link between politics and the problems experienced on the site. Personally, some discussions should be held that are more inclusive, not just with the internal moderators who may or may not care about this forum.
Bait said:
That's a shame. It really is. I'm not all too sure about some of the reasons posted, and too be honest I haven't seen a link between politics and the problems experienced on the site. Personally, some discussions should be held that are more inclusive, not just with the internal moderators who may or may not care about this forum.
I think the only way to make that happen is to email Munro about your concerns.

Now I'll have to stay in Source Editing & Development full-time, unless we get a forum devoted entirely to CptStern.
Angry Lawyer said:
You'll have me to love, Raeven0!
Yes, yes... nothing but Angry Lawyer and my own vast intellect now. Hold me :x
Besides, watching two people arguing furiously until they're blue in the face is... fun.
RakuraiTenjin's said:
I love this forum. It really brings down my experience losing it, the site certainly goes down quite a few places on my list of favorites. I'll still post in games and offtopic every once in a while... but I really doubt I'll come around as often.

I agree (QFE.)
I hope you mods are thinking of having a poll for closing down the general off topic forum as well :|.
hahaah this is the first time ive been in this forum so i dont care!
I hear quite a few calls for tougher moderation.

Aight. Be careful what you wish for.
Well, it would really only be going back to what it was like in the past, when you guys used to administer warnings for one words posts, spam and insults and stuff. Which was a good thing.
Laivasse, what happened to us? I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME!

You don;t need Politics, just Combine not on Xen arguments!

-Angry Lawyer
ComradeBadger said:
I hear quite a few calls for tougher moderation.

Aight. Be careful what you wish for.
As long as tougher moderation != close every thread as soon as it goes off topic, i'm fine with it