Your racial heritage


Jul 14, 2006
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Put simply, what are you? For me, 1/2 Irish and 1/4 german, and the rest is British and French. :imu:
How many people do you consider yourself to be. You must equal 1.

I'm 3/4 British & 1/4 Dutch. Which is why is why i have a soft spot for the dutch members! Daaaaaa
That fraction goes over 1, you know?

I'm 1/2 English, 1/4 Irish and 1/4 South African.

Well, the ones I know of:

Native American

I don't know the ratios, it's just too much of a hodge-podge. In other words, I couldn't afford to be racist, I'd probably just end up hating some part of myself.
How many people do you consider yourself to be. You must equal 1.

I'm 3/4 British & 1/4 Dutch. Which is why is why i have a soft spot for the dutch members! Daaaaaa
Lol, I just got what you meant. :rolling: I meant 1/4 German.
How many people do you consider yourself to be. You must equal 1.

I'm 3/4 British & 1/4 Dutch. Which is why is why i have a soft spot for the dutch members! Daaaaaa


I'm 7/8th Dutch and 1/8th Belgian :)
nearly half irish, and all kinds of bits from the netherlandns and around, like in mid-europe... I'm also part gypsy and part native-american.
I'm actually pure English, but I've lived in wales most of my life.
Something like 1/2 Polish, 1/4 English and 1/4 German.
I'm part, greatest to least:

British (I have royal blood. I'm kinned to William the Conqueror and Princess Diana)
Native American (Part Cherokee and Choctaw)
Irish (smallest)

I'm a Euro mutt.
97% Swedish
2% Dutch
1% Danish

Something like that, but the numbers aren't exact.
My family tree is a huge mess, so I oversimplify: I'm British tainted by 200 years of hick. The first Scrape in America was a War of 1812 deserter. :p
7/8 Scottish, 1/8 Australian.

Are there any FREE online sites to find this kind of thing out accurately?
Im not really sure about fractions or percentages, but my grandparents on my mother's side are Irish, and my Great-Grandparents on my father's side are Irish too. Lived in England all my life (as have my parents). So I'm whatever that makes me.
1/1 Cuban, but born in the states.

Trace my bloodline back a couple generations and you end up in spain
Scottish but English. All my family is Scottish. I was born in England.
I'm swedish with a tiny speck of russian heritage from my dads ancestors side
Half German, half Irish.

So basically I'm prone to get drunk and violent.
My family tree is a huge mess, so I oversimplify: I'm British tainted by 200 years of hick. The first Scrape in America was a War of 1812 deserter. :p

Heh, two of my great grandfathers were german WWI vets. One of them deserted during the war and the other one never saw combat. The one who deserted killed himself in pennsylvania due to shellshock.

It's always neat when you look back into your heritage and find weird stuff like that.
The bits I know about..

French (from about 600 years ago though)
Russian (Georgian)

A pretty weird mix really o_O

Edit: Oh, and Irish! I think EVERYONE must have some Irish in them, somewhere.
The bits I know about..

French (from about 600 years ago though)
Russian (Georgian)

A pretty weird mix really o_O

Edit: Oh, and Irish! I think EVERYONE must have some Irish in them, somewhere.

pfft hell no, im 100% pure azn
Major: German, Irish, Puerto Rican, Philippino
Minor: French, Haitian, Dominican, Italian
German, Irish, Italian, Russian, Swiss, Polish.

Those are the ones I know off the top of my head.
atleast 1/8 English, the rest Scottish, Irish and English in unkown amounts