Zero Punctuation

They're not meant to be serious reviews ffs.

And even though I never really played it, I feel pretty confident saying that WoW sucks ass. Like all the ass. Leave some for Halo ass hog!
I never saw his review either.
This is one of those rare occasions where I don't even have to add a snide comment. Thanks for doing my work for me.
Tbh, after watching someone else play this game for multiple hours, I think he was pretty spot on with his complaints.
Not one of the funnier episodes, but it also makes me not miss Alan Wake at all since I no longer have a 360. If it comes out for PC at some point I will likely not even get it (unless it is <$10 :E).
Not one of the funnier episodes, but it also makes me not miss Alan Wake at all since I no longer have a 360. If it comes out for PC at some point I will likely not even get it (unless it is <$10 :E).

Don't judge what to buy off his reviews, he was far too harsh to Alan Wake imo.
Hoooo boy.

"The cars in GTA IV handled badly."

No they didn't.

"It was easy to crash in Lost and Damned."

No it wasn't.

"Helicopters sucked in Gay Tony."

Okay, a little bit, but when the alternative is making them control as rigidly as every other sandbox game out there I'd rather have this.

"... it's a bit like WoW..."

Okay, **** me, I'm done.

Yeah. He's only funny when he's reviewing bad games. When he reviews good ones he has to bend over backwards to find things wrong to make fun of ... it just doesn't work.
Yeah, I though he'd like Alpha Protocol. I like Yahtzee and his game tastes.
Ahh, this thread reminds me. I haven't watched ZP in a good 4 weeks or so, it'll be nice to catch up.

It is a shame his criticisms feel so forced these days. I have been watching the series since pretty much the very beginning (the first one I way was the Psychonauts review, IIRC) and it is clearly noticeable how he has come to intentionally nitpick. He always used to do it, of course, but he at least gave credit where it was due, and the flaws he did highlight were ones that could be shown with genuine humour.

That said I can see WHY he's done it; the core viewerbase are EXPECTING him to slate the game, and are disappointed if he doesn't. People flame like crazy when he gives a good review to a game they wanted him to hate*, whereas if he picks out a relatively well hyped upcoming game and tears it to pieces, people will lap up the delicious fanboy tears from those who liked the game.

Personally I still enjoy the show, and have always taken his conclusions with a hefty pinch of salt; it's just a shame that the scripts seem to be becoming so forced. I don't see why people feel the need to have their opinions validated by some internet comedian just to feel secure, nor why it even matters what he thinks of a game.

*Side note: This reminds me of the backlash when Charlie Brooker turned out to be far more sympathetic towards Jade Goody's death than they had expected/would have liked
I agree that they're gimmicks, but not that that makes them inherently awful. He's entitled to his opinion though, as long as he doesn't make another ****ing WoW comparis-- OH LOOK ANOTHER ****ING WOW COMPARISON I swear to god Yahtzee is Blizzard paying you for this?
He's not being paid to be funny. He's being paid to make people laugh. Hence the endless references to the six games that the Gamer Demographic will all recognise.
Because surely 11 million potential watchers didn't get tired of him bringing it up the second or third time.
But you still watched. That's all they really care about.
Yeah but I enjoy getting aggravated by things, it fuels my solid hatredium core. Just look at my title! :P
He did raise a few good points about the Forgotten Sands, although I couldn't really tell if he was criticizing or if he enjoyed it. He was spot on about all the motion controller bullshit though, give me a good old fashioned controller, or a mouse and keyboard any day. The wii is about as pointless as a catflap in an elephant house.
*searches for a game Zero Punctuation actually likes*

Its slim pickings.
I wonder if ZP still goes to GAME TRADERS ROBINA!!! since GAME TRADERS ROBINA!!!'s shopping centre's been renovated quite heavily the last six months.

I should mention I live 10 minutes away from GAME TRADERS ROBINA!!! to justify the point of this post.
*searches for a game Zero Punctuation actually likes*

Its slim pickings.
Try looking at his first few videos before editorial mandate said he had to hate everything.

To be fair though he's been giving out compliments a bit more lately. He really seemed like he wanted to like AP, for example.
He said Portal was perfect. It was a boring review.
OH LOOK ANOTHER ****ING WOW COMPARISON I swear to god Yahtzee is Blizzard paying you for this?

He's right though.

Until developers get it into their heads that MAKING A WoW CLONE IS NOT THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN MAKE AN MMORPG, then just about all MMOs will be inherently similar and unavoidably compared to Blizzard's giant. WoW has pretty much become what people expect when they think of an MMO.

The few MMOs on the market that are not WoW clones are simply bad games, and are thus total failures; only serving to cement the developer's view that WoW is the best way. It's a vicious cycle.

Personally I'm hoping Guild Wars 2 changes this state of affairs a little. I've always liked the idea of an MMO, it's pretty much a virtual reality, and thus awesome; but the reality of their gameplay is always completely disappointing. GW2 seems to be trying to make the game we all hoped MMOs would be, back when the genre first started in the late 90s; as opposed to what they have become.
I agree with you, except, you know, most of the time he's not even comparing it to MMOs. :P
I'm beginning to just watch it for his metaphors rather than his opinion.
Mmnnyeah I can get behind that one. I was still enjoying SMG2 last time I picked it up, but it is strikingly similar to the first. The tutorial DVD was extremely amusing as well. :P

End point is a bit lost on me. The allusion that Nintendo fanboys are basement dwellers who've never been in contact with opposite sex kind of goes counter to his long-running joke that the Wii is for people who... aren't basement dwellers.

Also the waggle controls aren't that ****ing bad, you arthritic old bastard.
"Maybe Mario can breathe in space because he's some kind of homunculus." (credits)
Having not played the first game, I really want to try SMG2 at some point considering it seems to be simply a better version of the first.
That was one of my favorite ones yet. While I always enjoy ZP, they don't often make me laugh out loud, but there were a few jokes that got me there this time. His delivery on his last... cake... joke got me good.