Zero Punctuation

yea i haven't laughed as much at zp in quite some time before this one :)
Having not played the first game, I really want to try SMG2 at some point considering it seems to be simply a better version of the first.

Play them both! Untill SMG2, SMG was the best game i'd played this gen.
Okay, I'm convinced, someone is ****ing paying him to mention World of Warcraft in every episode. He didn't even attempt to relate that one to the game.
Good choice of game for a retrospective review, considering so many rate it as a classic, and he nailed enough of what was good about it to balance up the funnies.
A positive review? With actual criticism? And funny jokes? And no WoW comparisons?

Oh, Yahtzee, how I've missed thee.
i need to do it aswell :(

unfortunately ico didnt grab me so... =/
I find it amusing that the fan choice was Duke Nukem forever, mere days before it was announced at PAX.
I planned to play it anyway cos i was interested in it and always thought the concept of K&L had great potential. Unfortunately it looks like the potential this game has has been squandered just like the first -_-

also i dont like to rely solely upon reviews i guess (then again not a chance i was going to buy this when i heard it was 4 hours! :flame:)
Oh god, knowing him he must have ripped Kane and Lynch 2 to shreds. WHy the hell did they make a second one.

He seems to be playing catchup.
in all honesty thats actually a pretty fair review of it i think

i too wondered about the soldiers standing on ramps at takeoff aswell :laugh:
I'm kinda mad that he spoiled the end sequence to the game, but a decent review I guess...
Pretty much sums up my view of every Halo game ever.
Couldnt agree more with him on Halo Reach.

It's like catching a glimpse up a woman's skirt; you cant help but look, but after a few minutes, you realise you can look at something much better by just going online.

''Halo RULEZZZZZ'' *claps* Yeah you have fun, enjoy.

****ing Halo fanboys, jumping at every opportunity to express their opinion about the game.

Right Dynasty?
Damn those fanboys. Broken records, the lot of them, always harping on about the quality of the game and the degree to which it's analogous to an upskirt perspective, and generally being obnoxious.
Still contemplating on buying that game. It also seems like an ideal game for console. How does the PC version play?
I've also been very tempted to get this for PC, but I'm just not quite sure yet :/
The Escapist is getting his edge back. Best review I've seen in a while.
The Escapist is getting his edge back. Best review I've seen in a while.

The Escapist isn't a person. Its a website, whose owners hired Ben Yahtzee to do Zero Punction videos for their site.
You there are other articles on that site??? :O

Oh hey guys. Just thought I'd come in and say that Yahtzee hosts Trivia Nights at my local gaming bar every week.

And I've only attended once.

He's a pretty cool guy.