
Point duly noted.

Back to zombines and Ep1. 7 days left, woot!
Zombies in half life are screaming help and such, only backwards. So i guess they are awhere on some level, so when a combine sees you, zombie or not, he whould try to blow you up.
I don't know if anyone has thought about it ... but to be honest ... to me the thing with the nade looks like a one of the resistenace charecter models ... kinda zombine tho ... so i persnally think it is half transformed resistenace .. one of the poeple who fought along your side in hl2
We are certain there will be an grandade tossing combine zombie, a zombine.
Dammit Samon how many times are you gonna change your avatar within such a short time span?
Actually I hope we get more differently skinned zombies...we could use a combine zombie, rebel zombie, and blue suit wearing civilian zombie.
Laff said:
Actually I hope we get more differently skinned zombies...we could use a combine zombie, rebel zombie, and blue suit wearing civilian zombie.

I was thinking more along the lines of different headcrabs attacking all sorts of people. Like instead of a regular headcrab, maybe a speedy headcrab gets a CP. Oh boy would that be cool. Or a combine soldier zombified by a poison headcrab.
Hey, I think you get a shot of the Zombine in the new teaser (yes, second one is out). Haven't seen it, but it does look like it.
SWEET *downloads*

EDIT: Sorry samon, I double posted and I dont know how to delete my own posts on this forum ;)

Edit again: I wonder if you can get screenshots in smp, ill try and get some shots of a zombine

TheCheckt said:
I was thinking more along the lines of different headcrabs attacking all sorts of people. Like instead of a regular headcrab, maybe a speedy headcrab gets a CP. Oh boy would that be cool. Or a combine soldier zombified by a poison headcrab.
Or when Gman is talking to you at the start of ep1, a headcrab gets him and he starts to attck you! :O:O

lol yeah, I just watched teaser 2, I saw no zombine <_>

EDIT: I didnt think combine were human :/ I know that the police combine are, but.. thats no police combine.. Why is there blood? :/
There are no Combine aliens, bar the Advisor, in HL2

Anyway, that Zombine looks awesome.
Looks cool although I want to see the transhuman combine face underneath the headcrab :(
How could Valve be so cruel as to design a creature with no way of feeding its self ;(
99.vikram said:
Thanks for clearing that up. :cool:

One question haunts me. How did zombines learn to toss, let alone activate, Combine built grenades when they barely have the intelligence to walk? :|

Oh, and for those of you who care, I just flunked a life-altering exam. I r0xx0rz :sniper: :afro:
*yawn*... Just hibernated... anyone noticed? With that matter my post might be quite wrong... the combine was holding the Nade and then got head crabbed and continued having it stuck in his hand as his nervous system is just like dead, when a dead person dies with his hand closed, it stayes that way unless forced open... as death is friggin close to death, well acctually is death, your muscles contract to your human positioning, as you said zombies are stupid, they wont bother opening their hand and die with a grenade in their hand thus causing a dropdead kaboom...
Azner said:
*yawn*... Just hibernated... anyone noticed? With that matter my post might be quite wrong... the combine was holding the Nade and then got head crabbed and continued having it stuck in his hand as his nervous system is just like dead, when a dead person dies with his hand closed, it stayes that way unless forced open... as death is friggin close to death, well acctually is death, your muscles contract to your human positioning, as you said zombies are stupid, they wont bother opening their hand and die with a grenade in their hand thus causing a dropdead kaboom...

The question is, 'How is the grenade tossed?'
bigburpco said:
The question is, 'How is the grenade tossed?'
*Knocks burpcos head with school file*... that is your question... what gave you the bloody(sorry for the language abuse Samon but leme just speak in my anger i promise not F's)idea it was Friggin tossed huh show me your source now you*cools down* Forum member...there is not proof that is was tossed huh! okok i know your gonna say this "but it friggin activated" do you FRIGGIN KNOW THAT WHEN YOU KILL A COMBINE WHICH IS ABOUT TO TOSS A GRENADE, even at he just holds it before he even want to FRGGIN THROW IT! IT WILL DROP ACTIVATED... ITS ALL PART OF A GAME!
:angry: :flame: :angry: :flame: :angry: :flame: :angry: :flame: I JUST GOT BACK HERE!:angry:
Azner said:
:angry: :flame: :angry: :flame: :angry: :flame: :angry: :flame: I JUST GOT BACK HERE!:angry:
Did you have to?
Rizzo89 said:
I belive the synth are alien.

Yes, they are. But that has absolutey no bearing on anything. Azner, stop being stupid. There's simply no need. Are you saying all Zombines were zombified with a grenade in their hand? I mean really. They kamikazie towards you.
Grenade wielding zombies:dozey: . What a stupid decision from Valve. How the heck could a stupid brain dead (headcrab instead of brain) zombie use a grenade.

On a slightly of topic note the most hilarious thing happened today in HL2. In a room filled with zombies, they started throwing stuff at me and one of those stupid zombie dudes actually threw a med kit at me:LOL: .
I don't like the Zombine thing. I mean, using a gun isn't that much more complicated than using a grenade (except for reloading)
It's possible that they have some kind of uplink still to the combine controller and they can still basic orders from "the hive mind" I doubt Valve would put in something that cheesy without some kind of explanation.
There is quite obviously an explanation behind the Zombine and besides, it's not like they throw the grenade - I mean really. I'm pretty sure they are a Breen experiment within the Citadel - it'd make sense given some of the info released. Infact given what PCZone had to say in their preview, it's pretty much a certified fact.

Unless I'm tragically wrong, but this screenshot agrees with me: http://steampowered.com/Steam/Marketing/May25.2006/img/Alyx_zombine.jpg

Yep, I'm now even more positive that they are an experiment performed by Breen within the Citadel. For instance, Alyx coins the name Zombine - so she's therefore never actually seen one in the 20 or so years the Combine have controlled the Earth. And now the Citadel is in meltdown, they, along with the Stalkers and such are free to escape into City 17.

I say; nice going Wallace!
Then it's not far fetched to suppose there is a prototype portable head crab launcher somewhere in the citadel:p.