
Well you said the zombines were an obscure Breen experiment so I though maybe he could have done some experiments with head crab launchers:sniper:
What do you mean Headcrab launchers? Quite obviously they've several launchers dotted around the city.
Rizzo89 said:
Zombies in half life are screaming help and such, only backwards. So i guess they are awhere on some level, so when a combine sees you, zombie or not, he whould try to blow you up.

I think that's a valid theory. Even if Breen did manipulate them. They also throw boxes at you. What says that headcrabs are stupid anyway? A combine soldier is a human with unnecesery brain removed, and add a headcrab to that and you get a leathal mix :borg: :borg:

Samon said:
There are no Combine aliens, bar the Advisor, in HL2.

Rizzo89 said:
I belive the synth are alien.

Why do people get upset? I just pointed out that synths are alien. :monkee:
Samon said:
Yes, they are. But that has absolutey no bearing on anything. Azner, stop being stupid. There's simply no need. Are you saying all Zombines were zombified with a grenade in their hand? I mean really. They kamikazie towards you.
Ok just got my daily dose of medicine... who says all are, this is only a screenshot we see, how do they kamikazie you.... talk aboot that later but look this is a screen shot, not a ingame picture, Samon i know what you are trying to say but try thinking outside and inside the box at the same time...
Azner said:
Ok just got my daily dose of medicine... who says all are, this is only a screenshot we see, how do they kamikazie you.... talk aboot that later but look this is a screen shot, not a ingame picture, Samon i know what you are trying to say but try thinking outside and inside the box at the same time... WE ARE DISCUSSING A SCREENSHOT HERE AND NOT A INGAME PICTURE

Do you think Source will eventually get realistic shadow effects, like the technology behind Doom 3 (only not razor-sharp and pitch black)?
Ah I still haven't seen a picture of the zombine. Screenshot please :p
Thanks, but I saw one about 30 minutes ago in a video. It looked much cooler when it was moving. I just hope in future episodes they incooperate combine getting zombified by speedy and poison headcrabs. Imagine how cool that would be
TheCheckt said:
Thanks, but I saw one about 30 minutes ago in a video. It looked much cooler when it was moving. I just hope in future episodes they incooperate combine getting zombified by speedy and poison headcrabs. Imagine how cool that would be

Hell, they might have them in this episode.
Darksabre said:
Hell, they might have them in this episode.
That would be cool, but I doubt theyll have them in this one :p maybe theyll introduce one type of zombine each episode or something

Ep1: Zombine

Ep2: Fast Zombine

Ep3: Poison Zombine
screw that i wanna see a wild gonarch again, perhaps a younger gonarch to show off the inbetween stages in the headcrab lifecycle
I wanna see one of those Crab Synths you glimpse briefly on your way to Breen's office. Those guys look mean.
Samon said:
I believe we do - according to Lombardi at any rate.
both synths? Okok u win... this one of course! MuahahahahahahahhaHAHahHAhahHAhAhAhAHhA i still am not done with you in "Reactor Explosion, Survival and Breen" but anyway since that is an ingame picture then Gordon would have threwn it and not the Zombine...
wildchild730 said:
That would be cool, but I doubt theyll have them in this one :p maybe theyll introduce one type of zombine each episode or something

Ep1: Zombine

Ep2: Fast Zombine

Ep3: Poison Zombine

A fast zombine would be freaky especially if it was a metrocop because they don't have as much armor on therefore they'd be faster. I can see it now wielding an SMG shooting it crazily in every direction.
Samon said:
I believe we do - according to Lombardi at any rate.

Not only will we see them again but will we actually get to fight those mortar and crab synths during Ep1? Or do we have to wait until Ep2?
BigBoss7556 said:
Not only will we see them again but will we actually get to fight those mortar and crab synths during Ep1? Or do we have to wait until Ep2?

Lombardi said we'd fight them...I'm searching for the interview again.

EDIT: Found it at HLF

I'm not gonna scan it cus a) my scaner isn't set up on my new pc and b)i cant be bothered to scan 4 pages, so here is a brief list of stuff in the article.

2 new enemies; mortar synth (think wraith tank from Halo) and crab synth (dunno what that is).
Says there is gonna be more team work (no surprise there)

Interview between Doug Lombardi and PCF:
pcf: Is HL2 principally based in city 17?
dl: yes. Freeman and Alyx return to the ruins of c17 and the citadel and helping fleeing resistance members is among their tasks
pcf: what time frame for ep2?
dl: its already in production (and that's pretty much it for ep2)
pcf: is the main push with this episode about working with the resistance? are there big team set peices you can spill the beans on?
dl: the main push is about spending every minute with alyx, together you'll fight antlions, zombies, combines, zombines(???) and more...
pcf: are we in for more enemies beside the synths?
dl: did i mention zombines

and that's it. it is a good read, written as if the person is living in city 17. enjoy and sorry for any spelling mistakes.

Credit to: Dachande663
Yep, me too. I think Valve said that at the end of each episode that we would see enemies that would be encountered in the next one. I guess this applies to Half-Life 2 because we saw stalkers along with new synths. There's been talk according to the GCF files that it will end on a train leaving City 17. I wonder if we will get to see houndeyes and bullsquids outside city 17(I have a feeling we will).

(Spoilers, highlight to read)

The final chapter does end on a train. Gordon, Alyx and Barney manage to penetrate a series of train yards near the outskirts of City 17. Having gathered as many of the remaining citizens within the City as they can, they begin getting them onto the trains - and out of the city before the Citadel explodes.

Once all of them are aboard Gordon and Alyx bid farewell to Barney, and board their own train. However, as they make their escape the Combine Advisor catches up with them - and as the Citadel begins to crumble battle it. From what I can gather, the Advisors dropship type thing crashes, and in the distance the Citadel explodes - taking out City 17.

It's possible Gordon and Alyx's train crashes.
I hope the Citadel explosion is on the same level as Fear's finale. Say what you will about the game itself, that final moment was jaw-dropping.