Who Created The Terrorist Problem?

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Sep 14, 2003
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Who is our enemy?

In the fall of 1999, the Defense Department-chartered Hart-Rudman Commission determined that terrorism was such an imminent threat that "Americans will likely die on American soil, possibly in large numbers."

Bush administration officials told former Sens. Gary Hart, D-Colo., and Warren Rudman, R-N.H., that they preferred instead to put aside the recommendations issued in the January report by the U.S. Commission on National Security/21st Century. Instead, the White House announced in May that it would have Vice President Dick Cheney study the potential problem of domestic terrorism -- which the bipartisan group had already spent two and a half years studying -- while assigning responsibility for dealing with the issue to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, headed by former Bush campaign manager Joe Allbaugh.

The Hart-Rudman Commission had specifically recommended that the issue of terrorism was such a threat it needed far more than FEMA's attention.

But declaring a "national emergency" and invoking FEMA allows the suspension of civil liberties.

On August 6, 2001, Bush got a Presidential Daily Briefing entitled "Bin Laden determined to strike in US." He didn't read it.

Reagan Created bin Laden

Osama bin Laden was trained by the CIA, as part of a policy of arming a multi-national coalition of Islamic extremists in Afghanistan during the 1980s - well after the destruction of the Marine barracks in Beirut or the hijacking of TWA Flight 847, by a jolly actor who played the role of President and was good for TV ratings. So bin Laden, along with a small group of Islamic militants from Egypt, Pakistan, Lebanon, Syria and Palestinian refugee camps all over the Middle East, became the "reliable" partners of the CIA in its war against Moscow.

But that war ended in 1989, and since then bin Laden has been the very picture of a reckless CIA project gone wrong. He has used his Saudi construction fortune and any other money he's gotten to attack U.S. interests anywhere he could from his Taliban-sponsored haven in Afghanistan.

George "W" Bush - World's Largest Supporter of the Taliban

Bin Laden launched two devastating attacks on American embassies in Africa from Afghanistan in 1998. Despite that, this administration gave the Taliban, arguably the most repressive regime in the world, and the government harboring the most dangerous terrorist in the world, $43 million for declaring that growing opium is "against the will of god." This made the United States, in 2001, the world's greatest monetary supporter of the Taliban.

So this administration was specifically warned, officially, by a Defense Department Commission, yet purposefully turned its back on those recommendations. It blindly pursued the "drug war" mentality of Bush I and the "star wars" mentality of Reagan. It declared itself oblivious to the current state of the world in its thrall with isolationism.

While this administration was killing innocent Japanese schoolchildren on corporate submarine joyrides, gutting our domestic regulations, planning on ruining our drinking water, plowing up our last wild lands, spoiling our last Alaskan wilderness, and looting the treasury of the United States for its rich friends, the world was moving on. Dangerously so.

Reagan Created the Threat - Bush Let it Happen on His Watch

This administration had specific, credible evidence that something was going to happen. It wasn't a matter of if, it was a matter of when.

This administration was busy spending all its time, though, bending America over for its corporate donors instead of making our country and the world a safer place.

This administration was spending all its honeymoon capital on pissing off the world by rejecting everything cooperative that the civilized countries of the world had worked for for years, for generations, for centuries - NO anti-nuclear, NO anti-poisonous gas, NO anti-child slavery, NO anti-global warming, making the United States a rogue state in its unilateral pursuit of some glorious corporate utopia.

This administration was "uniting" by polarizing this country between the haves and the have-nots, just like Reagan did. This administration was demonstrating how committed it was to creating a national religion-fueled corporate aristocracy and a permanent lower working class to exploit.

The attack in 2001 should not have happened. This administration was clearly and strongly warned. The Clinton administration and the Defense Department invested two and a half years in exploring how to keep our country safe from EXACTLY that kind of terrorist attack. It caught and prosecuted and imprisoned the people who attacked the WTC earlier. The commission charted by the Defense Department presented its stark and frightening findings and highly specific recommendations to this administration.

This administration threw the Hart-Rudman report out the window and said, "No thanks. Well let Dick take care of it."

Thanks, Dick.

Orginally Posted On:

Terrorism was created and funded by no one else than radical Islamists in hardline Islamic countries. Even in Western, Non-Islamic countries as we've found out numerous times.
I did.

The terrorist sprang from my butthole.

Terrorism was created and funded by no one else than radical Islamists in hardline Islamic countries. Even in Western, Non-Islamic countries as we've found out numerous times.

Terrorism has been around for thousands of years. God damn sheep....
And who are the main culprits who exercise it today? Muslims. Radical Muslims. They don't really have to be that religious, most of they are brainwashed into thinking that Yahud and Amrikaan are inherently evil and incur Allah's wrath, and thus, they must be destroyed. And how do we do this? I quote a Jordanian schoolbook - "This religion [Islam] will conquer all other religions through its Islamic Jihad fighters!".

By the way, you posted something from democraticunderground. And utter leftist site. Here's an example of just how utter leftist they are - http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=104x1470018
And who are the main culprits who exercise it today? Muslims. Radical Muslims.

I don't remember the IRA being muslims. Infact, I don't recall the time and place Isreal became composed of Muslims. Not many muslims in those organisations.

They don't really have to be that religious, most of they are brainwashed into thinking that Yahud and Amrikaan are inherently evil and incur Allah's wrath, and thus, they must be destroyed.

My, what a contradictory statement

And how do we do this? I quote a Jordanian schoolbook - "This religion [Islam] will conquer all other religions through its Islamic Jihad fighters!".

There are fanatics in every religion and society, and every fanatic has to get the ideas from somewhere. Ever heard of Mein Kampf?

By the way, you posted something from democraticunderground. And utter leftist site. Here's an example of just how utter leftist they are - http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=104x1470018

Wow, thanks for pointing out one post out of one website out of thousands of other websites. The fact there are thousands of Right wing sites and Lefist sites means nothing I suppose.
I suppose you ignored the whole "I hate America" thing I posted there, Ryuken. Here's another one -

[FlemingsGhost (1000+ posts) Thu Apr-21-05 10:21 PM

71. Incinerated to dust. Bitch of an occupational hazard, huh?


There are nine less “Rambo” wanna-be assholes in the world.

That was in response to the blackwater helicopter that was shot down. Here's another one on the same topic -

S1 (1000+ posts) Thu Apr-21-05 07:34 PM

39. Good. F*ck em. Live by the sword, go down in a Russian helo

by the missile. Perhaps the rest of Blackwater will get slaughtered too, good riddance to bad sh*t.


Zinfandel (1000+ posts) Thu Apr-21-05 02:10 PM

15. Serves the Blackwater terrorist right! These f*cking *sshole American

mercenaries are killing Iraq people while making hundreds of thousands of dollars to do it. To protect Halliburton and other firms grabbing billions upon billions of our tax dollars, while exploiting the Iraqi people. These mercenaries don’t give one sh*t about the people or the country...they are in Iraq for the money.

The Iraqi’s want us out of THEIR country...But we will stay! As long as there is oil in Iraq (and Iran) we want to secure the oil for these same oil companies who keep showing tens of billions of dollars of record profits each quarter, because of the inflated prices at the gas pumps.

These hired Blackwater killers “contractors” are a f*cking disgrace!!!

These American Blackwater killers, these are the real terrorist...killing citizens of Iraq (men, women & children) in their own country, for monetary gain.

Now let's change subject, here's the result of a poll on the site -

What do you believe Al Qeada is?

* A real terrorist organization (25 votes, 19%)

* A once real terrorist organization that the administration is now using to get what they want (30 votes, 22%)

* A completely fictional organization (80 votes, 59%)

Let's move on to another one -

Here you'll see a "scientific" analysis of the World Trade Center on fire. I warn you, it's stupid - http://www.democraticunderground.co...w_mesg&forum=125&topic_id=56836&mesg_id=56836

In case you aren't going to read it, here's the test model he made for the World Trade Center - http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b108/janedoe444/spooked/4_fire.jpg

Yes. Your eyes aren't lying.

Changing subject again -

In defense of referancing Hitler -


And finally, to conclude this, I bring you this little hysteric post -


Knockout? I think so.

Thanks for link, I'll check it out if they have the book on tape as I do most of my reading at the gym these days.

It's a great book, it starts in '79 with the islamic revolution in Iran and goes up to 9/11. Detailed history of how the mujahideen fought the soviets in afghanistan with cia backing, how the arabs got involved, how the taliban appeared, and OBL's rise to power.
List of links

Um, that still changes nothing.
The internet is full of idiots
We know that already. What about all the racist sites on the internet, does that mean that everyone from the same country as a racist is racist themselves? Of course not.

Is every democrat a nutcase that hates america? Are they hell. One website means bugger all.
Who created the Terrorist problem?
Lets see... people that disagreed with extremists and got there ideas to a big audience?
Um, the "terrorist problem" has been around for centuries. The upcoming game Assassins Creed is based on some of the earliest known Islamic radicals known as The Hashshashin. <--read about them.
the founding fathers beliefs arent dead, there is a political party just like the founding fathers envisioned, and no its not the democrats nor the the republicans its the libertarian party
also i think this group is responsible for spawning terrorist movements
I use to consider myself a centrist so to speak, but I'm slowly starting to support/become apart of the Libertarian Party.
Terrorism was created and funded by no one else than radical Islamists in hardline Islamic countries. Even in Western, Non-Islamic countries as we've found out numerous times.
Before I even go into all the other bullshit you posted I will take on one thing at a time. Are you actually denying what I posted. Are you denying that Al Queda, you know those guys that bombed our buildings on September 11th, would not have been started if it wasn't for the funding and the arming they got from the neocons here in the US back in the 80s? Are you also denying that as recently as 2001 the necon Bush administration gave the taliban, the organisation providing support for al queda, over 40 million dollars making it the largest contribution to that group ever? If you are not denying any of these things your idiotic point that this is not valid because it is from the DU has no merit in reality.

I also don't know how you can point to one post of one member of a message board with over 90,000 members and claim it to be proof that it is a radical web site. by the way I would love to see what you don't agree with in the examples of what you posted but lets not get in to that right now as I don't want to give you an excuse for dodging the original point of this topic.
I'm not denying what you posted, I'm ignoring what you posted because it's from Democratic Underground.
I use to consider myself a centrist so to speak, but I'm slowly starting to support/become apart of the Libertarian Party.

Mostly though it's becauseI keep running into conservative assholes that would kill off all liberals in a heartbeat.
I feel a duty to maintain some equilibrium.
I'm not denying what you posted, I'm ignoring what you posted because it's from Democratic Underground.

Then I'm sorry sir (and excuse my french) but you are a ****ing idiot.

Atleast admit you are wrong, you responded originally until I called you on your bullshit.
hey calm down people
and no limit its their right to read what they want to read and to believe what they want. its called freedom.
also i think nemesis6 is trying to point out that your website is more prone to be politically biased, you would outright dismiss a article from fox news wouldnt you
and no limit its their right to read what they want to read and to believe what they want. its called freedom.
you would outright dismiss a article from fox news wouldnt you
No I wouldn't. Anyone that does that is full of shit to put it mildly. They can't dispute what the message is so they attack the messanger. Granted, I would probably not agree with that article but I would explain why I disagree with it. Not simply claim that article is wrong without ever looking at it, what does that prove?

Sure, it is your right to ignore facts that don't fit your perticular agenda, but if you are going to do that do us all a favor and don't post.
Actually Ryuken I owe you an apology. When I read your first post I thought you were quoting nemesis, now that I reread it I see you were quoting tron. What I read looked like this:
I'm not denying what you posted, I'm ignoring what you posted because it's from Democratic Underground.
Mostly though it's becauseI keep running into conservative assholes that would kill off all liberals in a heartbeat.
I feel a duty to maintain some equilibrium.

I figured you were agreeing with what nemesis said in the name of being moderate, again my mistake and I hope you can accept my apology, its been a long day.
What equilibrium? I am so sick of hearing people talk about this whole middle of the road bullshit. The fact is that facts are not bipartisan. A fact is a fact. For you to say you will ignore that fact because thefact was told to you by a liberal makes absolutely no sense and shows exactly what is wrong with this damn country.

Saying what you just said tells me you are too scared to look at the truth and what is happening around you because you are afraid that you will be called partisan. Grow up.
How about you shut god damn face bitch.

Jk. :P

Or am I?
How about you shut god damn face bitch.
Mature tron, you know I used to actually respect your posts. I don't know what the hell happened to you. Everything you post now seems to be flame bait in one way or the other.

Edit (same way you edited the post).


Or am I?


I'm actually not really kidding. I know you edited your post but look, you used to add a lot of meaningful things to discussions. I'm not saying you don't do that now but it seems 95% of what you post adds nothing.
Sarcasm. Re-read nub.

If you don't like my post then ignore them. :P

Edit: Yea I use to, but now I don't care. I'm not here to gain anybodies respect. I couldn't give damn. Most people here like my flamebait/spam posts and some don't, but I'm not here to suck dicks.

I'm just here because it's fun.

Edit 2: Oh and because I met some great people here and I want to keep talking to them about whatever. Which is fun...so that shouldn't have been a 2nd edit...anyways..
Sarcasm. Re-read nub.

If you don't like my post then ignore them. :P

I wouldn't do that as I think I still have some faith in you. I hope you understand how someone could get offended by just reading "how about you shut god damn face bitch." Sarcasm is real hard to see over the internet.

My edit responding to your edit (I love this edit war):

Edit: Yea I use to, but now I don't care. I'm not here to gain anybodies respect. I couldn't give damn. Most people here like my flamebait/spam posts and some don't, but I'm not here to suck dicks.

I'm just here because it's fun.
And that's fine, I tend to take things a little more seriously. I laugh at some of it, yes, but I still miss the old tron. (Maybe its just the grey goose talking)
Actually Ryuken I owe you an apology. When I read your first post I thought you were quoting nemesis, now that I reread it I see you were quoting tron. What I read looked like this:


I figured you were agreeing with what nemesis said in the name of being moderate, again my mistake and I hope you can accept my apology, its been a long day.
Yeah dude absolutely. I'm a bonafide hot-head and have a tendency to overreact to things like that.
I'll just delete my post now.
Yeah dude absolutely. I'm a bonafide hot-head and have a tendency to overreact to things like that.
I'll just delete my post now.

I deleted my posts too. Again, I apologize for this, I need to learn to actually read things before I reply to them. I can certainly see how you can react the way you did to my post which made absolutely no sense to anyone that actually read your post.
Damnit, I can't read what insults you guys were throwing at each other now......
Then I'm sorry sir (and excuse my french) but you are a ****ing idiot.

Atleast admit you are wrong, you responded originally until I called you on your bullshit.

I don't have to admit anything. You're rude, you're intolerant of criticism, and you fit in quite nice with the sort of people who hang out at Democratic Underground.
more like Democratic Mainstream :P

Libertyforums is where the shit happens :P
I don't have to admit anything. You're rude, you're intolerant of criticism, and you fit in quite nice with the sort of people who hang out at Democratic Underground.

And you are in denial. First you reply to my point, then you are challanged, and then you aren't smart enough to defend your own position so you attack a message board with over 90,000 members by pulling out 2 posts out of millions, that say "I hate these red neck americans" trying to somehow equate that to mean I hate america, and another that says "Al Queda is currently being used by neocons to scare the shit out of naive people like you" to show how radical that web site is. You are the type that hangs out at freerepublic.
The only one in denial here is you when you post bullcrap like that here. You clearly have an agenda. That you use Democratic Underground to promote it doesn't surprise me. You've classified yourself as an utter leftist. The likes of which hang out at Daily Kos and Democratic Underground, etc. Speaking of Daily Kos, what you think of Markos "Screw Them" Moulitsas? Listen, I'm sorry I can't conform with your views on who brought the twin towers down. I just think it's disrepectful to say that America was the cause of it through funding Al Qaeda to fight the Soviets.
The only one in denial here is you when you post bullcrap like that here. You clearly have an agenda. That you use Democratic Underground to promote it doesn't surprise me. You've classified yourself as an utter leftist. The likes of which hang out at Daily Kos and Democratic Underground, etc. Speaking of Daily Kos, what you think of Markos "Screw Them" Moulitsas?

Post a link, I dont read dailykos on a regular basis. Second, where did you get those links you first posted from DU, just curious.

And third, you still haven't defended your position, freeper.
And I am an utter leftist (whatever that means), an utter leftist you can't dispupte. So tell me, what does that prove about you and the right wing agenda?
Everyone has an agenda. That's how the world is.

Everyone is trying to push themselves on each other. Whether you're lovers, haters, friends, or enemies...It's called having an opinion and how the world works is this; we try to change each other to our liking because we're selfish.

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