Do you like xmas?

Do you like christmas?

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I love Christmas. I love the Winter, I love Christmas Tree's/lights...pretty much everything about it.
The worst things about Christmas is "It's a Wonderful Life" and "A Christmas Carol", as well as shows that imitate the stories.
A Christmas Carol with Captain Picard is one of the greatest movies ever. :/

Stig said:
Not even the slow, near-sighted, hump-backed, arthritic, osteoporosis-ridden, takes-twelve-minutes-to-choose-between-smooth-or-crunchy-peanut-butter old ladies?
Those are the worst ones.
it's a wonderful life is a great movie, just dont watch it
The tricky part is turning on the TV and somehow not seeing it on.

That's what sucks about it.

It's tradition gone too far.
since I dont get gift anymore for being a "grown up man" I really dont find Christmas so special now
mixed feelings. capitalism bullshit, family sucks but free food and alot of good shit on tv, plus spending time with my nephew who still believes in xmas. we pretty much do it just for the kids so i dont have to buy expensive shit.
Anybody in this thread who hates Christmas never got their weenie whistle:


if you get the reference, +1 to you from Santa
I like Christmas. It's a good idea for the community. Don't agree with its basis though. It should've been Brianmas.
i dread christmas coming......
i dread every holiday because for me....theres no joy
not even on my birthday
so? that doesnt mean fathers and mothers dont deserve a little recognition every year ..we're all guys here, we're not exactly the best at showing affection, especially to parents ..jebus I hope my kids arent as jaded around holidays as you seem to be

I agree, but I don't need a once a year holiday to show affection.

that's capitalism for you

Well, the way it's employed, anyway.

that's not true, at least not in my family ..and yes I've purchased fairly expensive gifts in the past but it was something I wanted to get the person it wasnt about placating some sort of inner desire to not apear like a cheapskate ..anyways, you're a salesman you'd think you'd be used to payola by now

I sell business services, not consumer goods. :)

well that's people's fault not commercialism in general

It's kind of both.

please that's such a myth, i'm around all age groups at christmas kids are justr as happy with the shitty stuff as they are the good stuff isnt till they hit their teens that their expectations change

You should spend some time in the UK. :)

maybe for you that's true but not in my family has nothing to do with gift giving

I was talking about society in general. It's probably different here, anyway.
I like Christmas, aside from spending massive amounts of money and the fact that it's winter. Winter was more fun when you were young enough for school to be canceled and then spend the entire day playing hockey.
i dread christmas coming......
i dread every holiday because for me....theres no joy
not even on my birthday

Lulz, less than 3 friends of mine have remembered my birthday ever since I hit 14. That means nobody has remembered my birthday for the past 5 years.

Why do you dread X-mas coming, though?
Christmas sucks because I never want any gifts but I get them anyway, and I have to buy them stuff too, which I hate doing because it takes forever to think of what to get.
I love it; having a small dying pine tree in my house = best thing ever.
I like Xmas, especially frenetic atmosphere of shops and markets. :)
Tomorrow I will visit xmas markets in Poland and I'll buy some cheap chocolates and cream fudges.
I love Christmas. The mood, the gifts, family; all of it is great.

What I don't love, however, is the constant playing of ****ing Christmas music starting Nov. 1. ****.
Christmas sucks because I never want any gifts but I get them anyway, and I have to buy them stuff too, which I hate doing because it takes forever to think of what to get.

Completely agreed.
I enjoy Christmas because of getting together with family, not because of getting/giving gifts. My family barely does that anymore...generally the only people that get gifts from us are the needy.

Pretty much the same here. My moms side of the family still gives presents, but its very low key. My dad's side has stopped all together.

Yet, I kinda like the build up to Xmas. Works piss-up, piss-up with mates, Home Alone and Die Hard.
Quoted for major ****ing truth. Die Hard marathons christmas eve = mother****ing win!

Not even the slow, near-sighted, hump-backed, arthritic, osteoporosis-ridden, takes-twelve-minutes-to-choose-between-smooth-or-crunchy-peanut-butter old ladies? I think I'd be okay, my gym teacher in grade school told me I could run real fast.

Especially those. Christmas is the time where their inner beast comes out, and the'll beat you senseless with their walkers and purses.
I'm the kid, so ya, it kicks (edited due to "parent looking over shoulder" paranoia)
At least im not completely alone in hating xmas. I agree that it's good to spend time with family and friends, but that is all xmas should be about ... what I hate is the over-commercialism of it, and the constant stream of advertisements and xmas music that you cant get away from. These marketing strategies are blowing xmas completely out of context simply to get as much money as they can - and they do that by saying that you have to buy someone an expensive present or they will hate you if you dont.
Best solution - become a pagan. You get the celebration without the commercialisation. Just ignore shops etc.

And what's it matter if you think you're atheist, you're celebrating a bloody religious festival anyway.
I love Christmas, with having a small family (well, not having many family members in the area) it's a time where you don't spend shedloads on gifts, get a good few in return and everyone is happy. Helps that the atmosphere (at least on television) is so warm as to incite someone to go hug their plush toys of lost youth and roll around in green pastures.

As for the commercialism side of it... "You know what Theo? I just don't think about it."

+1 to who knows where that came from.
Are we running out of things tohate, so now we have to hate a Holiday?

Days off, snowboards, time with friends and family, what's not to like? Go hate an illegal immigrant...
I don't. You spend money you haven't got, and get things you didn't want. And there's absolutely no escape. A billion advertising campaigns leeching christmas for everything it's worth, drumming xmas carols into your head and making your head explode with stress and hate.

Can somebody please cancel xmas? Before I kill myself?

Couldn't have said it better myself. Except for the killing yourself bit tho. Suicide during the holidays is so cliche.