Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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The Cell: WHAT THE F*CK/10

Seriously, I should not have watched this right before going to bed on a full stomach. My dreams are going to be f*cked up.
Transporter 3 6/10

Wall-E - 10/10. Good animation, excellent soundtrack, funny, sad, romantic, etc. in all the right ways. Thomas Newman is a musical genius - there's a piano and mandolin(harp?) bit after Peter Gabriel's credit song (very good as well) that I find really striking.
Howl's Moving Castle - 8/10. I loved the fact that Christian Bale voiced Howl (he has a really sexy voice!) and I thought Calcifer and the gog were funny, but the dialogue at the end just made me go "urgh!" I don't like that kind of talk! Way too soppy!
^ Agreed, the ending was way too soppy (especially since I watched it with dad... awkward). Also I thought the main character, especially with Christian's voice (which I've never really liked that much), was way too flat. The whole point of the plot seemed to be that love could bloom regardless of appearance or some shit, and yet at the end his ultimate reason for falling for her seems to be "your hair looks pretty." Yep, he's a keeper alright. :P
The Big Lebowski - 8/10 - It was much funnier than Burn After Reading for the first hour, then it kind of just derailed and seemingly went derelict and scattershot for the last hour. Still, it was hilariously quirky, the characters were great and the soundtrack was spot-on.
The Incredibles - 7/10

Pretty good, didn't quite have the same charm as some of the other Pixar films though.

Also, Watchmen much?
24 Redemption 8.5/10
Good to have Jack back :)

Quantum Of Solace 8/10
Not as good as CR, and found it a little hard to follow on the first viewing, but the action scenes were good, and I'm glad they've done away with the shitty one-liners.

Zack and Miri Make A Porno 4/10
A couple of funny moments, but the rest was toss.
My Best Friend's Girlfriend - 9/10

Really enjoyed this, funny all the way through but a really cool storyline too. One absolutely, ****ing hilarious bit in this, haven't laughed that hard for a long time.
You Don't Mess With The Zohan - 4/10

Sprinkled with a few funny moments, but otherwise more or less a failure.

Spriggan - 7/10

Great animation, pretty weak in most other respects (just like many other japanese animated films I've been watching lately). It's animator is both a blessing and a curse - no one does epic action like him/them, but at the same time I couldn't help but compare it to Akira throughout, and in the end it came up wanting. Oh, except for the fact that the plot was actually somewhat coherent (if still pretty ridiculous).
Quantum of Solace - 7.5/10
Pretty decent Bond film. The theme music failed, but other than that I don't understand the hate.
Quantum of Solace - 7.5/10
Pretty decent Bond film. The theme music failed, but other than that I don't understand the hate.

I don't think it's the best Bond film either.

The Naked Gun 10/10
Funny as hell.
Wall-E: 7.5/10

Dr. Strangelove: 9.5/10

2001: A Space Odyssey: 9.5/10

Goddamn Kubrick.
The Cell: WHAT THE F*CK/10

Seriously, I should not have watched this right before going to bed on a full stomach. My dreams are going to be f*cked up.

I watched that movie late at night a long time ago, I had about the same reaction as you do now.

Human Traffic - 8/10, really enjoyed this, stylish/quirky film about E-popping disaffected 20-something English people set in the mid 90s.
The Truman Show - 9/10, I'm affectionate of this movie, Jim Carrey is a phenomenal actor as usual and it's just a good, thought-provoking but simple film.
The Machine Girl - 6/10, it did exactly what it set out to do and i enjoyed it
I'm affectionate of this movie

Ah yes.

Anyway Quantam of Solace 6/10 because it has so far not given me a single memorable anything. In my head it's 'Oh look I'm French [rooftop chase] and not that evil [plane scene]and I'm going to steal some water [hotel explodes (???)]' - [CREDITS].

Sure maybe I was a bit drunk but I wasn't really that drunk.
Ah yes, the porchmonkey and star wars vs lord of the rings scenes are just inspiring.
lol yea I love the whole anne frank scene, which I posted in the video dump btw..haha
The Ipcress File - 9/10

That some good shit. I was expecting it to be deadly serious and in fact it's blackly comic. I love the slightly jaggy transition from heightened mundanity (with the agents all filling in forms and filing reports) to pulp absurdity (the Ipcress process itself). The theme tune is also great, and if the acting's often somewhat stiff, it only helps to crystalise a stylised film. Best bits were probably the conversations between Major Dalby and Colonel Ross.
Jaws: 7/10 "Black eyes...like a dolls eyes."

Planet of the Apes (Original): 7/10
Tropic Thunder - 8/10

A rather amusing film.
Body Of Lies - 9/10

Very enjoyable film apart from the fact i jumped in on a subtitled version but still it didn't spoil yet another great Ridley Scott film.
Fight Club - 9/10 - Better if I didn't know the twist.

The Lives of Others - 9.5/10 - Incredible. Soft spoken, yet hard-hitting drama with really memorable acting (obviously from Wiesler). One of the best films I have ever seen. Watch it.
Death at a Funeral - 9/10

****ing fantastic. A superb performance by all. Loved the actor playing Simon, Andrew Tidyk.
The Squid and the Whale: 9/10
Absolutely fantastic film
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