So I plan on getting a Wii, seeking opinons on games


Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
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Yes I know there is about three upcoming game that looks good, ie, isn't aimed at toddlersa and geriatrics, but I'm planning on picking up a Wii for about €200. I'm doing it not only for playing Wii games, but also for Game Cube ones as I never owned a GC. In fact, no one I know ever owned a GC.

Games I'm planning on getting:
  • LoZ: Twilight Princess & Wind Waker
  • No More Heroes
  • REmake
  • Super Mario Galaxy
  • Silent Hill (when released)
  • MGS: Twin Snakes
  • Super Smash Bros Brawl

  • Viewtiful Joe
  • Metroid Prime
  • Super Mario Sunshine
  • Mario Kart Wii
  • Res Evil 4 (finished it on PC already)
  • Res Evil 0 (heard bad things about this)
  • Super Smash Bros Melee (any point if I already have Brawl?)

What are your thoughts on these and can you recommend any other games? I played Super Paper Mario and really liked it. What's Thousand Year Door like? I heard it's more like an RPG, and I'm not a massive fan of RPGs, especially JRPGs.

Also, what's the story with the virtual console? What kind of selection does it have and how much do the retro games cost? I wouldn't mind getting a few like Sonic, Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask.

I would definitely reccomend Metroid, I had a real blast with it.

If you like Mario Kart games then definitely pick it up.

Resident Evil 4 has the really great controls and some fun extra content, so if that's worth a $30 purchase to you, go for it.

I wouldn't get Melee or Sunshine if I were you. Sunshine just didn't do it for me, I don't know any one who really loved it. Melee is Brawl with 70% less content.

You might also want to look into Mad World, supposedly incredible. I'm planning on picking it up.

Also, Lost Winds is a great downloadable.
Yeah, for sure pick up Metroid, they've always been really comprehensive and deep games. I enjoyed playing Mario Kart Wii, but it gets old relatively fast unless you play it with friends often. Make sure to pick up either a GC controller or a classic controller add-on so you can play GC, N64 and SNES games like LoZ: Ocarina of Time or Super Mario World etc...
I've had a Wii since about summer last year and I haven't played it since Christmas.. I haven't even had it hooked to a TV for about 3 months now. They don't really have a huge selection for games.. I mean I've tried, I've bought alot of games, Zelda, Trauma Center, Paper Mario, SSBB, Metroid, etc. While they're fun they just get 'meh' they need atleast one really good game which they don't have they just keep putting out all these minigame bullshit games and it makes me glad my mom bought the Wii for her (and got bored of it) rather then me buying it and getting bored of it.
Wait for the Metroid Prime remake - MP with Corruption controls will be awesome. Don't forget Corruption btw - it isn't as good as Prime, but still a very good first person adventure/shooter. Lost Winds is a must and Little King's Story is one of the best single player games on the Wii. If you missed Okami on the PS2, now's your chance. Most of the other good games have been mentioned and I seriously envy you getting to play Galaxy for the first time (imo it is still the best game of this generation). Oh, I really enjoyed Kororinpa and Mercury Meltdown and Boom Blox and Wii Sports make for great 4 player games that anyone can enjoy.

Other GC games you may want to consider - F-Zero, Viewtiful Joe, Pikmin 1 & 2, and Super Monkey Ball (not the shite sequels!). The original Monkey Ball on the GC is easily one of my favourite games ever. If you missed PoP: Sands of Time, which is a lovely game, the GC version is arguably the best.

Happy gaming :cheers:
get Resident Evil 4, for the Wii. at Christmas Amazon had it for $10!! I got myself a copy at 3am Pacific on their 12 days of Christmas sales.

Also SSBB is an amazing games, plus the countless amount of downloadables
Wait for the Metroid Prime remake - MP with Corruption controls will be awesome. Don't forget Corruption btw - it isn't as good as Prime, but still a very good first person adventure/shooter. Lost Winds is a must and Little King's Story is one of the best single player games on the Wii. If you missed Okami on the PS2, now's your chance. Most of the other good games have been mentioned and I seriously envy you getting to play Galaxy for the first time (imo it is still the best game of this generation). Oh, I really enjoyed Kororinpa and Mercury Meltdown and Boom Blox and Wii Sports make for great 4 player games that anyone can enjoy.

Other GC games you may want to consider - F-Zero, Viewtiful Joe, Pikmin 1 & 2, and Super Monkey Ball (not the shite sequels!). The original Monkey Ball on the GC is easily one of my favourite games ever. If you missed PoP: Sands of Time, which is a lovely game, the GC version is arguably the best.

Happy gaming :cheers:
Thanks for the suggestions. BTW, I've played Galaxy already (my sister had a Wii for a very short while before selling it) but I never completed it.
I've had a Wii since about summer last year and I haven't played it since Christmas.. I haven't even had it hooked to a TV for about 3 months now. They don't really have a huge selection for games.. I mean I've tried, I've bought alot of games, Zelda, Trauma Center, Paper Mario, SSBB, Metroid, etc. While they're fun they just get 'meh' they need atleast one really good game which they don't have they just keep putting out all these minigame bullshit games and it makes me glad my mom bought the Wii for her (and got bored of it) rather then me buying it and getting bored of it.

This. The best advice I could give is to reconsider, my Wii has been gathering dust for over a year. But if you're definitely going to get it, the best games are Twilight Princess, Super Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3, and Resident Evil 4 (best version of RE4). SSBB is decent, No More Heroes sucks. I haven't tried Mad World yet.
My friends and I pretty much live off of Brawl and Mario Kart, insanely fun 4 player is the heart of the Wii's replayability.
I have Twilight Princess and Super Mario Galaxy. Once I beat the latter, I haven't played since.
If you're getting a nintendo console, you definitely need mario kart. I don't care what anyone else says either, mario sunshine was an awesome game. If you have a few friends over then the mario party games are also genuinely really fun

I wish nintendo would quit with consoles though and just let their games be multi platform. The thing is they have AMAZING first party games but then everything else that comes out is rubbish so your console just ends up gathering dust really quickly once you've played through the nintendo games

They should focus on keeping handhelds as their only hardware and just making games.
That way we'de have more games from them, and they'de sell more of them since they aren't limited to one console. I doubt they ever will though, they make too much money from their console sales.

I probably wouldn't even care anyway if the wii was just in HD. Before I had an HDTV I couldn't have cared less, but now that I have one its REALLY noticeable how much worse the quality is than my xbox. It's put me off playing it.
I agree about HD. The way to play a GC/Wii/PS2/DC is on an old school crt. On these they still look great. Some games still look good regardless - Galaxy and Lost Winds spring to mind - but i'm lookong forward to their next console which is bound to have HD.

With all the money Nintendo have raked in with the Wii and DS i'm hoping their next machine will be something very special - the thought of Wii controls on a machine as powerful as the PS4 and Xbox 720 makes me giddy - especially if Zelda and Metroid use an evolution of MotionPlus. Say what you like about Nintendo, but they innovate more than any other company and set the standard in design quality.
This. The best advice I could give is to reconsider, my Wii has been gathering dust for over a year. But if you're definitely going to get it, the best games are Twilight Princess, Super Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3, and Resident Evil 4 (best version of RE4). SSBB is decent, No More Heroes sucks. I haven't tried Mad World yet.

The reason so many people buy it is because it's actually really fun at the beginning but after a while the whole gimmick of waving your arms around just gets very 'meh'. I guarantee after about a month or 2 you will barely ever play it... I still never finished any of the games I own on it btw.
If you only buy games that are composed of waving your arms around, I completely agree.
The only lasting games are the old skool NES SNES and N64 games, but you've probably gotten bored of those already since most here have those games on their PCs or on the systems themselves.. Super Paper Mario is fun, it doesn't require to to wave your arms around (much), but it's still a 'eh' game.
Obviusly not everyone feels the same way, Dog. I still regularly play Wii Sports, Boom Blox, Mario Kart, and Smash Bros. with friends. Boom Blox 2, which is out soon, looks even better than the first. I'm working through Galaxy again with Luigi. Little King's Story has kept me from my pc/ps3/360 since it came out (this game is HUGE). I can't wait for Kororinpa 2 and am checking the Frontier forums weekly for any news on the second part of Lost Winds. HOTD: Overkill is one of the most fun rail shooters around and the Dead Space one looks like it'll be good too.

If you never had a GC then the Wii is even more of a bargain - combined there are a shit load of decent exclusives.
LOL, Galaxy erased a week of my life. Got all 242 stars obsessively. Never picked up Boom Blox, is it pretty replayable?
Well World of Goo is just a fantastic game, and the controls work fine. If you haven't got it for PC already you could, but really, it's just the same as the PC.
World of Goo was great fun. I would have prefered it on the Wii, but doubt there's much between the versions.

Never picked up Boom Blox, is it pretty replayable?

It's a great multiplayer game. Varied gametypes, easy to pickup, and everyone from non gamer to hardcore will have fun. Single player was solid enough - I especially liked the main 'destroy everything with as few balls as possible' campaign. The next Boom Blox is looking very tasty.
What is World of Goo? I've heard a lot about it on these forums but I never bothered looking it up.
World of Goo is really original, charming puzzle game. It's also rated no. 3 on Metacritic for the Wii - only being beaten my Galaxy and Zelda.

Here's a review: (10/10)

'And here's the really important bit: the Wii version is better than the PC version. The mouse for Wii remote swap is not necessarily a simple one, but in this case it's seamless. The cursor on-screen is a fat blob with a short tail, easily managed. It's games like this that realise the Wii's magic wand. As Elebits and other games have demonstrated, the remote is perfect for picking things up and flinging them around in a way the PC's mouse cannot quite articulate. And best of all, the temptation to embrace gimmicks has been completely avoided. Everything is on one button only.'

I'm probably going to double dip and get it on the Wii at some point. It controls fine on the PC, but i've no doubt the Wiimote would be more suited and give an all round better experience.

You can't go wrong with this, Galaxy and Lost Winds :)
Does World of Goo Wii have a cooperative mode? I imagine that would be extremely fun.

I'd be getting a Wii for Super Mario Galaxy alone really.
I'd just like to throw another Boom Blox recommendation out there. When my friends get together, this game is all we ever play. Nothing special about single player, but a great party game.
I would play my Wii more if I had time to play my Wii more.

I was considering getting the Dead Rising remake for the Wii, but I heard it's a lot less freeform. Which blows.
I don't really play on my Wii anymore and I never really had any games for it :|
Some good wii games:

Trauma Center: Second opinion
Trauma Center: New Blood
Super Mario Galaxy
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
Super Smash Bros: Brawl
No More Heroes
Mad World
Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition
Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles
Zak and Wiki
Mario Kart Wii
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
House of the Dead: Overkill
World of Goo
Animal Crossing: City Folk (If you haven't played the DS one)

Some ones to look out for:
Silent Hill: Shattered Memories
Resident Evil: Darkside Chronicles
The Conduit
New Zelda (Will probably be announced at this years E3 :D)
Dead Space

Some good Gamecube games:

Super Mario Sunshine
The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes
Resident Evil: REmake
Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 3
Resident Evil: Code Veronica X
Resident Evil 4 (Get wii version)
Resident Evil 0 (It's allright)
Skies of Arcadia: Legends
Metroid Prime
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
Super Smash Bros: Melee
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (If you don't like the new controls)
Sonic Adventure: DX Directors Cut
Sonic Adventure 2: Battle
Pokemon: Colosseum (I thought it was fun:P)
Pikmin 2
F-Zero: GX
Star Wars Rouge Squadron 2: Rouge Leader
Star Wars Rouge Squadron 3: Rebel Strike
Luigi's Mansion
Animal Crossing
I would play my Wii more if I had time to play my Wii more.

I was considering getting the Dead Rising remake for the Wii, but I heard it's a lot less freeform. Which blows.
From what I've read it has fewer weapons, a tenth of the zombies on screen at once and less freedom. The photography is removed entirely and there's a bigger emphasis on shooting.
See, here's the number one reason you should buy a Wii:


Yes, they have remade Kloana: Door to Phantomile for Wii, and for those who don't know what this is (shame on you and your family), KDTP is a charming, positively wonderful platformer originally released on Playstation in 1997. It was, and still is, supremely awesome. I am very much looking forward to playing it again.