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  1. G

    proved: ATI beats nvidia in HL2. Official everything!

    Well I just spent 185$ on a Geforce 5900xt. My first 2 video cards were ATI. Then i bought a Geforce 2 mmx440 or something cant even remember. I've hated ATI since. Sure they've come along way. But I buy nvidia, because there cheaper, generally perform well, and most of all, because...
  2. G

    8x agp

    Laughs! My geforce 4200, gets 20 more fps in my 8x machine, then my 4x. 4x meanwhile has more ram, and faster cpu. Go Go 8x!
  3. G

    Gizmondo to come equipped with Nvidia chipset

    Dead inside is dead inside teh mind Nvidia Is the only true way to go. There chipsets rock for mobos. There Drives are the opposite of bad. Thanks, bye.
  4. G

    Horrible 3DMark Scores with Overclock

    I'd say you over stressed something, Or you screwd your drives, Depending on how you overclocked. I'd suggest a clean Driver install, and report back. Dells are the best main stream computer to buy. But honestly if you plan to be a gamer, start building your own, its exponetially cheaper...
  5. G

    I need a new graphics cards, suggestions?

    Your GPU and CPU are plenty fine BUT, if you wish to upgrade. I'd suggest getting an athlon 64 3000 or higher. my video card is slower then yours, and does just fine.
  6. G

    PLEASE bring the old bulletholes back !

    I also never said the old ones looked good.
  7. G

    Horrible 3DMark Scores with Overclock

    No these things dont "happen" With those Specs you dont need to OC. Hmm so many topics to hit. If it doesnt revert to normal, you might have burnt/blown/stressed something, A burnt card can still work. How many pervious test did you run? Could your first score have been a fluke? or...
  8. G

    holiday vid card

    I havnt had time to really follow the new graphics Gen, with school and crap. But i'd suggest you do what I, and most others do. Sit back, wait 6 months, proce drops 150$ and the true problems and power of each is known. Buying a brand new card is foolish.
  9. G

    I need a new graphics cards, suggestions?

    First all, Do you have a 2..1 Gig amd? or a 2100+? What is it? Athlon xp? 64? barton?
  10. G

    I need a new graphics cards, suggestions?

    Your kidding right? DO YOU HAVE MONEY TO BURN? I'm not sure about hl2 yet, obviously. But in CS:Source, on MAX settings, Max AA, AF. I get 45-50 fps on average. 55-60 in benchmark. I'm no Graphics Junkie, but i sure as consider that playable, and I have a 5900xt, So your card is...
  11. G

    Half-Life 2 going gold today?

    The rest of your computer was a life savings kicker. Why stop on the video card?
  12. G

    Half-Life 2 going gold today?

    Umm, why would you have such an all round nice computer metal, But have a crap video card?
  13. G

    PLEASE bring the old bulletholes back !

    Have you ever shot a barrel? I have. They are not realistic. Some of them look like there popping out. Like he said, Pimples.
  14. G

    That update was horrible

    I'm sure they'll take care of the FPs drop. I got a slight drop. Nothing to cry about, at least for me.
  15. G

    advanced graphics settings -- need EXPERT advice

    You dont understand the difference between DeskTop and Mobiles. A mobile can have better specs then a desktop and still be slower. The architecture of mobile products arnt the same as desktop system, to reduce power and heat. Laptops are not gaming machines, Even the ones that claim to be...
  16. G

    advanced graphics settings -- need EXPERT advice

    BY far Hl2 is more optimized then Doom3. Dooms max settings turn my computet to dust. Hl2 Max settings, i run at 50fps. Visual Isnt to much different. My old computer, with only 4x agp, geforce 4200 ti. Can run doom on lowest settings, and i'm lucky to not lag. CS:S On max settings...
  17. G

    advanced graphics settings -- need EXPERT advice

    Best Thing i can tell you, is play in lowest Resolution, with the crapiest texture setting.
  18. G

    Already Bugs Since Update!!!

    I'm not saying vavle is doing this, or if they are doing it on purpose. Thats my stance on any gaming company tailering to one card. I have no problems running beta on myGeforce 5900 xt. Dont have the hold hands, and get 55FPS on benchmark, and 45 or so FPS in game on fill settings.
  19. G

    Already Bugs Since Update!!!

    ATI is TRASH. If It ends up Geforce doesnt do well on HL2 I will take my money else where. Been waiting for 5 years, but I refuse to be screwd into buying 1 companies card, because a gaming company has there hand up ATI's Money hole.
  20. G

    advanced graphics settings -- need EXPERT advice

    Dont use a laptop. But honestly, I wouldn't suggest Going into the bios on those things, as for the 5600, Its not a great card, you could have a gig of video ram, it you would still lag on medium settings. Its simply not a good enough card, for that matter computer. To play. IF you do...