Search results

  1. G

    3DMark03 test results...

    I've got 6201 overclocked, 5300 stock speeds. Athlon64 3000 Stock 2ghz, overclocked to 2.4gighz MSI 5900xt stock 390/700 OCed to 450/800 1 gig ddr pc2700 Kingston ram But yeah your score is def low.
  2. G

    n00b K-lite question:)

    Kazza shut down K-lite, and they run on different protocols, thats why you may be noticing k-lite takes longer to search now, you get alot of fake files, and less results. K-lite network is dieing fast. I use sharezza, its spyware free. But in general all my downloading is BT
  3. G

    CPU speed troubles

    You dont understand, AMD doesnt make a 3ghz chip. 3000+ is not gighz, its about 2gighz depending on chip. Its as fast as an equiv pentium 3gighz cpu though. But has a much slower clock speed. It runs at 2gighz, with no problems because thats what its meant to run at.
  4. G

    can a motherboard use ide AND sata harddrives at the same time?

    Asus, my mobo has 4 IDEs, and 4 SATAS :D
  5. G

    Afraid Of Overclocking

    Geforce 4200 of mine, can handle doom on almost max settings with overclock. With out it, its just medium settings. Although 4200 has some sweet cooling running on it. Ill take a cookie, but i wasnt aiming for one. Anyone who says overclocking isnt a big performace boost has never...
  6. G

    Transporting a computer cross country

    I've travveled with my puter alot, i'd say it depends if you got a smooth ride or not.
  7. G

    Which mobo is the best?

    I'm Personnaly partial to gigabyte and asus, But of these two, I'd probaly say msi, even though there basicly the same. I've never had an abit, so dont know what kinda product they are.
  8. G

    PCI express

    Difference to me now is. People are willing. I find people pushing there computers, and there wallet to the limit, more so then they did when voodoo was king.
  9. G

    File Corruption

    Try another site, if it still doesnt work. Run a virus scanner, My bros computer had some virus that would'nt let any program install, or let you extract archives, it was a real pain in the ass.
  10. G

    Which mobo is the best?

    Rule 1 of hardware forums, Provide Linkage.
  11. G

    How to make cd out of dvd?

    Wartime, thats a bad idea, You'll get horrible sound quality. I dont personally know of a program that will do it, since i dont have a dvd rom. But, you could run a cable from speaker headphone, or speaker output on the mobo, back into LINE IN. Then record it, and burn it.
  12. G

    Afraid Of Overclocking

    Homie, just outa curosity, is english your native language? Or are you new to computers?
  13. G

    Afraid Of Overclocking

    You obviously have nothing better to do then be WRONG. I've overclocked my 5900xt, stock 390/700 to 460/810 3d mark 2003 score jumps from 5200, to 5900, I then overclock my athlon 64 3000, from 2gig to 2.35 gig. and 3d mark jumps to 6240. Easily, gained 10 FPS in CS:S max settings...
  14. G

    Gigabit lan doesnt show up.

    Yeah, i've got another card in right now. But i need a 3rd port. I've got some friends over, and i'm outa ethernet ports. 5 port switch full, as is my extra port on puter.
  15. G

    XFX GeForce 5600 XT 256MB

    Yeah but the 5600 was older, and simple crap. But i dunno. After further research I concluded the 5600u is barely if at all better then ti4200. Little off topic, but how much do you think i could sell my 4200 for?
  16. G

    XFX GeForce 5600 XT 256MB

    See I knew the 5600 was worse, but i thought the 5600xt was better.
  17. G

    Floppy drive help

    as for me, i know i'm using the right cable. He hasnt stated if his can fit both ways. I was simply making a comment
  18. G

    XFX GeForce 5600 XT 256MB

    I have an MSI 5900xt, Overclocked more then 50mhz, for core 1 and core 2. 100 mhz in memory. Great little overclocker, gonna push it more once i upgrade cooling.
  19. G

    XFX GeForce 5600 XT 256MB

    Well, The ti4200 is still a great card, not much worse then the 5600. I'd suggest doing a clean driver install, and trying from there.
  20. G

    Floppy drive help

    actualtly revise, i can put my cable on ethier way, with out beding anything.