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  1. polly-pocket


    Omg you know thats not what I mean. Im not even gonna try to argue.
  2. polly-pocket


    Thats not the point, who would care. Look at the most commen used surf map, rebel_resistance_final3 They are just 2 crap textures, no one cares if there crap though ... its all about what is in it. And cool secrets ect! but it doesn't matter so go ahead and make a good looking surf map, see who...
  3. polly-pocket


    Its hard you know, you cant make it realistic because its not a realistic idea/mod. No one cares if it looks shitty .. .as long as its fun.
  4. polly-pocket


    Basically I went on a css surf server for some advice and then somehow they had the impression I was making them a map for some bizzarre reason but hey, thats unknown/reliable forums for you. But as I was saying I had already offered to make the map out of there lips. So I decided I show you...
  5. polly-pocket

    What the **** is this? Source Clan?

    Looks really in-active! check out there "up-coming events" it looks like its been dead for about 3 to 4 months!
  6. polly-pocket

    What do you like most in CSS Surf

    I could make you a map like that! Just a huge tunnel that feels like going on forever :D Add me to xfire: sadman666 or add me to MSN: [email protected]
  7. polly-pocket

    mapped ur neighborhood?

    Never do your school. 1. It wont look like your school. 2. You wont have the right props, textures and mesurements. 3. No one apart from mates know what it look like and don't care about it. 4. It will remind you of your school to much! :D
  8. polly-pocket

    Leaf Portal flow problem! HELP!!!!

    Thanks for help Unarmed. There isn't a single world brush in the map. I made everything func_detail to stop lag and so I dont get the usual leaf protal problem that I am some how getting now. And yes all my func details are seperate brushes!
  9. polly-pocket

    Leaf Portal flow problem! HELP!!!!

    Yeh but all my brushes are in the sky because its a surf map! EDIT: Oh and I want to know how to solve the problem. How do I find wich leaf it is?
  10. polly-pocket

    Leaf Portal flow problem! HELP!!!!

    1. Its a surf map, all the brushes are in the sky. 2. All the brushes are seperate func_details. 3. I need to find this leaf!
  11. polly-pocket

    Leaf Portal flow problem! HELP!!!!

    I have a leaf portal problem. I don't have a clue how to sort this. Don't send me the valve sesigner thing or whatever it is about leafs seeing as I don't understand that. I would just a like a simple way to. 1. Find the leaf. 2. Understand what "Big leafs in the sky" are. 3. How do I...
  12. polly-pocket

    Specialised antlion spawning ???

    yeh a guy from facepunch added this in his map everyone was asking I he pretty much said the same thing. Accept he went into dept of the possition in the hoel so he doesnt climb in the wrong place... ect ect etc! zzzzzz :dozey: But it does look cool doesn't it!
  13. polly-pocket

    Limits of Source?

    yep, PsychoFreak knows what he's on about. All teh things he listed do make a major difference to the frame rate of the engine. but You could do no draw on everything with full bright and no cubemaps but that would just be tard and would still add effect the framerate and it would be confusing...
  14. polly-pocket

    Final Map stages (Viewed in Hammer)

    plus you just gave away cool stuff like custom gman skin and how he clips acrros the water to perhaps get to another destination mysteriusly .... And We know were some of the zombies spawn :s
  15. polly-pocket

    a little project im working on..

    looks good. perhaps add like a fence barrier and then a none playable airport/cotrol tower barrier just to make it more realistic .... dont make it too fany ... just to get that feel. It will only take like 10 mins to get a cool looking none playable airport/control tower. :|
  16. polly-pocket

    Final Map stages (Viewed in Hammer)

    why didnt you just show us ingame pics ... youve vertually finnished :hmph:
  17. polly-pocket

    wip: ao_mill [map for Agent Online mod]

    thnx Psycho! I'm gonna focus on this one real hard!
  18. polly-pocket

    wip: ao_mill [map for Agent Online mod]

    DAMN! Mutley your right :(
  19. polly-pocket

    wip: Dm_combine_base_assualt

    Thanks mutley. Oh and Ive done more work. Im gonna save as diff name and see what happens. If still error I will see if someone else can compile it for me. If you compile you can be map tester. (although Its a pretty small map. Made for just afew people on a server) about 10 to 12 people...
  20. polly-pocket

    wip: Dm_combine_base_assualt

    Oh right yeh ... I put all my maps in the middle and work outwards anyway! So yeh nuthings nywere near there!