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  1. CokeLite

    eXtreme monitors

    I have a 19" KDS X-treme that works great... That is if that is what you are referring to.
  2. CokeLite

    Question about NVida card

    On my 5200FX I have 2 monitor outputs and one TV output. Right now I have two monitors running. Is there anyway I can have two monitors and a tv running at the same time? ALSO: I am going to get a 43 inch HDTV and I am also wondering how it will look if I hooked my comp up to it and used...
  3. CokeLite

    I need some help

    what are these consoles that you can download?
  4. CokeLite

    I need some help

    on themeXP I downloaded a theme but it doesent look right. Do I need some sort of a program to use them properly??
  5. CokeLite

    I need some help

    thanks... im gonna check it out
  6. CokeLite

    I need some help

    Anyone know a good site for desktop wallpapers, screen savers, themes, etc.?? All the ones I find are kinda gaty.
  7. CokeLite

    The True Napster 2.0

    Artists usually dont make much money on the CD sales compared to the merchandise and concerts they come up with. Buying a CD means that the RIAA will get most of it.
  8. CokeLite

    *spoilers* Matrix Revolutions *spoilers*

    Revolutions sounds cooler
  9. CokeLite

    weed..whats the big deal??

    LOL you all can piss and moan all you want but marijuana will never be legalized in the U.S
  10. CokeLite

    weed..whats the big deal??

    No the reason I know they were stoned was because they pulled over. When they did I called the police because I could smell it. When they came they searched their car and found 1 1/2 pounds of the shit and some joints in the ashtray that were still warm.
  11. CokeLite

    Iraq, the US & other stuff too

    I said living in poverty, not bieng poor. Someone can be poor yet not be living in poverty. In other words a poor person doesent automatically live in poor conditions. An example is that my Uncle is very poor but is living with his rich brother.
  12. CokeLite

    Iraq, the US & other stuff too

    Good reply. I could basically say the same thing about CNN or CBS. Hell, I remember when CBS refused to even report that Gary Condit was a potential suspect in the Sandra Levy case for quite some time. The problem is that there would still be bank robberies and shootings.... mabye even...
  13. CokeLite

    Is my cpu too hot?

    I use Fuzzy Logic 4 for my OCing and i have a temp of 38-42C when at 2.4 but when i hit turbo it goes to 40-46C at 2.7 Probibly is safe to use at 2.7 but I dont because 2.4 is fast enough for me :) (at least right now)
  14. CokeLite

    weed..whats the big deal??

    Yeah I know this first-hand because I had a car-load of pot-heads pull out in front of me... I woke up in the ditch. the little bastards could of been killed if I didnt swerve.
  15. CokeLite

    Since I've returned, our first order of business is...

    LOL I have a funny story. I went on a field trip to a school for mentally challenged kids and we went into this classroom where their was this teenage student crying and screaming. I asked the teacher WTF is happening and she told me "These children have lives jst like everyone else. See...
  16. CokeLite

    28 Days later

    [SPOILERZ D00dZ!!!] Because the soldiers were crazy and wanted to rape the women. When he tried to stop them they took him out to be executed but he escaped and then came back at dark to save the women and kill the soldiers
  17. CokeLite

    Iraq, the US & other stuff too

    Bowling for Columbine is a perfect example of Liberal Spin that plays on a person's emotions. It all sounds nice and good until you look into it a little more and find that the whole thing holds about as much water as a cup made out of wire-mesh. "OMFG THE U.S HAS MORE MURDERS THEN ALL...
  18. CokeLite

    Iraq, the US & other stuff too

    Delete plz dbl-post
  19. CokeLite

    Iraq, the US & other stuff too

    What you don't know is who is classified as living in poverty. Out of those 35 million people most of them (dont remember the actual percentage but upwards of about 95 %) have a place to live. Also the majority of those that are "living in poverty" have air-conditioning, TV, and a vehicle. If...
  20. CokeLite

    A message to McDonalds

    LOL. I still am waiting for a reply from them. I guess I'll post it here when it comes. I'm sure that an honest franchise like McDonalds will reply since it said so after I submitted it.