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  1. TheSoupNazi

    Fragmaster Leaves PHL, Thanks

    Because this is one of the few new developments in the HL2 soap opera that we've recently had.
  2. TheSoupNazi

    Fragmaster Leaves PHL, Thanks

    Is this the kind of thing that goes on with lots of other big games in development? I mean, is the PR ever this bad? Only catastrophe I can think of is Duke Nukem Forever, not much else.
  3. TheSoupNazi

    Fragmaster Leaves PHL, Thanks

    Apparently it does, seeing as how that's exactly what they're doing. It seems as if they've forgotten who gave them all of these millions to spend on HL2: The fans. Totally ignoring all of the problems with production and denying everything is really pushing a lot of us away, and...
  4. TheSoupNazi

    Fragmaster Leaves PHL, Thanks

    bleh I can't really partake in any speculation until after E3. Things are starting to look worse, especially with the source leak debacle, and the outright denial of delay until 7 days before the original ship date. I need some cold hard facts from Valve, and if I have to wait until May, I...
  5. TheSoupNazi

    Fragmaster Leaves PHL, Thanks

    Screw health. Give me HL2.
  6. TheSoupNazi

    The best times from HL1.

    ! I don't remember the name of the chapter, but all I remember is crouching, hiding from Garg on top of a tower, hoping the AI wouldn't cheat and see right through me. It didn't, and Garg mindlessly ran around trying to find me until I got away. Good times. I miss you Gargy.
  7. TheSoupNazi

    Half-Life 2 and XBOX

    Or you could just connect your TV to your Video Card. That is, if you have one that isn't integrated...
  8. TheSoupNazi

    Half-Life 2 and XBOX

    I actually did this. One of my friends had an Xbox that overheated due to the fans malfunctioning, and we proceeded to smash it with axes, hatchets, baseball bats, and hammers. We took lots of pictures, too.
  9. TheSoupNazi

    What will you do with the manipulator?

    hmm I think I'll dabble in creating mattress domino sequences... that would make for some interesting demos...
  10. TheSoupNazi

    Will you buy HL2 straight away, or wait for the reviews?

    I loathe X-Box fanboys with a passion. Some of them are so blind that they think an X-box is more powerful than a decent computer. Fools.
  11. TheSoupNazi

    dusty vents.

    *Golf Clap*
  12. TheSoupNazi

    Interesting Article About HL2's Physics

    While browsing for Half-Life 2 info I found a link to this article discussing the "Grand Unified Theory" being discovered in HL2's physics engine. Apparently, no physicyst has ever been able to reach this conclusion. There's also some legal thing going one with VALVe and a professor that...
  13. TheSoupNazi

    Took a trip to Valve, heres the story

    Yeah, now I remember that dude. He was a bad mofo. I just didn't remember how he looked I guess. And dang, you guys sound hostile.
  14. TheSoupNazi

    Took a trip to Valve, heres the story

    skulk? Not sure if this has already been said, but that first picture looks very similar to a skulk from the HL Mod Natural-Selection. Hmm....
  15. TheSoupNazi

    Halo 2 versus Half Life 2?

    Nice job directly quoting Maddox without any acknowledgement of his genius. At least include a link so that we can spread the Maddox lovin'.
  16. TheSoupNazi

    Halo 2 versus Half Life 2?

    Can we have a link to this? I've never really seen anything saying that Halo X-box outsold Half-Life PC 10-1, but I could be wrong. So, link plz :)
  17. TheSoupNazi

    How do you think HL2 will have changed?

    Welcome to E3 2003 n00b, thanks for stating the obvious.
  18. TheSoupNazi

    What are they doing now?

    hmmmm I don't mind a delay or a floating release date, really. What I do mind is the absolute silence from VALVe about anything regarding the game. I mean, releasing a screenshot or two isn't going to endanger the game in any way. And these boards are starting to really dry up... If they don't...
  19. TheSoupNazi

    Halo 2 versus Half Life 2?

    1. Who says Gordon or Barney isn't gay? :E Just kidding, I also agree that we should keep it OT. Halo's singleplayer was it's biggest problem, IMO. Aliens trying to take over the world, weapon of mass destruction that can destroy the entire universe blah blah Flood blah blah...
  20. TheSoupNazi

    Halo 2 versus Half Life 2?

    ok And, to be OT, I think that HL2 will defeat Halo2 easily. I'm tired of this mainstream bullshit. Too much of my country, the US of A, is uneducated about the true power of the PC. I honestly have a few friends that think that an Xbox is more powerful than a PC. Whenever I try and explain it...