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  1. Hobbes874

    Horrific racing accident

    Damn, thats sad :( I wonder how the Ferrari got throw off the course into the porsche like that? Damn, I hope he isn't blind because of the burns to the helmet.
  2. Hobbes874

    The best/worst chatup lines you've ever said/heard

    "Your parents said it was o.k!" and "I've got candy in my van!"
  3. Hobbes874

    Post your pics (Gentlemen only)

    I hardly post but here's a blurry pic of me taken not to long ago for another forum:
  4. Hobbes874

    buying new comp!!!

    A bit overpriced considering you could buy all the same parts for much less.
  5. Hobbes874

    Logitech MX510

    I've got a MX510 and I love it! It's amazing, totally destroys the MS mouse I used to have.
  6. Hobbes874

    Such A Deal!!!

    Eh, go ahead and buy it then.
  7. Hobbes874

    Such A Deal!!!

    Scaaaaaaaaaaaaaam^2 Should be pretty obvious :rolleyes:
  8. Hobbes874

    uv cables need ligts to work?

    If you have UV cathodes they will, if not then they'll look pretty regular.
  9. Hobbes874

    Little secrets at CS_Office

    Have you seen Office Space? Guess not.
  10. Hobbes874

    rate the PC above you thread

    Then why the hell do you keep adding your specs to ALL of your posts? Are you retarted :dork:?
  11. Hobbes874

    rate the PC above you thread

    10/10^ Pure ownage, doesn't get any better than an FX53 and a X800 XTPE :naughty:
  12. Hobbes874

    Live Strong Bands

    I've got one, wear it just about every day. Bunch of people at my school have them as well.
  13. Hobbes874

    Hottest *Legal* Celebrity

    Jessica Simpson is pretty damn hot, a little on the dumb side but it makes her kinda sexy, in a strange way.......
  14. Hobbes874

    Whats Your Dream Car? (Submit Pics)

    Hells yeah! JDM Truenos rule.
  15. Hobbes874

    Got my new PC in, Come on HL2

    I think we already know, our first big clue was the fact that you fell into the "Alienware" gimic and bought one :dozey:. Eh do what you wish.
  16. Hobbes874

    Is your PC ready for Half life 2?

    If I can get 60+fps, I will be one happy boy :naughty:
  17. Hobbes874

    You're not as stupid as these people....

    Yeah it's a hoax, good thing though. Linkage:
  18. Hobbes874

    Alienware Comp. Suggestions?

    It's not worth the extra money to get PCI-E at the moment, give it a couple years.
  19. Hobbes874

    Alienware Comp. Suggestions?

    Alienware's are waaaaay overpriced, nice system, but next time build it yourself or buy from a company that doesn't overcharge just because they have a "reputation".
  20. Hobbes874

    People take counterstrike too seriously

    It's all about finding the right servers (Yes, it can be very hard). 90% of the CS servers are filled with assholes like you mentioned.