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  1. T

    How do I play CS.S on my 2 home computers?

    Good question. Will I need a seperate account for each computer and if so, how do I go about setting that up? Does it mean buying the game again?
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    Performance Issue

    I had something similar and what fixed it for me was removing my graphics card drivers,then used driver clean to get rid of any old bits of driver and then re-installed them again. Problem solved....for me anyhow.
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    How do I play CS.S on my 2 home computers?

    I have finally set up a Router and have both my PCs on line at the same time.I now want to prove to my son that my gaming skills are far supperior to his and kick his ass at CS.S. Problem is that I do not know how to set things up to play the game on both pc's against each other. I know it...
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    Setting up a server.

    I have just set up 2 new computers and want to show my son who is boss at CS.S. How do you set up a server so only the 2 of you can play against each other. I have trried setting up a server on one machine and been able to play games using bots but when I go to the second machine I have been...
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    Removing modem

    Thanks for the replies. The problem I have is that when I go to My Network Places and Network Connections to set up the connection, they are blank and I don't understand why. The only thing that I could thinkof is that removing the old dial up modem has caused a problem.
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    Removing modem

    I have just removed my redundant modem to free up a pci slot and fitted a wireless card in its place. I am now having a terrible time trying to set up my Router/connection. Has removing the old modem caused these problems. thanks:cheers:
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    Speeding up windows

    On my new computer I have far too many processes running in the background. Can anybody give me a link to a web site that gives you information on what processes are not needed and the best way of sorting this mess out. thanks:cheers:
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    Best Nvidia driver for HL2

    I have just picked up a new computer with a 6800 video card.This is the first time I have had a Nvidia card and was wondering what driver would be best for HL2. The current driver installed is Thanks in advance.:cheers:
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    How to transfer games onto new computer

    I am getting a new computer this month.How do I transfer all my Steam games onto it?
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    HL2 Bad Performance....Causes/Solutions?

    Your graphics card is causing your performance problems.Sorry, but it is not really upto the job.It should already default to dx8.1 as gf fx cards struggle with dx9(even top end ones) Look on advance options under video, it will tell you what it is set as. The rest of your setup is fine.With a...
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    Recent update gave me STUTTER

    If you have tried any of the temp fixes before the patch came out, try removing them. ie in your launch properties or an autoexec file.
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    Stuttering update?

    There have been loads of temp fixes that mostly do not work. However, setting HL2 as low priority via your task manager works perfectly for me and quite a few other people.
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    Does the demo stutter.

    If the stutter is still there on the demo then it does not look good for a fix in the near future.
  14. T

    Half Life 2 keeps jaggering/freezing...

    StSTSSSStssst...uuuttter bug You and thousands of others(including myself) have got the stutter bug. You will have to wait for a patch or try one of the many temp fixes found on this forum. Try the low priority fix, it certainly helps me.
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    How to make a autoexec?

    I have just reformatted and lost my autoexec.The problem now is that when I make a new one it comes out as a text file and not a cfg like this autoexec.cfg text file What am I doing wrong?
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    Setting HL2 to low priority has worked for me.

    His name is wonderboy.........sounds about right to me :E This is the only temp fix that seems to do anything.
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    Setting HL2 to low priority has worked for me.

    No, I had the autoexec setup before I did the low priority thing and still got stutters.
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    Setting HL2 to low priority has worked for me.

    I got this off the steam forum.I have tried every temp fix and was very dubious about this one but it WORKED. On the game munu bring up your task manager and set HL2 as low priority.Don't know why it works(doesn't make sense)but it does for me. Got off the train at City 17 and got...
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    Where's the Real Studdering patch?

    Try mat_forcedmanagetecturesintohardware 0 That should put the game back to pre patch. You can either put it into a autoexec.cfg file or under launch properties.
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    Problems reinstalling Doom 3

    While I am waiting for a patch (could be a long wait) I decided to reinstall Doom 3.This is where the problems started. The install was very quick(too quick) and when I looked in Program Files there is nothing there under Doom3. When I originally uninstalled I had to do it manually as I was...