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  1. CombinePolice


    Welcome Welcome To The Forums Dude! Enjoy Your Stay :P
  2. CombinePolice

    Ideal Avatar Size

    Ill have 100x100 or 200x200 But 500x500 (or over) it will take VERY long to load the page Or internet might crash :P
  3. CombinePolice

    why do some servers disable flashlights?

    I think it should always be allowed And i hate it when its disabled :-(
  4. CombinePolice

    Make Robots!!

    Reply Thanks! hehe Well if you made it magnetic and put thruster on its bum it would be flying!
  5. CombinePolice

    Make Robots!!

    Your task is to make a robot you can make more than one! :smoking: I have made one The WarBird Get Making!! :)
  6. CombinePolice

    WAR Contest Voting

    They are pretty good!
  7. CombinePolice

    New Guns

    True! Me too! That will be so damn fun! Like this? : btw good idea! :afro:
  8. CombinePolice

    Pointy Chesty Things On A Zombie

    Quoted Maybe a mouth but not teeth. Teeth-No:dork: Mouth-Yes:burp:
  9. CombinePolice

    Youll get HIGH off this comic!

    How not fair Some people could be banned from that forum Post the screenshots here so everyone can see them
  10. CombinePolice

    How To Make Moving Avatars?

    This is cool!
  11. CombinePolice

    Should Alyx die or not?

    Alyx Die? No don't let her die She's like the cuutest person in the game And she opens all those doors and things for you And sometimes she gives you secrets I vote for No,Ever
  12. CombinePolice

    Opposing Force Source?

    OPFor and HL Source? Interesting
  13. CombinePolice

    New Guns

    Dont say that!!! :frown: :borg:
  14. CombinePolice

    Some of my best

    Orcone101 That was pretty good!
  15. CombinePolice

    Nice fresh newbie...

    Hello And Welcome To The Forums
  16. CombinePolice

    New Guns

    Rated-Other Reason Well i want a laser gun! If your on CT you get blue laser If your on T you get red laser Cost-$1100 Damage-20 Per Shot
  17. CombinePolice

    Funny Ingame Screenshots

    3 New Pictures Two New Pictures :flame: 1. "Ah! I have a knofe for a middle finger :(" 2. "Weeee! Im flying in the airrrrrrr!!! :eek:" 3. "Don't Look Down!!!"
  18. CombinePolice

    CS: Source Photography

    3 New Pictures I have made three :smoking: 1st Picture. As you can see this is just starting a game. 2nd Picture. CT .VS. T just looking at eachother. 3rd Picture. What a lot of dead bodies! :afro:
  19. CombinePolice

    Headcrab, lead to Secret?

    that was cool lets see what happens next now!
  20. CombinePolice

    The Amazing Disappearing Door!

    Did you noclip there? If you did start just from breaking the generator with alyx,then try not to use cheats or things.