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    2006 FIFA World Cup Football Tournament

    Did you know that in Germany they sold 10 times the amount of German flags they sold in 2002 this world cup? It'll be interesting to see what happens today if we get kicked out by Argentina! :E Of course! :) ("Ohne Holland fahren wir nach Berlin!" :cheese: ;) )
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    2006 FIFA World Cup Football Tournament

    I think Argentina will win against Germany, perhaps 2:1? :cheese:
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    Choosing a good Linux

    Gentoo is very good, if you have a lot of time for it (installation...).
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    2006 FIFA World Cup Football Tournament

    Does anyone already know if Ronaldo will play again in the match Brazil - Australia at 18.00 p.m. (local time)?
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    Why you like

    "People always attempt to illegally immigrate to foreign countries." and "People care politics here.", but as I had to choose only one I took the first. Why I have actually registered I can't remember anymore.
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    buying a one-way ticket to Europe

    By the way, why have you chosen Europe to go to? What about the other continents and countries on Earth? ;)
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    2006 FIFA World Cup Football Tournament

    The USA played much better this time, than I had expected after their first world cup match. They've got a chance to stay in the cup now, I think. :) But I don't think they have a chance to win it. ;)
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    2006 FIFA World Cup Football Tournament

    I'm very glad that Ghana won, too. Because I like to see that at least one African team wins (at least one match, so far) ... Anyone else from Germany here, btw?
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    Do this, and be amazed.

    Wow, I got squares, too! I've got a German Windows version. Are there any other sentences with which that oddity works?
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    If 0.999...=1 then does 1.888...=2?

    I was tought in the 11th year of school here in Bavaria, don't know what the equivalent in your countries is. ;)
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    I bought a digital camera. what should I take pictures of?

    I've got another idea for you! Where do you live? Make photos of your home town and tell us where it is and show the pictures to us. :)
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    buying a one-way ticket to Europe

    Yes, you're very right, I'm afraid. I think it's a pitty - not that we have many different cultures in Europe, that's good, but that the countries are still quite seperated from each other, though borders can be crossed freely by every European. Most European still don't see themselves as...
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    If 0.999...=1 then does 1.888...=2?

    Ok, so I was right, wasn't I? *happy* :E
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    America Sucks and Why

    By writing "America" in the thread title, do you regard to the USA only or to other countries, too? Has not much to do with the recent discussion here, I know, but I have to know anyway. :E
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    I bought a digital camera. what should I take pictures of?

    Hey, I wanted to post this idea! :E It was what came first into my mind. :D
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    buying a one-way ticket to Europe

    In which country in Europe do you plan to live then? Do you speak any other languages than English. But actually that doesn't really matter because what many native English speakers think - "I don't have to learn a foreign language, because everyone speaks English." - is actually true, I think...
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    If 0.999...=1 then does 1.888...=2?

    But I think it's not correct just to say 0.999... = 1 because it isn't 1, even if you go on writing nines forever. ;) As far as I know you have to write lim 0.999... = 1 which is correct. (But I'm not sure if what I wrote is correct. :D )
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    Which printer? (need advice)

    Thank you for your informative answer! At the moment, I'm waiting for a friend who once offered me his Epson 850. If he shouldn't have it anymore, I'm probably going to buy a laser printer, I found (as I wrote) quite cheap ones on eBay. :)
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    Which printer? (need advice)

    Hi everyone, I'm looking for a new printer and I don't know which one to buy. The thing is, I actually only need a black/white-printer, becuase I need it for text only. Important for me is that the printer itself is cheap, but also the cartridges shouldn't be expensive. So I found used...
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    Do you visit the General Half-Life 2 forums ?

    "My" Forum is the coding forum! :)