Search results

  1. V

    Who's most likely to get killed off in HL2?

    Why must the black man always die first? (Note that Eli is most-voted). Disclaimer: I'm not racist.
  2. V

    Test System for Half-Life 2

    ? Oh I get it... I couldn't post a question mark. :bounce:
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    nVidia internal ATi Bashing

    Interesting read.
  4. V

    Half-Life Movie

    I think it's highly unlikely they'll even consider it until they release HL3, although it's possible. That movie, I think, would get them a lot of money. Probably cost a lot of money as well.
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    A very depressing thought...

    Wow go outside more. "Depressing thought..."
  6. V

    EForce mod - Realism over Fun Factor

    Public-Relation for what?
  7. V

    ported over sounds...

  8. V

    Test System for Half-Life 2

    :rolling: Best post ever.
  9. V

    Test System for Half-Life 2

    Does anybody know what the system specs were for the computers running the game of which we saw demos of at E3? I think it has been released in an interview but I can't seem to find it.
  10. V

    LOL ah can't belive my eyes

    What a beautiful rumor/speculation. Hehe. You should've ran up to him screaming "Release HL2!" I can just picture you getting the wrong person and being put in a mental home. :)
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    HL2 Collectors Edition at EB Games

    The box alone will be worth an extra $10. I guess the other $20 will be for some really good shizz.
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    What do you think Half-Life 3 will be about?

    How can you possibly make a valid guess without knowing the story of HL2?
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    Taking down a strider

    Good job, Mr. Obvious. He's making guesses. :cool:
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    whats everyones take on tge G - MAN??

    He's just trying to get around and live his life just like all of you. LEAVE HIM ALONE!
  15. V

    Doom III out-presells Half Life 2...

    Amazon? Only soccer moms shop at Amazon for gifts for their braindead kids. But seriously - I would trust a website such as EB or Gamestop way more than Amazon. They're more gamer-centered.
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    My Theory on the beginning

    Geez, Valve should release the game before we eventually guess the whole storyline. :)
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    My Theory on the beginning

    All the reason to make the scene more dramatic by having Barney knock the Combine out before revealing his identity to you.
  18. V

    Steam = Piracy Tool

    I was trying to start a discussion on what people think about Steam and it's positive/negative effects on piracy. I suggest you shut your face. :cheers:
  19. V

    drastic changes coastline bink vs. E3-2004

    I think it's called sarcasm. :upstare:
  20. V

    HL2 and piracy??

    It's not worth pirating a game like this. This game has proven itself to be one of the best game ever to be released, and if you can't pay money for a full experience (Singleplayer + Multiplayer) then you're either poor and living on the street, or you just don't care enough to have the game...