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  1. Neko!

    Alyx's Comments

    I’m sorry Crowbar, but your rather large image proclaiming me to get out of the immediate vicinity will have no effect on my continuance to mock you and your B rated tales of stupidity. To be honest with you, I quite surprised he even understand half of what we’re saying given his apparent...
  2. Neko!

    Alyx's Comments

    That only heightens our suspicions you do. And to my defense, I never started an argument in my thread. You ruined it all by your lonesome.
  3. Neko!

    Alyx's Comments

    I do suppose so. Alas, He’ll simply post there too with his ludicrously ignorant flights of fancy storytelling.
  4. Neko!

    Alyx's Comments

    God knows crowbar is the leading reason any thread about Ayx gets locked… You can kiss this thread goodbye.
  5. Neko!

    Alyx's Comments

    With a little salt for taste.
  6. Neko!

    Alyx's Comments

    He got my thread locked. I worked hard on that thread too…
  7. Neko!

    Because we love Alyx...

    If you are both indeed male, this may prove hard to accomplish.
  8. Neko!

    Alyx's Comments

    I'm not quite sure you can, or lest I've yet to. Could be something they where planning to put in, but giving the pace of the game thought it would slow down the action too much to have her list them all. They had Merle voice quite a few things they never ended up using. It’s all still in...
  9. Neko!

    Alyx's Comments

    I'm a woman and I'm not like that. Thought I would say much about me isn’t womanly besides looks. Women like myself a few and far between. To be honest with you I’m not sure how I’m still single… And an otaku is a term used to describe a person extremely fanatic about a particular hobby. For...
  10. Neko!

    Because we love Alyx...

    *Smiles* ... Thank you Dr. Zoidberg. And the mother’s genes can be just as dominate. Just depends on who has stronger genes. If your mother had brown eyes and brown hair and your father had blue eyes and blond hair, then your mother would have the most dominate genes.
  11. Neko!

    Because we love Alyx...

    Alyx’s ‘Mother’ was based off the face of the woman voiced her, Merle Dandridge. Merle herself is a mix of Asian and African American, so if anything Alyx would be 75% African American and only 25% Asian. Giving the fact Eli looks like he’s crossed with little or nothing else. Alas, The woman...
  12. Neko!

    Because we love Alyx...

    *Growl* Alyx is not Asian. (I don’t mind you improper grammar, for the most part. But if you are trying to spell the ethnicities of particular peoples, I do ask you spell it properly. There is such a thing a proof reading.) This has been of popular debate, but I assure you, she’s not Asian...
  13. Neko!

    Because we love Alyx...

    To reply Crow-bar, No. Just because you’re on a computer gives no one a right to massacre our language. Improper English is a pet peeve of mine, incase you haven’t taken note yet. And I do ask you refrain from harming anyone’s ego too much Crow-bar. Just because individuals dislike the ideal...
  14. Neko!

    Because we love Alyx...

    That was indeed the most interesting puréed of story mixing I’ve ever read. Why, it was so corny if I held it over heat it may start popping. And here I thought you could never blend the story-lines of Robo-cop, Terminator, and V for Vendetta together in such a way… .... I'm sorry...
  15. Neko!

    Because we love Alyx...

    Why not? It is just human nature. We’re born and designed to perform only a few instinctual tasks; live, find food, protect the others within their clan, and when possible, Repopulate. Alyx and Gordon are both the age to do so, and they seem a well enough match to breed. They also seem to like...
  16. Neko!

    Because we love Alyx...

    If Alyx wasn’t enough of a driving force for Gordon, I could only image what Valve could do with emotionally attaching you to her and Gordon’s child. They have shown us before (Rather recently actually...) that they are quite talented with invoking emotional attachment to NPCs. Perhaps...
  17. Neko!

    Because we love Alyx...

    She doesn’t really do it in a particular chapter. It's just something she'll do randomly if you look at her for too long or 'talk' to her. I didn’t personally have to talk to her. We where wading around in the ‘Nasty’ water and when I turned to check on her after a Zombie horde attack, I...
  18. Neko!

    Discuss Alyx’s fate thread.

    Well, we do have a 'I love Alyx' thread, and after my Argumentative Rant about why you shouldn’t post bad thing a about Alyx in a thread that was made to talk highly of her, Rennmniscant did make a valid point. Talk of 'how Alyx survives' doesn’t belong in the 'Because we love Alyx' thread...
  19. Neko!

    Because we love Alyx...

    Well yes, I would normally agree, however this thread is not labeled 'discuss your feelings one Alyx' but is instead called 'Because we Love Alyx'. Not 'Why most of use love Alyx and the other three who don’t'. If it where called otherwise I would see no reason in talking about why you do...
  20. Neko!

    Because we love Alyx...

    If you dont like Alyx, why are you posting here?