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  1. U

    Guess that video game quote part 2

    Half Life :P
  2. U

    How to stop terrorism by airplanes.

    He also fell off his bike :rolling: Hes a loony man!
  3. U

    Spicey Girlly pic(Kirsten Dunst) *56K Warning*

    lol These women are hot! I wish my girlfriend looked like most of these women :naughty:
  4. U

    Hmm. New here what of it?

    HEY! Thats Ricky Gervais! I love the office.
  5. U


    Ha ha, thats funny DigiQ8. Wanna send some money over here? I could use $690. :D
  6. U

    Hmm. New here what of it?

    Im new here and this place looks cool. I look to have a cool time here and would love for you guys play along like you want a new member here. :cheese: