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  1. Tatsuto

    The best way to....

    He's suffered enough. Internet nerds won't leave him alone! PUT HIM OUT OF HIS MISERY. FINISH HIM!!!!!!
  2. Tatsuto

    A CSS Comic

    I think I've done very well with this. START AT THE BOTTOM AND GO UP! Click to enlarge, then click the picture. A square button comes up at the bottom, and click to expand. Any thoughts? Made with Comic Book Creator. (I'm a Lazy bastard, and I can't make bubbles)
  3. Tatsuto

    Halo Speculation

    Speaking of master queef... Again, it was asking for it... I took like a minute on this, so DONT CRITISIZE ME!!!
  4. Tatsuto

    Halo Speculation

    Yeah, laughing, then loading his AR2 Now your all being dumb. Master Chief has mokjirsdkdk armor, that may be, but Gordon has DA GRAVITY GUN!!!111 And cortana can't just magically go to Gordon's suit! If she could, then why wouldn't she help take down enemy shields?!?! One of you is going to...
  5. Tatsuto

    Halo Speculation

    I WILL admit, I do want halo 3. Afler I'm finished with HL2 EP.2, of course. And just about every, OTHER 360 GAME.
  6. Tatsuto

    Halo Speculation

    I'm sorry... it was asking for it.
  7. Tatsuto

    I know a guy who knows a guy...

    I think that was the problem with the xbox verson of HL2. It came out awhile after the PC version, so everyone bought the PC verson. Xbox came out later, and didn't sell very well (of my understanding). It's probabily for the best if they release Ep.2, Portal, TFC with the xbox 360stuff. And...
  8. Tatsuto

    Dark Messiah issues

    I bought it at the store yesterday, and when I try to start, the game suddenly exits right before the loading bar is complete! It did the same thing with Heroes V, but I fixed that. I don't even remember how I fixed it. Anybody know what's going on?
  9. Tatsuto

    Orange box in the shadow of Halo 3?

    It's going to happen to mainstream gamers, and twelve year olds that tell their mothers to bring back a game (or else he will call child services), and she's going to see spartin sally over there, thinking "Hey, my suburban child must love Halo because it's in the magazines and everyone talks...
  10. Tatsuto

    Half Life 2 doesn't like Vista!

    I detest Vista. Absolutley hate it. And I've been with microsoft through and through (Used to have a mac, now all computers of mine have been windows, Xbox, 360, ect.) I'm sticking with XP... Until Crysis comes *drool* Crysis... HL2 doesnt like Vista. Tatsuto doesnt like Vista. Vista doesn't...
  11. Tatsuto

    Will the snark return, and in larger numbers?

    Actually, I liked the snarks, but I dont really remember using them. Kept them in my invetory the whole time. Same thing with prey. Those snark wanabees were never used in my game either. I guess I don't like horrid aliens used as weapons that nip at my fingers.
  12. Tatsuto

    Portal levels are repetitive.

    I think it's a mix. HL2 (As a game, nothing else) had great graphics, and it added to the realism. Of course, it still would've been a great gane without top graphics, but it was greatly realistic. Portal HAS good graphics (In a technical sense) but they are bland and lack imagination. Hell...
  13. Tatsuto


    thanks! Works like a charm.
  14. Tatsuto

    Yo mama

    Your mother is so obese that i can hear her arteries clogging right now. btw, Mr-Fusion you have a kick-ass avatar! Out of this world kicks serious ass. Better than *GASP* HL2 even!!!
  15. Tatsuto

    Time Anomaly time!

    The game was released here in 1998, but there it was released in 2003, making it a documentary of the events that happened on that day. The actual events happened in 2000, and it took approx. -1095 days for Sierra to pick up the rights from Gman for the game to be released here. I have a lot...
  16. Tatsuto

    Favorite Tag

    Not really a tag, but I always liked the poster with the arm facing upwards and the text "Born" underneath. Deep.
  17. Tatsuto

    Portal levels are repetitive.

    And I'm not talking about completly random textures also. Clean, but with details and variety.
  18. Tatsuto

    Favorite Tag

    Looking at another post, it got me thinking: What's your favorite tag (Graffiti) in HL2 and episode 1? I have many favorites, and there are a lot of tags in the game.
  19. Tatsuto

    Easter Egg?

    I watched my brother playing Ep.1, and I remember clearly seeing that tag! Never thought it meant anything, other than looking cool and, you know, "Fight against the machiene, goverment sucks" kinda thing.
  20. Tatsuto


    Nah don't worry. I'm planning for a whole new PC all together.