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  1. M

    Odd lighting issues - Flashlight Tested

    So...anyone had this happen? Or know how to fix it for that much. I was going to have a dark map..but well. I might need to brighten it up if there's no way to fix this.
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    Odd lighting issues - Flashlight Tested

    Heya guys. I was just running a quick size test of a map I'm making. I just threw in a couple lights for testing purposes. I ran around my map I decided to flip on my flashlight to see some of the darker areas. Well.....At some angles the flashlight won't show up on some of the...
  3. M

    Changeing .mdl or 3dsmax file to prefab?

    Believe you gotta wait for the 3dsmax exporters to be released. I know they are making one for character models and guns...I believe they will be doing it for prefab work also.
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    Compiling Problems.

    hrm. Are you running the SDk under your steam account that you bought hl2? Also, make you the user you are using in windows isn't on guest permissions...that's the only thing I can think of.
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    [Help] Rotating door.

    Ok...n/m on that last post. I had a stone texture on it...and moved slow. I put a wood on it..and it went faster..not much faster..but I could certainly tell. On the stone textured doors I could barely keep it moving with pistol shots. On the wood textured doors I could easily keep...
  6. M

    [Help] Rotating door.

    OK....Thanks . Got it working now. I didn't even think for some reason to make all of those brushes 1 entity. Thanks so much!!! AND!!....1 more question. Lol. Seems like there is some's not rotating very easily. On the hinge entity I have it set to 0 for friction. Any clue?
  7. M

    [Help] Rotating door.

    HAHAHAHAHAH...nice video. Can you explain the exact setup of hinges/phys_box's for me. Man..this thing is killer if you haven't mapped in years. Also, are you using 4 brushes or 2 brushes for the "doors" __ Edit: I've got it working with 2 brushes grouped on opposite sides of the hinge...
  8. M

    [Help] Rotating door.

    Your link is broken. And I still can't get it to work properly. I can only get 1 brush per hinge. I need the brushes to rotate together around the hinge. With equal spacing. I can do multiple hinges for the multiple brushes..but then the doors end up next to each other instead of spaced...
  9. M

    [Help] Rotating door.

    Lol.....I almost might pay you 15. Hah...Good job figuring that one out..only question is. How can I do it 3 times and keep the distances btwn the brushes the same at all times? Remember..this is a revolving door..with 4 actual doors tied to it. All that does if make 1 move. I'm about...
  10. M

    [Help] Rotating door.

    gee....thanks for that GREAT ANSWER!!!
  11. M

    [Help] Rotating door.

    Hey guys..been tooling away at hammer. Last time I tried editing a HL map was back when we were all on worldcraft. Anyway. I'm trying to make a revolving door like in an airport. 4 doors with a central pivot. I've tried doing a prop_door_rotating but that requires a I fill it...
  12. M

    Compile Errors

    Ok.... If you've specified your "place compiled maps here" to you actual CS folder so that you don't have to copy/paste the map into it everytime you compile then that's the prob. All I did to fix this..was to copy the gameinfo.txt(?) into my ACTUAL CS folder in the one right above the...
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    What kind of a modeling skills will I need to develop for HL2?

    XSI is free because Valve teamed up with the creators of it. It's really for educational use and can't be used for any commercial purposes. That's why it's free. 3d Studio Max did the same thing about...1-2 years ago (if not before).
  14. M

    spherified cube

    well... If it's what I think it is. You can use an FFD box modifier (I think that's what it is) It'll give u a gizmo to distort a cube
  15. M

    OT: Import model's into movies?

    There are several ways of doing this. The easiest is probably to to render out the 3d animation with a bluescreen background. Just render it with the most SOLID blue you can find. Just import the .avi(blahblahblah) into a program like adobe premiere. Then you can just do a bluescreen...
  16. M

    cursor help

    Yeah, like the other guy posted... press x. max lets you turn off the gizmo so that you can see what you are modeling sometimes. However, most people do it by accident and then can't figure it out :P ...
  17. M

    What programms do you use?

    I use 3d max. Most people that I've seen use that. However, many use Maya and softimage(especially since there is a free version now) However..if u need some help with smothing your gun models you can take a look at IchII's VTM's he made...
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    Mindless Moder inspired gun

    The only gripe I there is no slide. If you were to animate that thing wouldn't do anything. You need to cut out some sort of slide that lets the area around the barrel slide back.
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    Beretta 9000 VTM Release By IchII3D

    Any update on when these will be back up? I really wanna see this modeling technique and see if I can get some pointers :P
  20. M

    Importing Static Mesh(...)

    k..thanks for the reply. And you can do it in HL1 Hammer?'ve not payed too much attention. That's what I get for using the unreal editor in college.