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  1. the_wolf27


    no idea. But have you seen Unleashed. Or Danny the dog as I think its otherwise called.
  2. the_wolf27

    What films would you like to see?

    The first startship troopers was a classic. 2 not so much.
  3. the_wolf27

    OH LOOK AT ME! i'm the matrix trilogy...

    Hell Yeah. Its fairly obvious which shots involve animatronics and CGI. I'd like to see them make a T-rex run like that using animatronics hehe.
  4. the_wolf27

    What did you eat today?

    A cigarette and a coffee
  5. the_wolf27

    if I hadn't gone to college I would have been $116,000 richer

    Its not where you study, its your attitude. My dad grew up in a village where he had to shit in a hole and didn't have a chance in hell of going to any nice schools. Now hes a surgeon. Some people study and still can't find a job. Some people don't and a flying high on a nice salary. Its...
  6. the_wolf27

    Xbox 360 gamers are ignorant noobs

    So you have alot of money to waste.
  7. the_wolf27

    Recommend me a book!

    Green eggs and ham
  8. the_wolf27

    my dad's car has 66,665 miles in it. Tomorrow it will hit 66,666. Coincidence?

    Coincidence. Because on your way up from the number one to 66,666 you have also passed the numbers 6, 66, 666 and 6,666. So you have been contacted by the devil 4 times before then. What did he say?
  9. the_wolf27

    For them to save the X-Men Franchise

    I just saw X3 2 days ago. I'm sorry but it didn't do anything for me. Actually I thought it was ****in bullshit. Whats with killing off cyclops, one of the main charaters, within half an hour of the movie starting and never hearing anything about him again. They introduced some new...
  10. the_wolf27

    What films would you like to see?

    A Thundercats movie. ****yeah a Voltron movie. Does anyone remember saber rider and the star sherrifs? That would be a good movie. And they should re-do Spawn. How about this for an idea. I thought of this a while ago. They should definately do a fantasy/scifi movie about an ocean and...
  11. the_wolf27

    OH LOOK AT ME! i'm the matrix trilogy...

    This is a very good real life example of the scene in Galaxy Quest where the Group of Geeks comes up to Tim Allen while hes signing autographs near the start of the film and tells him theres a few problems with the ship and stuff. Then Tim Allen tells them its just a movie. ITS JUST A MOVIE...
  12. the_wolf27

    Butterfly Effect, didn't really catch up

    He used his diary to go back in time and change some little event which totally changed how his life turned out. Basically the very thing he was trying to do (give the girl he was in love with a good life) he couldn't do unless he wasn't born at all. It all started with him and it had to end...
  13. the_wolf27

    Xbox 360 gamers are ignorant noobs

    Everyones allowed an opinion. Obviously any console geek that disses PCs are too stupid to operate them, stupid mutha****as. Consoles are good for what they are. Matchbox arcade machines. I personally am sick of consoles. I had an xbox. I gradually stopped playing it and started...
  14. the_wolf27

    Need advice.

    Go riot police. Depends what sort of person you are. If you like beating down crazy people then go riot police.
  15. the_wolf27

    Getting a keyboard?

    Go the Korg Triton. Full size keyboard with weighted keys. Or the new oasis. Best keyboar in the world. If you have $15,000 to spare.
  16. the_wolf27

    Hahaha Ultimate Fury Battle Guitar Vs Synth

    Guitar was ausome. Keyboard guy could obviously play but the instrument sound was shitey shite shite.
  17. the_wolf27

    For them to save the X-Men Franchise

    Personally I think they should have made colossus one of the leading characters in the movies. Hes like one of the sickest xmen. You get a glimps of him in X2 but thats it. If I don't see any of him in X3 I'll be spewing. And they should have had onslaught and maybe war machine on the enemy...
  18. the_wolf27

    OH LOOK AT ME! i'm the matrix trilogy...

    I thought exactly the same thing when i say Kingkong. I actually preffered the Trex from Jpark.
  19. the_wolf27

    I need your help

    Oh yeah I forgot. Can we see a pic of her. You know just to assess the situation abit more thoroughly.