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  1. M

    new video card now it wont work

    Well Ive just done a system restore back to when I had my old nvidia card in and XP loaded a load of drivers itself so I think I had just confused it by installing these over the top. Its now working Ok
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    new video card now it wont work

    Just upgraded from nvidia fx5200 to ABIT ATI Radeon R9600XT-VIO 256MB .Now whenever I start CS it just goes blurred/crashes all my other games work including farcry and ive messed with all the settings Any ideas greatly appreciated
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    frames per second

    Just wanted to say thanks for all your help I have tried everything suggested and I cant get my fps to go any higher so Ive come to the conclusion that its all that my card is capable of. Ill have to talk nicely to my gf and get a new one.Any suugestions on which to go for would be...
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    frames per second

    I cant find anything called v sync on my monitor or in control panel however in my graphics card properties the monitor is set to 60hz so is this the same thing?
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    frames per second

    Well Ive done a bit of tweaking in xps settings and the bios.Ive also downloaded the latest nvidia drivers but its actually made things worse now during the stress test I average 52fps.Im beginning to think that maybe its actually just what the card is capable of. Also reading beams earlier...
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    frames per second

    Thanks for that I will give it a go,I will let you know if it improves things :cheers:
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    choke and loss

    I have just been using the netgraph and noticed something called choke and loss I ran them on a few servers playing office and dust and the loss was always zero but the choke varied from 0-9 but was mainly about 1-2. What I was wondering is firstly what exactly is loss and choke and...
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    frames per second

    Ive just run the video stress test and I got 57fps Then I joined a couple of servers and played office and dust and ran the net graph and it showed between 40-60 but averaged around 48.I tried lowering the video options to their lowest but all it did was make the game look bad the fps stayed...
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    frames per second

    I cant get my head round the fact of how a higher fps rate would improve how you score.As I doubt the human eye could diferentiate between say 20 and 40 fps
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    frames per second

    Ive noticed that frames per second is mentioned alot.I use an nvidia fx5200 128MB card which although not the fast by todays standards it doesnt stutter even when there is a lot of action going on and Im more than happy with the graphic quality. What Im confused about is I get the impression...
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    de_massawa, RELEASED.

    nice map thanks for sharing it :afro:
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    de_massawa preview, mirror/testing request

    Looks good,I like the idea of a darker map. When someone hosts it can you put up a post to let us know where we can play it :D
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    Spray programs

    I may be wrong but im sure as long as the horizontal and verical are divisible by 16 it will work ie 160x160, 64x32 etc etc
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    Ive got a 30Gb download limit and I was wondering if I was paying too much so I downloaded a bandwidth meter from I play CS for a couple of hours most days and last month my total internet usage was just under 3.5GB.Gonna give it another month and...
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    As a relative noob I dont really know what your on about can someone please explain what these rates do and how to alter them Thanks
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    Thanks for all the replies :cheers:
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    Just wondering does using the silencer affect the accuracy/power of the weapon?
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    Tea break/time out

    Thanks for clearing that up :D
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    Tea break/time out

    what does AFK mean?
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    Tea break/time out

    would love to be able to sit out say one round per map to make a cup of tea or answer the call of nature. :D