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  1. M

    Opening Idea

    Well written! Unlike most of the other idea-makers you actually have a knack for writing viceral scripts. Extra credit for staying true to Alyx's character. --- I hope valve does something unexpected. I don't want the chopper to crash cos that would feel like the 'easy way out' in creating a...
  2. M

    Portal Gun IRL

    Dear Mr replicabuilder. 1. You are one skilled mofo. 2. My awe at your skill is clouded only by the fact that you gave a portalgun to a woman.
  3. M

    "Two days later"

    Forgive my intrusion, sirs. I fail to see how "What shitty posing you have done" counts as constructive critisism. That said. You(Interesting) really need to learn how to "handle" stuff. People are going to critisize you and alot of people are dicks. Just ignore them and listen to the ones...
  4. M

    Vote Mjollner!!!

    Hey! You don't really know me but I've been a member here for a long time just lurking in the shadows. My band entered this competition in sweden. 1800 songs have now been narrowed down to 3 finalist. My band is one of them. I'm asking you to vote for us as often as you can. The winner will...
  5. M

    Portal Quotes. *Spoilers Within*

    "Our previous statement that we would not be monitoring this chamber was an outright fabrication." "I'm not even angry. I'm being so sincere right now."
  6. M

    Piecing together the story [SPOILERS]

    Am I the only one thinking that Chell could be Alyx mom? Ofcourse, I haven''t burried myself in Alyx back-story and so I have no idea if what happened to her is explained anywhere. Anyway, Chell kinda looks like alyx mom from the pictures. Now, go ahead and wreck my theory and tell me to...
  7. M

    OHH MY GOD! (Huge spoilers)

    Awesome game indeed. I have to replay it. I had to play it in stints because of time-issues wich rendered the experience a little chopped up. Most immersive playing experience ever. A few small gripes though. I would have hoped the end battle would have just been Gordon zipping about a large...
  8. M

    If Gordon were ever to talk what would his first words be?

    I vote: "Insert the players words here". *Insert NPC's reaction to whatever those words were.*
  9. M


    So according to that article on Eurogamer we will actually see a poison zombine.
  10. M

    Episode 1... TEASER 2

    Now that vid was awesome! :D I still hopw valve's not giving away all that they've been working on for this. :)
  11. M

    New Episode One Teaser!

    Am I the only one thinking this trailer was a bit redundant? The "Alyx, cool under pressure" seemed very corny to me. I'm really hoping there's alot more new stuff to episode one than that. I hope there's a really cool feature that Valve hasn't told us about. That'd be great. :) I now I...
  12. M

    Short gameplay movies

    So why can't I see it yet? :(
  13. M

    Old Storyline points you would like to see resolved in Episode one

    I don't really want to know alot about the G-man, and I mean ever. I would love to know more about his motives in this particular scenario but as for who he is, where he comes from and how he likes to recive his pay-checks. I don't want to know. The fun about G-man is having him shrouded in...
  14. M

    Start-off point in Aftermath

    Ok! So I looked at the screenshots for the first time in awhile and I retract my previous statements about where you start. You will probably start, as you say, right where we left off. The blue gravgun shot pretty much proves it. There is after all only one blue gravgun(pretty sure there's...
  15. M

    Start-off point in Aftermath

    Aliens style... =) --- Looks like I have some reading to do eh. As for using the (half-jokingly) term "un-valvish". It's true they've only done two features. I wasn't basing that statement on the fact that we've seen two starts on a transport. I was basing that of the entire two game-...
  16. M

    Raising the Bar

    Make this should make for a new thread alltogether. Do you think with the growing interest in "making of" aswell as the current development of comentary that we'll be seeing making of features on the games that we buy? Very much like a dvd.
  17. M

    Would you prefer more horror levels in AM?

    I'd like some horror... But it has to step up a notch from ravenholm. I was really scared towards the end o F.E.A.R and at Doom3 was really tense(All the time=BORING!!!). I had a nice experience when playing ravenholm though. Headphones and late at night. I wasn't to cocky at points. The...
  18. M

    A title for HL-fans!

    Doomers!!! *Hides*
  19. M


    The only expectation I have is on the story. I missed the flow and "need to know" feeling which forced you to stay at the computer. Hl2 was cool but I missed the brilliant story and pasing from the first game. I would also like a few answers this time around. Exactly how do the combine and...
  20. M

    Start-off point in Aftermath

    I didn't read that interview but I'm pretty sure it didn't tell us where the game begins either. We all know what the plot is... The question(which answer is just a speculation until we get our hands on the first reviews) is where the game starts. What I meant was that we have no prof(that I...