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  1. V

    Starcraft Terran

    ok update Fixed a few minor details
  2. V

    Starcraft Terran

    oh ic what you mean now lol yea I can understand why you said that now. Yea its actuly a powersuit with a man inside. That dome thing on the tops a helmet/visor sort of thing. Its still a WIP im gona make it look even cooler. edit: Here ya go just to clear up the confusion...
  3. V

    Starcraft Terran

    im sorry I dont quite follow... O_o
  4. V

    XSI requirements

    no problem dude. Thats what these forums are here for :)
  5. V

    XSI requirements

    Hey I just said what happend to me thanks. I downloaded it for the softimage site 3 times and it was corrupt 3 times and on the first try from anouther location it worked no problems.
  6. V

    Starcraft Terran

    wow that was fast lol. No I just made it for fun I did it in about 20 mins over 2 hours. Oh btw thanks :D
  7. V

    Starcraft Terran

    A Starcraft Terran model I made in a few hour last night. Comments welcome
  8. V

    XSI requirements

    yea I had that problem too try downloading from anouther location
  9. V

    [ WiP ] Alien Character

    yea its very nice. Also I dont think it matters much that it has a human form I quite like how it looks.
  10. V

    Another XSI Problem

    like mech warrior? battle tech? enyways I heard somthing like this. Theres a mod that has players apearace able to randomise so they look diferent look it up Im prety shure it was one of the ww2 mods for hl2. Give em an email and they might help you out.
  11. V

    Walther CP99 laser

    it looks great next time for your renders have a little less light because its drowing out the nice details
  12. V

    Counter Strike: Source Skins

    im confused? you combined two elements that dont fit together :P
  13. V

    First ever model [Gate]

    yea having lots of polies for a model that prety obvously isnt gona be ingame shouldnt need to be optimised. btw keep at it dude its good for a first model
  14. V

    XSI Question - Problems with pivot point

    are you talking about welding a point to anouther point? If so go into move point mode (m) and hold alt to get a point to weld to anouther wile you move it.
  15. V

    Update on my space marine

    lol yea ive made most of it ill post ya pics on msn
  16. V

    Update on my space marine

    An update on my warhammer 40k space marine model. I made it as a render (cause you people seem to hate non rendered pics :P) its lower qaulity then a regular image but it looks nicer. and this one is actuly my first model ever a...
  17. V

    WIP: battle droid (possible SW mod?)

    lol guys Old Gorge may like to make a quick buck but he (by my recolection) has never shut down a single star wars mod.
  18. V

    Can someone help me real quick

    personal messaging? what is this thing you speak of?
  19. V

    project offset

    carefull lad'ie youl get linched for that kinda talk around here :P
  20. V

    project offset

    wouh.... *Vulture then soils himself and then colapses to the floor caused by a cerebral aneurysm*