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  1. N

    [WIP]Necromunda: Gang War - Models

    a sword seems out of place in a gang war.
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    CWMP: Shipka SMG (Hiro)

    Nice model. And I may have your solution for not connecting to google. Are you trying to get to Google? Your computer is running software that doesn’t allow you to use Google. You’re seeing this page because your computer is trying to send you to a website that is pretending to be Google...
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    [3D] Glock 27

    ? you actually took a class on this? Everyone vie talked to says classes are a waste of time. The pros only go so the company will hire them. btw nice model.
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    Well i mean stupid crap on it. put new unneccesary parts. Kind of like what people do with cars now.
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    thats either an m4 or a car 15. It has the logner barrel. Im gussing more of a car15 becuase we did away with the 20 round magazones a while ago. Im not sure I I should go by military standards al lthe time. Civilians do weird things to perfectly good guns.
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    the m4 and car15 have the exact same apprearance. The m4 just has a few new inside parts. Nothing major. Ask someone who used both what the difference were and they will say nothing. They could have switched them overnight and noone would noticed what they were using but is is an m4 commando...
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    thats not an m16.
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    .50cal Hand-held Rifle

    looks good. But I dont udnerstand is that a magazine? And if so why do you have an opening in the bolt action to put a bullet in?
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    First try at character modeling

    1820 triangles Ya its really not much.
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    My new Marine Magnum 870 Model & Skin

    It seems like that doesnt it.
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    My new Marine Magnum 870 Model & Skin

    By Marine, I think they mean water. Not as in the Marine Corps. Because hes right. military wouldnt use anyhting shiny. Everything is as dull as possible so light doesnt reflect off of it. Take out the marine magnum and thats what the military uses. well one of 10 or so shotguns.
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    Dragunov SVD

    new pics
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    Dragunov SVD

    I just remembered that I never optimized it. I got it down to 1300.
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    Dragunov SVD

    Im still a little new at the low poly thing. I used to do all nurbs modleing with rhino. Bu now how would I go about getting rid of those?
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    Dragunov SVD

    1900 triangles/polys
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    f40 (WIP)

    it looks great. I still cant figure out how to shape things from blueprints right.
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    I still cant get it to work ive done everything it says.
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    ya it is.
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    does Brazil you posted work with 3dsmax5?
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    [Gun Model] Sebruo CX

    the model is awsome, but im wodnering what did you use to render it? or what settings or however.