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  1. Stertman

    Model turns insideout when compiled..

    Why does this happen? it looks as it should in max but when its compiled and in hlmv or hammer some of the model have turned insideout.. Need help, fast;( I have compiled many modells before and never got this problem..
  2. Stertman

    Change the amount of rounds

    Follow up question.. When you change weapon in hl2 the hud shows that list with the weapons, I oufld where to chande the name of the weapon it displays so insted of #hl2_smg1 I have AK5.. But the picture of the gun, where can I repaint that one? thanks for the help
  3. Stertman

    Change the amount of rounds

    nm.. found them in my trashcan of some reason:P thanks, it works
  4. Stertman

    Change the amount of rounds

    hmm.. cant find a weapon_smg1.txt file anywhere=(
  5. Stertman

    Change the amount of rounds

    Where do I change how many rounds the smg1 and Irifle has? I looked in the weapons_smg1.cpp and waepons_ar2.cpp but couldnt find it=/
  6. Stertman

    big error on map.

    the floor in a world brush yes.. Still doesnt work=(
  7. Stertman

    big error on map.

    The texture on the floor is a one I made myself, I'm making a map fom a irl place that has that type of floor. The same thing happens when I use another texture so that's not the problem.. and its not becaus of the model i have, because it works on every other map i have done,, Can you tell...
  8. Stertman

    big error on map.

    ignore the hand, working on the texture for it.. :P ehm, The floor isnt turning blue, it gets invisible, the pillars does to in different angles, the blue thing you see is the skybox.. as you see the railing also dissapear. I have some func_details on the map, but I havn't walkd into...
  9. Stertman

    big error on map.

    ehm.. Why are my map doing like this? sometimes i works just fine, but when i move the crosshair just a little bit it suddenly gets messed up and transparent? it works from different angles.. please help me..
  10. Stertman


    lol.. ok, i'll try it when I get home.. thanks
  11. Stertman


    How do I make it look like its night? I have tried different skyboxes but all of them feels like day, I want it to be dark, so my streetlamps make a nice effect..
  12. Stertman


    it was a displacement I had set to func_detail which didnt work. Bu is there anyway to set it back so something that works? =) dont wanna remake it..
  13. Stertman


    okey, I have really messed up my map, I red a optimizing tutorial where he said thet you should make as much as you can to a func_detail, well I did, but now my map doesnt work.. I think the problem is that i tied many brushes to the same func_detail. Is there anyway I can tell it to just be...
  14. Stertman

    Map dissapeared in Hammer..

    WTF.. it works when I delete my Func_details.. why?
  15. Stertman

    Map dissapeared in Hammer..

    I got the same problem today, but my map didnt dissapear but it sais that it cant find the file.. really wierd.. workt last night.. and for me it sais that 3 solids where removed due to errors. "The command failed. windows reported the error: Cant find the file"
  16. Stertman


    In max you can paint weights.. is there anyway to eraze weights with the cursor? just like you paint them, but the other way..
  17. Stertman

    Handrig texture

    Have made myself a nice handrig and wanna map it.. The unwrapp is done but not very good:P Anyone who knows any nice tutorials for painting realistic hands? I have no ide on how to make it look real.
  18. Stertman

    face...2nd try.

    nm.. I found it=) gosh... Now I can have some bog fun with this program=)
  19. Stertman

    face...2nd try.

    How do you use nurbs in max? I saw a tutorial for maya once and there they could shape things really easy, like have a cylinder and bend it perfectly just by draging in some of the verts. Can you do that in max too?
  20. Stertman

    prop_physics limit?

    Maybe you have used static models as prop_physics?