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  1. J

    Graphics card question

    eek. I have one of those HP PCs and i think it voids the warrenty if you change somthing like a PSU am i right? well i really dont wanna buy a new PSU since im a little short of cash.
  2. J

    Graphics card question

    Hey, today i went into this new computer shop near where i live and i saw a "Sapphire X800GTO 256mb PCI-E" for £126 and i was wondering if i have enough power in my PSU. My PSU is "230 V" Specs are in my sig. Also i read on the internet that it only has 12 pipelines enabled. Could anyone give...
  3. J

    Having trouble with steam? look here!

    Doh! Big mistake. :P
  4. J

    Having trouble with steam? look here!

    Hello Ive seen so many people having problems with steam so tell you a few things which normaly work for me. Delete ClientRegistry.blob located in C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam Delete platform.gcf Located in C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\Steamapps\ If your CS has got really laggy or your keys...
  5. J

    Post Your Video Stress Test Results

    Im not actully sure. Il change it back to default.
  6. J

    Post Your Video Stress Test Results

    How come? :( Im just curious on what other systems are gettings i need to upgrade my graphics card so i want to see what other people are gettings with their graphics card, Whats so E-Penis about that?
  7. J

    Post Your Video Stress Test Results

    Il start: My video card benchmarks: Name: All in wonder - ATi Radeon X600 Pro 256mb PCI-E [ Shit card i know! ] Core: 542.25 Memory: 288.00 Settings on Counter-Strike source: 1024x768 32bit Model Detail: High Texture Detail: High Shader Detail: High Water Detail: Reflect World Shadow...
  8. J

    Bird Flu reaches Turkey and Romania

    Can you catch this 'Bird flu' from eating chicken/ham/beef etc? God this aint gonna be prittey. If you look on the map at the bottom of that page you can see which countrys are infected god its getting close to my country! today in school i saw a bunch of birds out side my class room and i was...
  9. J

    Need some advice

    i have a feeling she likes cookies.
  10. J

    Need some advice

  11. J

    What do you think of battlefield 2?

    WOW, All positive votes so far :)
  12. J

    Hello People!

    =] Hey Its Kyle My Best M8 =] p.s Kyle has 1337 box0r!
  13. J

    Hello People!

    damn i didnt know that was possable about changing the names! And thanks for the re-welcomes :) and my old name meh its old needs updating :) and Jon is my name so i just added z0r at the end =] lmao and the card well blame HP! =[ gave me x600 well the lady in the shop said it was good!
  14. J


    You probebly pissed off an admin. Or he kicked you cos u own him so much :D
  15. J

    What do you think of battlefield 2?

    Well i think its an awesome game one of the best ive ever played. But that new patch pissed me off. Why did they do that to the ranking system! I was a corpral before the patch and 3 kills after the patch i got 3 up ranks. With that is 3 unlocks. Without the patch it would of taken me about 6...
  16. J

    America set to invade Australia?

    Oh my god!
  17. J

    Need some advice

    Hmm, You could: 1. Create a new email address. 2. Say you have PC problems and you wont be on the PC ever again. 3. Say you are going to die in 5 min (then block her) 4. Dont block her and tell her and hurt her feelings. 5. Meet her take that picture back and tell her to stop kissing...
  18. J

    Hello People!

    Hey, Im making a fresh start on So this is my new acount, i was dark8master89 since its such a crap name i made a new acount. So Hi people how you guys doing?