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  1. delusional

    "What if the world were made of pudding"

    I was waiting for the spider to get run over by a truck or something at the end but it never happened.... :(
  2. delusional

    Don't you just love crappy roads and drivers?

    Whenever I see someone catching up on me i usually get out of the way and let them pass like xcellerate, but If I see someone going like 90 mph I have fun purposely blocking them. And even if i do let them pass I usually catch up to them anyway. Stupid f*ckers.
  3. delusional

    [TIEBREAKER-VOTE] Photo Edit Contest #?+1 - Viper vs Calhoun

    I think we need another tie breaker vote?
  4. delusional


    Is it ok if I ran around punching people before the fancy boxing gloves came out?
  5. delusional

    The Political Compass - 2009 Edition

    My God what has this site done to me. July 2006 economic left/right: 4.50 social libertarian/authoritarian: -1.95 June 2007 Economic Left/Right: -0.13 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.54 Today Economic Left/Right: -5.50 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.15
  6. delusional

    What would you do for a bologna?

    Bologna looks disgusting. I don't know anyone eats that shit. Commercial is great though.
  7. delusional

    How does one decide on a new internet handle?

    I'm quite happy with delusional, but I'll use Angra Mania from time to time (its unique). I actually almost changed my name to that here, but decided against it.
  8. delusional

    Favorite Place to get a Burger/Cheeseburger

    In-N-Out is best, but Carl's Jr. comes in second.
  9. delusional

    Delusions of Grandeur

    Only one more birthday till they don't really matter anymore. ;(
  10. delusional

    Vanilla or Chocolate

    I prefer vanilla, but I'll take malt chocolate over anything.
  11. delusional


    That backfired on me, I just ended up using the left hand from then on..... Its weird the other way now.
  12. delusional

    oooh two birthdays on the same page

    oooh two birthdays on the same page
  13. delusional

    Delusions of Grandeur

    OOOh, somehow I missed this thread. :O Well, Thanks Guys. Another year of craziness has gone by. :cheers:
  14. delusional

    The Dead Ringer

    Engy put his teleport in his spawn. Spies can now use enemy teleports. Put two and two together, and voila!
  15. delusional

    Holy shit my dreams are prophetic!

    I only remember the dreams that come true. ;)
  16. delusional

    Holy shit my dreams are prophetic!

    Ok, so I have a HP laptop that died 8 months ago. Its motherboard was faulty or something and I would get no screen, only the led lights for the volume and such would turn on. I never bothered to fix it since the motherboard cost 300 to 400 dollars, so I just used the house computer. Well...
  17. delusional

    Wikipedia safari

    Goal: Half-Life 2 Drimnagh Castle Ella Enchanted 2004 films 50 First Dates Columbia Pictures Film Film Genre List of science fiction films Science Fiction Category:Science fiction video games Category:Half-Life Half-Life 2 God damn that was hard.
  18. delusional

    Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

    Angels and Demons 7/10 I agree with Absinthe, the movie didn't build up the tension very well, it felt like I was just watching shit happen. I couldn't get into it. Though, I found the first movie better, because it didn't suffer that much from this.
  19. delusional why didn't you vote?

    I voted for Obama.