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  1. delusional

    Man freed from prison after 16 years

    Does that mean he can kill someone since he's already done the time?
  2. delusional

    Chemistry Question

    Ya I know that's what Google is for. But, I can't find it anywhere. So, I have to explain why Avogrado's Law is true. In that, why is it that the amount of molecules within a specific volume and pressure is the same for all gases. In other words, there will be the same amount of moles of...
  3. delusional

    Lost: Season 5

    Jacob is Jacks grandfather. Well that's my guess.
  4. delusional

    Scrubs to end

    I only started watching the show a couple years ago, and I haven't watched the show in order. So its all good for me. I really can't tell the difference in quality between seasons.
  5. delusional

    Church goers more likely to support torture

    The sample size is perfectly fine. All that matters is that the sample taking was completely random.
  6. delusional


    Holy shit I loved that movie.
  7. delusional

    Lost: Season 5

    Well, the writers answered why Ben occasionally wears glasses. He has a slight astigmatism and farsightedness and glasses help, but he can still see fine without them.
  8. delusional

    Why wont they ******* air it? (southpark)

    Weird, it said you couldn't watch them till a month after airing. I turned off noscript and I could see them. My bad.
  9. delusional

    Why wont they ******* air it? (southpark)

    Look at the other videos that season numbnuts.
  10. delusional

    Lost: Season 5

    I once wore glasses and my eyes seemed to have fixed themselves, but I think that was due to not being able to tell which lens is better.
  11. delusional

    Lost: Season 5

    He ordinarily wears contacts, then puts on glasses when he reads, without taking out the contacts?
  12. delusional

    Informative speech

    puh, How bout some originality. When I took speech class, i did a persuasive speech on putting prisoners to work building more prisons.
  13. delusional

    Post about the TF2 bugs you've seen.

    Yep, took me a while to realize though. I was wondering why I was able to dominate an entire teams defenses with only losing half of my health. Hell, I was able to charge sentries head on and kill them. It only did that once though. Oh and here is my stats after playing with it for a while.
  14. delusional

    UN Report says Israel targeted civilians in Gaza

    The people who say morals don't apply in war seriously piss me off.
  15. delusional

    Post about the TF2 bugs you've seen.

    My bug beats all bugs in existence. Look at the health. Don't remember how I got it, but It happened after the Pyro update when the Backburner had extra hit points. Guess it gave me a bit more.
  16. delusional

    Shepherd Smith mocks Glenn Beck.

    He fake cries too.
  17. delusional

    Lost: Season 5

    Nah, both groups are going to get themselves in ancient Egyptian times. But, what you said can work too.
  18. delusional

    Shepherd Smith mocks Glenn Beck. I can't stop giggling.
  19. delusional

    Warped's Guide to the Recession

    I get a haircut every 2-3 months. I cut it really short and let it grow an inch or two. Guess that would save some money, but I do it out of pure laziness mostly.
  20. delusional

    Do you like milk by itself?

    Soy milk ain't that bad. I preferred rice milk though.