Lost: Season 5

Ya my family got teary eyed:


The Smoke Monster almost sounded like it was breathing in there. The Egyptian god was also shown summoning it in the hieroglyphics. What is also of note is the confirmation that Smokey can turn into people as shown by Alex and her super-human strength. Also I think Ben plugged a hole where Smokey exits. He plugged it up and because it was in a cave, water collected there. So once he removed the plug, the Smoke Monster was free to exit.

Mr. Ecko was also judged but failed to please Smokey:


Big question for next week is "who is in the body bag?" and we will find out about Miles. My father said it might be Faraday but I don't think so.
the face looks like Ben...but that would be a waste.

a good HD preview link and

It was an okay episode. I did like the part when Locke told Ben they were going under the temple, and Ben just looked at the hole, like "f*ck that sh*t!"
I enjoyed the episode. Was fun watching Locke subltly mocking Ben.
Why's that?

It was handled very poorly, and as a consequence suffered from a lack of substance and depth. The flashbacks were incredibly dire; they skipped from one important event to another, without neither the time nor dedication they each deserved. From quickly glossing over Danielle to stampeding through Ben's time with The Others and Widmore's exile, it failed to deliver emotionally. The former and latter are very important elements in the Lost Mythology, and to see them denoted such pitiful scenes was a real shame.

They are going too fast and they are not treating it without enough care. It's as though they're skipping through a check list of things, without ever really exploring them --merely showing them to satiate the fans with 'answers'. It's the wrong approach, and it is starting to show.
This episode was purely filler and could have been condensed to 10 minutes. The only real plot element was Ben seeing the monster thing. And the cgi sucked. I don't think they even tried to use the same lighting in the cgi smoke as they had in the dark cave. The flashing images were poorly screened and seemed like something from a low budget dream sequence. It actually reminded me mostly of Power Rangers.
I liked the episode. I thought the smoke monster sequence wasn't the greatest, but other than that I liked it.

What I enjoyed most about it was Ben's reactions to Locke... and Locke's almost teasing of Ben.
Well, the writers answered why Ben occasionally wears glasses. He has a slight astigmatism and farsightedness and glasses help, but he can still see fine without them.
This episode was purely filler and could have been condensed to 10 minutes. The only real plot element was Ben seeing the monster thing.

I think the episode was to help move things along, after all they only have 1 season left.

I mean how many things did we see?
-Young widmore
-young ethan
-how alex lost her baby
-the early stages of ben being 'better' than widmore (not killing the baby)
-we learned some of 'the rules'
-how ben got beat up
-ben's secret cave in his house
-inside the temple walls
-where the monster lives
-plus some other stuff i'm forgetting probably...

not to mention some major character changes for ben and locke, I'd say it was a fairly eventful episode. A lot more so than some of the past episodes..."hey let's talk for 45 minute, then have 5 minutes of interesting developments before we cut to the credits."
ya, its amazing all we've learned. its all thanks to this schizophrenic time travel too.
What confuses me... is WHY that temple communication area is behind the shelf in Ben's house.

I mean... Dharma built that place... so it had to be theirs. There's no way they would have built there without knowing about it.

Unless the Others constructed it after the purge.
It was handled very poorly, and as a consequence suffered from a lack of substance and depth. The flashbacks were incredibly dire; they skipped from one important event to another, without neither the time nor dedication they each deserved. From quickly glossing over Danielle to stampeding through Ben's time with The Others and Widmore's exile, it failed to deliver emotionally. The former and latter are very important elements in the Lost Mythology, and to see them denoted such pitiful scenes was a real shame.

They are going too fast and they are not treating it without enough care. It's as though they're skipping through a check list of things, without ever really exploring them --merely showing them to satiate the fans with 'answers'. It's the wrong approach, and it is starting to show.

I disagree. Who's to say, first of all, that 'Dead is Dead' was designed around giving viewers a detailed insight into what happened with Widmore and Ben on the Island instead of just hinting at things? I would argue that the episode was more about carrying a deeper more meaningful theme in context with the Episode and the centric character; that being Ben and his relationship with his daughter. THAT was the episode's purpose.

They aren't rushing through them Samon, because there was nothing to rush through this episode. The episode wasn't meant to explore Ben and Widmore's relationship and history so much as detailing Ben and his relationship with his daughter, while offering several hints about the former along the way.

Whatever Happened, Happened, The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham, LaFleur, Because You Left and He's Our You are just some examples of how they aren't rushing. I might even include 316 in that list.

Mind you, I think 'This Place is Death' sort of rushed through a few things a little too fast.
I disagree. Who's to say, first of all, that 'Dead is Dead' was designed around giving viewers a detailed insight into what happened with Widmore and Ben on the Island instead of just hinting at things? I would argue that the episode was more about carrying a deeper more meaningful theme in context with the Episode and the centric character; that being Ben and his relationship with his daughter. THAT was the episode's purpose.

They aren't rushing through them Samon, because there was nothing to rush through this episode. The episode wasn't meant to explore Ben and Widmore's relationship and history so much as detailing Ben and his relationship with his daughter, while offering several hints about the former along the way.

What you're saying here only serves to solidify my previous point. I know what the episode was trying to accomplish, and it failed, because it juggled the wrong elements and too fast -- it was about Ben and his atonement for what happened to Alex, but in this it failed miserably. The fact is, it did denote such crucial scenes as Widmore's exile and the Alex kidnapping to pitiful, worthless scenes to compliment something else entirely. They should not have been told in the context of this episode, but they were, because they wanted to check them off the list.
I dont know I really enjoyed the episode if only because resurrected Locke is chill as ****.


Supposedly, the episode before the finale "Follow The Leader" is a Richard episode. I will watch that so HARD
I agree with Samon that it was all a little rushed in places. Also I wonder why the hell Ben shot Caeser (after all it was him who wound him up) and what the hell happened to Liana and the other Agira survivors?
Ya I was sad they killed that character but I'm sure there is a story for him. Ben is a murderer though. I mean he kills John and that guy.
Why do you believe that he is dead? He could have worn a bulletproof vest for all we know.
Locke was brought back to life. For all we know The Island could have brought him back too.
You never know in this mind **** of a series.
Tru dat.

Still, Lost has been known for big **** you's as well, like building up something and then misleading you with something very WTF and the dashing your vision of the show.
Why do you believe that he is dead? He could have worn a bulletproof vest for all we know.
Locke was brought back to life. For all we know The Island could have brought him back too.
You never know in this mind **** of a series.

his being dead further cements illana's role as being the big bad lady that john and ben need to stop. i doubt he survived.
Ya I was sad they killed that character but I'm sure there is a story for him.

I feel they killed off a potentially good character imo.

You guys are missing the point. He was never going to be a big character but it was setup in such a way that we thought he was. Everyone was thinking there was more to him and the twist was that he got killed and that woman who captured Sayid was the one with more to her.

I thought it was great.
"I don't think the island would want us living here."

The failed pregnancies, perhaps?
No, I'm pretty sure now that he had a bullet proof vest on now. They had guns and all the armaments just like Keamy's men in that silver trunk. I'm pretty sure he is important because he was the first person looking through the files in Bens office and he said to Jack "sorry about your recent loss".

Also now if you buy both season 1 and 2 on Blu-Ray, in America, you get that big discount and a free Blu-ray movie: http://www.amazon.com/gp/search/ref=pe_20890_11766940_pe_btn/?node=16295751&field-releasedate=14y-34 So it looks like it's getting better and better. I don't know how long that offer will last but that's pretty sick with the deals.
I thought it was a very good episode, actually. Sure, the CGI was mediocre, but I really enjoyed all the temple mythology.
If he was part of her team, why did he hide the shotgun? And why whould he care about it, he could easily have taken a better wepon from the chest. Also, I don't think he whould have trusted Ben.

Guys dead.
Not expecting much from this weeks ep, it's one of their "humour breaks".
Not expecting much from this weeks ep, it's one of their "humour breaks".
ya, but at the same time it'll set us up for
Daniel's return in the following episode, which he's the centric for. also, the episode summary says: Suspicions about a possible breach intensify after Ben is taken from the infirmary, and a reluctant Miles is forced to work with Hurley when he's asked to deliver an important package to a top Dharma official. I think that official is Daniel. also, chang, naomi, and radzinsky are all back so it shouldnt be THAT bad.

Why do you believe that he is dead? He could have worn a bulletproof vest for all we know.
Locke was brought back to life. For all we know The Island could have brought him back too.
You never know in this mind **** of a series.

ya, but on both of those times they died on the mainland and were brought back via plane.
The unlocks make Ben overpowered.

I thought it was a pretty good episode, but I am sad that Caesar(sp) is dead. Saïd Taghmaoui, who played him, is a great actor. And yeah, I'm pretty certain he is dead unless he's meant to play a larger role as one of Widmore's chess pieces, a la huntingbear's theory.
Somebody made a good theory on that LOST Initiative: Midweek Edition. They said that when the island was teleporting around, that is how the Black Rock got there. That is the most common theory on how the ship got to be in the middle of an island. They also added though the Temple, the statue, and all the Egyptian stuff also got there by the same way as the Black Rock ship. It's also commonly believed that Richard Alpert is an Egyptian as well.

So just imagine chipping stone in a hot desert and all of a sudden a bright white flashes and your suddenly on an island. :naughty:
Somebody made a good theory on that LOST Initiative: Midweek Edition. They said that when the island was teleporting around, that is how the Black Rock got there.

That theory was mentioned in this thread ages ago.
i wanted to see more of the hatch :( but it's cool their hatch was so super-secret.

I feel like their answering questions a lot faster now, like who miles's dad is...if this were season 2 it would have been dragged out over like 3 episodes, but now they tell you in 5 minutes. How refreshing.
i wanted to see more of the hatch :( but it's cool their hatch was so super-secret.

I feel like their answering questions a lot faster now, like who miles's dad is...if this were season 2 it would have been dragged out over like 3 episodes, but now they tell you in 5 minutes. How refreshing.

meh except the episodes feel less....personal? i dunno they lack something BUT they somewhat make up for it in answering questions. Except Mile's dad...i think everyone kinda expected that. Other then that I'll say what I've said for the past 3-4 episodes...it was ok.