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  1. kepler

    GM done.

    No. Capitalism = Free Market. When the government takes control, it is either socialism or communism, depending on the degree to which they control it. The U.S. has some socialistic programs, but not as much as some other countries. China and Cuba are full-fledged communist countries...
  2. kepler

    Your Scout Setup

    You have to say it with a Boston accent. Force-a-nature. It's the Red Sox thing.
  3. kepler

    The unlockables, acheivments, classes and gamemodes ideas thread!

    I don't think a golden wrench is quite right for the Engineer. That class should remain very grounded in the real world. Give him a welder's torch as an upgrade to the wrench. 1. When building, it applies metal to new construction steadily, at a faster rate than the wrench. 2...
  4. kepler

    critics about HL2

    Humans might be diverse, but head crabs have a standard sense of fashion. Getting everyone to dress alike might be their ultimate goal in this world.
  5. kepler

    Who likes alyx

    Did anyone in this forum play NOLF or NOLF2? Kate Archer is one of the best developed female characters in a game, and in NOLF there is a very well developed female nemesis for her, too. The first time I played Episode One, I recall reaching the point in the game where we are being...
  6. kepler

    Who likes alyx

    Did you not do this long BEFORE episode one?
  7. kepler

    Why do the Combine need water?

    It has something to do with butt crabs.
  8. kepler

    Cooking out? Think twice!

    Have to remove the HEV suit to do that. Hey! They could introduce a new monster! Butt Crabs!
  9. kepler

    Cooking out? Think twice!

    The G-Man will be wearing a chef's hat. And when your suit fills up, it starts leaving a yellow and brown trail wherever you go. And Alyx won't ride in the car with you any more.
  10. kepler

    Cooking out? Think twice!

    Maybe there should be status bar for the urine containment inside the HEV. As it approaches maximum, your movement starts to slow down. When you exceed it, your screen gets a yellow tint that becomes increasingly opaque. When you can no longer see, you drown.
  11. kepler

    Cooking out? Think twice!

    I forgot to mention the many barrels of flammable material that seem to just be casually stored on every street corner, and in every sort of building and room. Oh, and crates of ammo and munitions. These are stored typically in public stairwells and in the corners of parking garages.
  12. kepler

    Cooking out? Think twice!

    In the world of HL2, the world is dominated by alien invaders. Horrible alien monsters have turned most people into zombies. Overall the world has turned into a pretty crappy place. I am not sure what the exact chain of events were that led up to this situation. What I do know, though, is...
  13. kepler

    Dating a girl with kids?

    Here's a tip from someone almost old enough to be your dad: Very very very soon the majority of the women around you will become MILF's.
  14. kepler

    Dating a girl with kids?

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  15. kepler

    Dating a girl with kids?

    I have never heard anyone say any of this crap unless they were still in high school, and usually not even then. Then only trick with this scenario is that you and the kids can get attached to each other. If it doesn't work out with Mom, the breakup has a little more pain in it when you and...
  16. kepler

    TF2 RickRoll

    I don't understand. Is this old?
  17. kepler

    A name of a UFO/Alien movie

    Killer Clowns from Outer Space?? Liquid Sky?
  18. kepler

    Ravenholm is scary

    Ravenholm is good theatre. The ambient noise echoes nicely, and the voice of the priest calling out is tailored to work on anyone with some church in their upbringing. Early in the level, you come around the corner and see him high up in his window, with the courtyard filled with flames...
  19. kepler

    Cigarette Taxes (U.S.)

    Hobbes: You are getting caught in a transition. Instead of tobacco being made illegal, it has become a politically safe place to raise taxes. It will only get worse. Obviously they will become illegal eventually, You can barely smoke anyplace indoors. My personal opinion is that tobacco...
  20. kepler

    What does the graffiti mean?

    I agree with the "Caste" promoters here. The word, combined with the image of the baby, enforces the concept of hereditary entitlement to power. Whether the graffiti is supportive or satyrical does not matter. It's sort of like the Divine Right of Kings, but extended to an entire race.