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  1. Ninja_Gaiden


    man it looks great :)
  2. Ninja_Gaiden

    Bombs or Hostage

    I think the bomb is better because you cant destroy it but you can kill all the hostage then the CT cant help them :)
  3. Ninja_Gaiden

    need some help

    could this happen because of the server? because sometime it good for some maps and bad for other maps
  4. Ninja_Gaiden

    need some help

    see the pic and tell me why it is like this?????????????????? :O I have Pentium 4 2.40GHz 1 GB ram and Radeon 9200 128MB (it was good before formating the computer but after i format it and reinstall the game that happen) so could anyone help me ?
  5. Ninja_Gaiden

    Pistol Bind

    If you want to switch between knife and pistol first select the knife or anyother gun and then select the pistol. After that press q it will switch between the two guns. That what I do to switch fast between the guns.
  6. Ninja_Gaiden

    Post your scores

    This is my scores:
  7. Ninja_Gaiden


    Thanks for answering the question.
  8. Ninja_Gaiden


  9. Ninja_Gaiden


    cheater is a nooooooooooooob and i am not a cheater so i dont have to know every cheat in CSS which means am not a nooooob
  10. Ninja_Gaiden


    I dont cheat and I dont want to be a cheater
  11. Ninja_Gaiden

    Rename CSS Bots

    I Checked your guide and i did every thing but it still the same all the name which i replace it in the file changed but in the game it is the same as before???? Could you help me, maybe i did something wrong but i dont know what it is because i did every step in your guide.
  12. Ninja_Gaiden


    i dont care about what you have said about me but i want to know when the sv_cheat is 0 can anyone use Aimbot or it should be 1 to use it. (am not a noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooob)
  13. Ninja_Gaiden


    Yesterday i was killed by a player and he always get headshot, he kill me and other players. maybe he killed me 20 times and he get headshot. SO I want to know if there is acheat to make anyone kill with headshot all the time or it is just his luck. :flame: :sniper:
  14. Ninja_Gaiden

    Came And Take A Loooook

    The point is why i can see (A) through the box. Maybe it is abug in the map. So not only me who see it.
  15. Ninja_Gaiden

    Came And Take A Loooook

    I dont know why this is happening to me. I dont like it(see the PIC)could this happen only for me or all of u have the same thing If any one know how to fix it tell me. (u can see A)
  16. Ninja_Gaiden

    Half Life 2 Deathmatch

    oh that why they did not do it now get it thanks for the explanation
  17. Ninja_Gaiden

    Half Life 2 Deathmatch

    I want to konw if there will be bots for this game (Half Life 2 Deathmatch) I think it is good to have bot to play with them Deathmatch. So dose any one know anything about it.
  18. Ninja_Gaiden

    Voice communications (K)

    I try the voice communication in CS 1.6 and only one team can here me so is there any way to let both team T and CT to here me.
  19. Ninja_Gaiden

    BETA RELEASE: de_trainyard (based on de_train)

    man it is toooooooooooo dark add more light but i liked it
  20. Ninja_Gaiden

    Voice communications (K)

    thanks for your help. I think it will help me in clan match alot it is fast than typing. thinks again.