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  1. S

    Proper rotating doors with animated door handles?

    I'm sure I created this thread already... nevermind, I'll create it again. Basically, I'd like to know how to make a rotating door with door handles that animate when the door is used. I figure it has something to do with the dynamic door props, but when I try to use them nothing happens...
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    Black, flickering texture problem

    Oooh, played Batchetska! Didn't realise they were model textures. Shame, as they're pretty good. Thanks a bunch!
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    Black, flickering texture problem

    Hi everyone. I'm creating a map purely for test purposes and for me to play around with random entities to just increase my general knowledge about Hammer 4.0. Everything is pretty much fine except that some textures appear completely pitch black. If I move to specific locations and look...
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    Sven-Coop For Half-Life 2

    Second image looks a bit fake to be honest. Looks like they just took a screenshot from the normal SP and then just draw that stuff over it. I could be totally wrong though of course.
  5. S

    Problem with water, it is invisible.

    Stick in a water_lod_control entity and see if that fixes it. You have the nodraw texture on all faces except the top face, correct? With that and the water_lod entity (which can be placed anywhere btw) it should be fine. Well, I say fine - I still don't know how to get it to reflect other...
  6. S

    no shadows from prop_statics?

    I guess I was just imagining things then! Because when I checked again, they weren't casting any shadows.... I coulda sworn that they were at one point. Wierdness... Oh well, glad everything's sorted. I'm just updating now, I'll see if they start casting shadows :p
  7. S

    Breakable Glass, Not. (Followed Tutorial.)

    Try using the glasswindowbreak texture - that's what I've used and it works fine.
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    Is there an easier way to browse textures?

    You can change the size in the bottom-left corner so you can view more textures at the same time.
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    How to create a monitor?

    Yeah, Bossanova, I think that'd work no problem. I'm not sure if it'd create any extra lag for online play. I'm not even sure if they have that great a hit on the framerate. Best have a play around really...
  10. S

    How to create a monitor?

    Ah, thank you very much :) I've got it working no problems!
  11. S

    no shadows from prop_statics?

    Okay, so I can't offer much more help... my prop_static entities cast baked shadows no problems, and I don't think I have anything special about my map. I'm assuming you have no leaks either, but even than I don't think that might make any difference. I could be wrong though. Maybe I could...
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    Shiny things and lighting problem

    I had this problem and is now easily fixable. I'm just gonna go ahead and copy and paste a few things from a thread I had created about this very problem. Of course, the full SDK has been released now, and that bug has been fixed. Here's more info, from the same thread, on what the env_cubemap...
  13. S

    no shadows from prop_statics?

    Taken from Valve ERC, here. "Static geometry - models that do not move. Does not contain physics properties other than collision, and cannot break. Cannot have any joints or animation. Casts lightmap shadows. Inexpensive geometry to render." They do cast shadows, just not the dynamic...
  14. S

    How to create a monitor?

    As in a proper monitor that displays what a point_camera is facing. Here's what I know so far... Requires at least 3 entities: point_camera info_link_camera func_monitor Properties I've set: point_camera Name = camera_test info_link_camera Entity Whose Material Uses...
  15. S

    Wierd, overbright reflections on, well, everything.

    Sorry to take so long getting back to the few that replied. After a bit of research, seems I found out that I was supposed to place env_cubemaps about my map that are meant to create the reflection maps when you type "buildcubemaps" in the console while running the map. However, there's...
  16. S

    Wierd, overbright reflections on, well, everything.

    Well, not everything - just any parts of the models that have shiny surfaces. Check the screenshots to see what I mean: Screenshot 1 - ok, so it's a bit dark, but you can see what I mean by how bright the shiny surfaces look. Now, maybe you might be thinking that it only looks like that...