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  1. K

    quicktime help!!

    reformatte your harddrive
  2. K

    Spicey Girlly pic(Kirsten Dunst) *56K Warning*

    Here's my new CS Spray
  3. K

    quicktime help!!

    uninstall all of quicktime and go download the newst quicktime from
  4. K

    I am going to Hawaii for a week...any ideas for fun??

    three Hawaiian girls at one time sounds like fun to me.
  5. K

    Upgrade this week?

    I'm just gonna rob a bank
  6. K

    Upgrade this week?

    where the hell do you guys get your money for these projects?
  7. K

    the next Ipod? "no touch" touchscreen

    how much crap can you throw into one digital device? I mean for the love of god!
  8. K

    Power Supply

    yeah i just got a new 550w PSU from CoolMax...the problem remains. I suck! I don't know what the hell to do. I'm going to start pulling parts and crap out of my machine. See ya guys in a few weeks.
  9. K

    Power Supply

    running memtest now. Yes, i'll go buy another PSU. But i need to get something like 550w or better, and i didn't wanna spend the money until i was SURE it's what i needed. I still don't understand why DOD:Source and HalfLife2 don't cause the same problem as Doom3 and GuildWars...
  10. K

    Power Supply

    here's a look at what's going on with my CPU's stuff during the freeze, the large spike were it bottoms out is a freeze up, the other fluxs are normal...what do you guys think? ]
  11. K

    Strange HDD behaviour with new PSU

    yeah i think the problem is in BIOS maybe with your boot order, make sure it's going to the harddrive first... this is going to sound wierd, but i remember once i moved a bunch of HD's and DVD-R drives around in my box and the system could see that each drive was connected, but some setting...
  12. K

    Spicey Girlly pic(Kirsten Dunst) *56K Warning*

    I have a feeling i'm going to be right at home in this forum
  13. K

    Nvidia Nforce 84.43

    I stinalled this shit and it does nothing. Oh yeah, i have a 7600GT but it says "PRO" on the box because it came with a game.
  14. K

    Strange HDD behaviour with new PSU

    what PSU did you get? Post full specs?
  15. K

    Nvidia Nforce 84.43

    Has anyone installed this? There's a pretty big list of people who Nvidia says should've installed it but I wanted to ask you guys before i did anything. The actual support page is pretty vague. But here it is anyway:\ Release Highlights: * Added SLI profile for Tomb Raider: Legend...
  16. K

    price of gaming pcs

    Stay the same, really the only reason stuff would change is for 2 reasons... a. MS might want more money for the actual OS...i highly doubt this will happen because MS is starting to compete more with Apple now. I also suspect that the price will be low because MS will want the "Killer"...
  17. K

    Spicey Girlly pic(Kirsten Dunst) *56K Warning*

    they can show some pretty racey stuff in pg-13...i remember when you couldn't even say BITCH on TV.
  18. K

    I need some opinions/judgement: should I order this X1800XT refurb from this site?

    i think 90days is plenty, if it doesn't fail right away then it probably wont....but thats just me.
  19. K

    Spicey Girlly pic(Kirsten Dunst) *56K Warning*

    ick, Audrey has so many other good's a better one.
  20. K


    i don't understand why people flip out like this, did they just say "Hey, let's go shooting?"