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  1. B

    Dreamscape: Pin Point Blank (Talent needed for Revolutionary concept)

    CounterStrike anyone? Seriously though, while it is cool to see these elements brought together, fundamentally those're just icing on a strategic shooter cake. Your mod will sink or swim on the merits of your shooter game, because it is at heart a shooter. Think of it this way: sum up the...
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    **** Everquest

    Play WoW!
  3. B

    **** Everquest

    Best thread title ever.
  4. B

    My sisters emachines wont turn on

    What is the 40 second power button thing doing?
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    Favorite Upbeat Song

    Yay, I'm popular. :D
  6. B

    Dreamscape: Pin Point Blank (Talent needed for Revolutionary concept)

    imo, it's EVolutionary. Will Wright's Spore, for one, is REVolutionary. But still, neat idea.
  7. B

    Wip Lr300

    Not knowing the gun at all, I have to say that that is a nice ****ing model right there.
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    Favorite Upbeat Song

    The Sound of Settling (Death Cab for Cutie) is without a doubt the most upbeat music I've ever heard. Listen to it. :D
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    Dreamscape: Pin Point Blank (Talent needed for Revolutionary concept)

    I would hesitate to call that a "revolutionary" concept, but judging by the work you apparently already have put in, I have no hesitation in encouraging you. Good luck!
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    List of Anti-Gaming Officials

    I'm trying to come up with a list of public officials/figures who are demonstrably anti-gaming. Fill in the blanks, eh? :) (both in terms of names, and reasons) Joseph Lieberman (forget what exactly.. ?) Leland Yee (Hot Coffee attacks on ESRB et al) Jack Thompson ( obsessive...
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    What do you use for DDR PC?

    Stepmania for the win. Install it on your iPod and it goes everywhere with you and all your music. :D
  12. B

    Download Flatout Demo!

    Murray definitely pwned you right there Gothax. :) btw, wtf is a Gothax?
  13. B - What a Joke

    The following is the exact text of an email I sent to him and the reply I got back. I shit you not: Attached is a paper I wrote on the subject of violence in gaming, which I believe begins to disprove (though many of the works I reference do more complete jobs of it, seeing as they are...
  14. B - What a Joke I really really don't like it when people take it upon themselves to do things like this. Jack Thompson is something that makes me angry, not Grand Theft Auto or the like.
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    Bob Dylan Live!

    Two nights ago I got to see Bob Dylan live. I wasn't really expecting too much going into it, not being a huge fan, but it was pretty damn good, especially considering how long he's been around. I've been listening to his stuff nearly non-stop since. He had 6 or 7 guys playing with him, so...
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    A quick little thing

    Eh, at least you can type, that's more than a lot of people who claim to be able to do a lot more. :)
  17. B

    So, is everyone still playing World of Warcraft?

    I love my WoW character... grinding isn't great, but it's so gratifying to get cool stuff for a character you've had for months. No SP game comes close to that element.
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    BF2 PLAYABLE on ti4200, ti4600 - here's how:

    Wait, so my 4600 won't run the game at all?
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    A simple choice, as you get older.

    Well put.
  20. B

    [Vehicle] Citroën 2CV

    What's the rainbow coloring in the second render?